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What is your favorite addition in the new DLC and 1.4 update?


Your favorite addition.  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite and most exciting thing in the new DLC and 1.4 update?

    • New Parts
    • New Suits
    • Part failures
    • Part revamps
    • Mission Builder & History pack
    • Personal Parachutes
    • None , I Do not like the DLC or the update
    • Can't decide, Everything!
    • Bugfixes
    • Unity upgrade
    • (Other) elaborate
    • New stock part variants

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Definitely the historic parts, I can't wait to try out building a Saturn V.  I'm also quite excited to see how things go witht he mission builder, it would add quite a bit of extra fun in the game if the community adopts it and starts sharing custom maid challenges and missions with each other.

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  On 3/10/2018 at 7:48 AM, AngryBadger said:

Definitely the historic parts, I can't wait to try out building a Saturn V.  I'm also quite excited to see how things go witht he mission builder, it would add quite a bit of extra fun in the game if the community adopts it and starts sharing custom maid challenges and missions with each other.


Although I love the new parts, I feel that they are already attainable by mods and add-ons , but I like the idea of the mission builder and history pack, plus the part failures, They make the DLC much worth the money.

But overall good job developers.

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Unity upgrade. I've pretty much lost interest in anything that doesn't contribute to "make the game not run like a three-legged gut-shot pig, even on cutting-edge hardware".
That said, from my brief test run of 1.4, performance improvement is minimal.
We had EVA parachutes, texture switching, and historical parts already, with perfectly serviceable mods.

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I'm looking forward to using the mission builder and perhaps messing around with the kerbal parachutes. A few of the new parts need some work on the balancing. The Dumpling fuel tank has a whopping < 25% fuel fraction. Realized that the hard way after eyeballing a Mun lander ascent stage build without having checked the stats, before I realized KER was working.

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For me, it's propably the parachutes and the unity upgrade. As for the rest, I'm not sure... it's not that I won't use the new parts... but I was always after doing my own thing. I was never really into re-enacting the space race era. 

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  On 3/10/2018 at 6:31 PM, GrandProtectorDark said:

But how is it done, is the question?


Well presumably...

Since the variants point to .png files in the folder for texture and bumpmap, the variants can be cloned to create new variants with textures as .jpg instead of .png.

I haven't tried it, though...


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Honestly the one and only thing that im truly happy with it the fact that that we got a very small number of updated parts in stock, namely the MK1-3 pod (outside of pirate vessels i never put the old ugle MK1-2 on anything), decouplers (always hated the 2.5m decoupler looks wise and it was huge too), and fuel tanks (i would have preferred they redid the 1.2m tanks or even included porkjet parts stock since i rarely if ever use 2.5m parts outside of launch stages, but at least im quite happy with how the new 2.5m tanks look and the fact that we get a choice between orange and non orange rather then just being stuck with a single texture choice).


Other then that, there really isnt that much that 1.4 has in it.  Parachutes are nice to have, but in practice i rarely if ever actually use them since most of the time all my craft work fine when i actually send them crewed and thus being able to bail out makes little if any difference to gameplay for me).  The VAB/SPH swap thing isnt too useful since i make 95% of everything in teh SPH anyways, and just move it to teh VAB if its a rocket before i launch it if its actually going to go upwards.  Actually the only other really nice thing is the naming system, where i nolonger have to have all my ship fired weapons be called "starshipnamehere-probe" but i can actually designate names for those while building/arming the thing.


As for the expansion, i will most likely get it a little bit later (wanna make sure bugs are ironed out, nothing more annoying then buying something legit and finding out half the features dont even work correctly), but since i do really like this game, ill get it just to support future development.  The mission builder doesnt really have much appeal to me since i play sandbox exclusively and impose my own missions, restrictions, and objectives on everything i do anyways (never understood the point of science or career, i can always designate a max funds for some vessel or limit my part selection myself).  The new parts are defenetely neat, but with the exception of the structural panels which honestly dont even really fit the expansion (pity ill never be able to make ships with them to distribute to everyone cause not everyone will have DLC), none of the parts stand out as something that is really useful for my build style (5m rockets would be cool though just to make launching those 300+t warships i make all the time a little less painful).  Only other feature i can think of in the expansion which i actually would love to have in game is the option of launching vessels from anywhere and not just KSC.  If this feature is functional in sandbox, itll make the laggy and glitchy mess that has been extraplanetary launchpads or kerbinside obsolete, but if its only enabled in missions, then the entire DLC (minus a few of the new parts that i might mess around with) is really pointless :(

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