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Challange: Take a minimum of one kerbal to 1000 gm, with life support , without super-op engines(maximum tech nuclear engines, current tech) , leave a comemorial message in the place, and come back!

  -banned warp drives

  ; reconfigured tanks, engines, life support parts.

+ use Decaying RTGs

Level 2(impossible mode) 

Exactly 1969 GM( but i mean exactly) 


Post screenshots with your contraption of a launcher, ship, and the list of mods.

Who makes it in less time, is the winner. Also, most important, photo with your commemorial message before and while in space.

Timeline : one week!

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  On 3/11/2018 at 11:04 AM, MarvinKitFox said:

So, the primary goal of this "challange" is to figure out how to leave a "comemorial" message in one kilogram "1000 gm"?

Alternatively, you can leave it in a 1969 model General Motors car? "1969 GM"


Gigameters distance!

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You'd be travelling 6.685 astronomical units. That's not too bad, seeing how Jool is about one quarter of an AU from Kerbol.

There are two problems. 1. KSP does not show the apoapsis of your craft if it is about 1.5x the distance of the furthest celestial object from the ingame Sun and 2. The delta-v requirements are just, no. The thing is, getting there and dropping off the payload (the orbital speed up there is only about 17m/s if I remember my old planet packs right) is the easy part. Slowing down is harder, because at that point the launch vehicle would be huge. Gravity assists will kill you. And then theres the timewarp factor.

Edit: turns out I misread the OP and its actually 1969 Gm away. So about 12 AU. That shouldn't take up much more DV but will take up time.

Edited by RA3236
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And you need to do it in a week.

So your ship needs to be able to sustain 2.1g of acceleration, for 7 days nonstop. Dead minimum.




Or, Maybe, the OP needs to figure out how to spell. And how to phrase a challenge that is understandable?

Or how to define parameters so that they make any sense?

Life support? Ok, which system?

What mods are allowed? Considering that the inclusion of life support rather requires mods, which are allowed/mandatory/forbidden?


Replied to by OP, with sensible parameters. Thankyou!


Edited by MarvinKitFox
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  On 3/13/2018 at 6:15 AM, MarvinKitFox said:

And you need to do it in a week.

So your ship needs to be able to sustain 2.1g of acceleration, for 7 days nonstop. Dead minimum.




Or, Maybe, the OP needs to figure out how to spell. And how to phrase a challenge that is understandable?

Or how to define parameters so that they make any sense?

Life support? Ok, which system?

What mods are allowed? Considering that the inclusion of life support rather requires mods, which are allowed/mandatory/forbidden?



Noo i say real life time!!

And : tca life support with all its dependendencies. Ion prop. Yes ; but not from nearfuture propulsion : not allowed. Allowed to use engines with a max isp of 4000. Cryogenic Engines allowed. Ksp atomics allowed. Changing cfgs is forbidden. The message can move, but not come back. 

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