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Hallo! (A wild Kerbonaut has appeared!)


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I am new to Kerbal space program, and although I (judging by videos of new players) seem to be doing well

So my questions are: 

- How do I take screenshots? (I play on Xbox One because my computer really can’t run any game except for Interplanetary, which is good)

- A small guide for docking (really, i learned how to make transfer orbits from a kid at YouTube rather than the tutorial) 

- A good way to ensure that those pesky boosters don’t explode the rocket

Thanks for your time! 

(PS do you play Interplanetary?)

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*Uses Doesn't Play On A Console*

It's super effective!


Really, though, welcome!

Not sure how to do a SS.  I barely touch my Xbox One.

There's plenty of help for docking, check out the Gameplay Questions and Tutorials section.  There's almost always a docking help thread on the first page (Since it's probably the hardest part of the game).  Most advice for PC will translate well to console.

As far as your boosters, is it similar to this user's issue?


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I loathe struggle with docking as well. The biggest issue is aligning the two ports along the same axis. Setting the target vector to the target prograde vector is all well and good but if the ports aren't in line then you end up approaching at an angle and can induce a rotation in one or both of the crafts when you inevitably bounce off each other. Doesn't help that aligning your view with the RCS directions is difficult.

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Welcome! The had part of docking is rendezvous, after that it’s fairly simple. All you do get within a few hundred metres of the craft, target the docking port, point towards it. Then switch to the other craft, target the docking port, point towards it, and with one of them burn at around 1m/s, and they will connect, no RCS required. This works at a wide range of angles, as when you get within range the magnetism will pull it to the right axis, I’ve assembled entire stations with no RCS using this method.

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6 hours ago, Earthlinger said:

Welcome to the Forums .-.

And don't worry about not having mastered docking. A lot of us (cough cough, me) have never even tried properly :D

It's really easy.  You just point the two ships toward each other, then floor it.  Enable invincible vehicles right before contact, and you've docked!

Not actual advice - don't do this...unless you want to.

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