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KSP Interstellar Extended Support Thread


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So, uh, how do you make an IR power network? I put a generator in orbit, with an IR laser and it's transmitting. I've put a test probe with the attila engine and it works when it's in line of sight of the generator.

Buuuut, the probes I thought would work as relays don't work as relays. Here's a screenshot


And yes, when I click the activate relay button, the mirror extends. When I switch to another ship and switch back, they appear with the mirror retracted but the ship remains in relay mode, even though it doesn't seem to be working

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7 hours ago, juanml82 said:

So, uh, how do you make an IR power network? I put a generator in orbit, with an IR laser and it's transmitting. I've put a test probe with the attila engine and it works when it's in line of sight of the generator.

Buuuut, the probes I thought would work as relays don't work as relays. Here's a screenshot


And yes, when I click the activate relay button, the mirror extends. When I switch to another ship and switch back, they appear with the mirror retracted but the ship remains in relay mode, even though it doesn't seem to be working

As explained few posts later, in order to make a relay work, you need two dishes on your ship, one to receive power and the other to transmit it.

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13 hours ago, juanml82 said:

So, uh, how do you make an IR power network? I put a generator in orbit, with an IR laser and it's transmitting. I've put a test probe with the attila engine and it works when it's in line of sight of the generator.

Buuuut, the probes I thought would work as relays don't work as relays. Here's a screenshot


And yes, when I click the activate relay button, the mirror extends. When I switch to another ship and switch back, they appear with the mirror retracted but the ship remains in relay mode, even though it doesn't seem to be working


A part that is relaying, cannot use any of the energy itself, at least not yet until we implement beam splitters which allow you to partly use beamed power for own usage. But in this case a mirror can only function as a hop allowing you to transfer beamed power to places where a direct transmission would not work .

15 hours ago, Djohaal said:

I'm having some issues with the megajoule power network not recognizing energy demands from the regular DC network, which results in the reactor sitting idle, while my vessel runs out of EC. I already tried adding a capacitor bank, but that sometimes fails to work. Any other methods to ensure power supply?


Right now, no, but after the development of the interstellar automated resource converrter, I got a pretty good idea how to implement a universal electric charge to beamed power converter. I shouldn't be that hard to implement.

Edited by FreeThinker
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15 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

A part that is relaying, cannot use any of the energy itself, at least not yet until we implement beam splitters which allow you to partly use beamed power for own usage. But in this case a mirror can only function as a hop allowing you to transfer beamed power to places where a direct transmission would not work .

But for its own usage it has a pair of small stock solar panels. Based on what you say, then the mirror should be relaying then, right?

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39 minutes ago, juanml82 said:

But for its own usage it has a pair of small stock solar panels. Based on what you say, then the mirror should be relaying then, right?

Yes if you are in another vessel and the vessel that was relaying is in line of sight

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7 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Right now, no, but after the development of the interstellar automated resource converrter, I got a pretty good idea how to implement a universal electric charge to beamed power converter. I shouldn't be that hard to implement.

I'm considering adding a stock res converter function to turn 1MJ into 1000 EC/second. I wonder if the megajoule network would recognize that surge.

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16 minutes ago, Djohaal said:

I'm considering adding a stock res converter function to turn 1MJ into 1000 EC/second. I wonder if the megajoule network would recognize that surge.

It already in the game, it's called the super capacitator, it can automatically convert electric charcharge into megajoules and back, it function like an automated battery, you just set the desired power level and it will be maintained. Very useful wen in the shadows

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Version 1.12.18 for Kerbal Space Program 1.2.2

Released on 2017-04-04

  • Added Megajoule to Electric Charge converter, Command Modules, SAS and KerbNetAccess to Shielded Diode Laser Beam Transmitter, allowing it to function as a probe core
  • Added automated Megajoule and 300 MJW capacity to Computer core and allow it to accept electric charge to run the core
  • Added Tweakscaling to Truss parts
  • Added ability of Transducer to receive microwave power at half power
  • Balance: MCF reactor can now be scaled smaller with increasing fusion tech
  • Balance Reduced power Nuclear lightbulb by 12.5%
  • Balance Increased sensitivity embrittlement for Nuclear Lightbulb
  • ISRU processes synthesize processes now require and produce gasses instead of cryogenic liquids
  • Fixed an exception at startup in thermal receiver slaves, causing it to not be correctly initialized resulting in overheating in NF mode
  • Fixed incorrect embrittlement power effect
  • Fixed tweakcaling effective collector ability Antimatter collector
  • Fixed tweakcaling effective receiver beamed power capacity
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Here is a small tutorial on how to launch a rocket withh ablative nozzle:

First create a mobile beam transmitter power rover with a transmitter configured for long infrared.

Drive it near the launch platform and active the transmitter!


Create a rocket with Launch nozle and a solid storage resource tank configured for PVC, and out it in launch clamps and make sure staging is correctly configured


Move to the launch site



Activate launch and wait until the engine is at full strength



After you received maxumum thrust launch strait up



Perform a regular gravity turn. For optimal performance ensure the nozzle is aimed at the transmitter


Enter space


Profit, as it one of the cheapest method of launching small vessels into space

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34 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Here is a small tutorial on how to launch a rocket withh ablative nozzle:

First create a mobile beam transmitter power rover with a transmitter configured for long infrared.

Drive it near the launch platform and active the transmitter!

tn6sGiK.pngCreate a rocket with Launch nozle and a solid storage resource tank configured for PVC, and out it in launch clamps and make sure staging is correctly configured

Where's the resource tank?

And while the nozzle seems to show the same ISP on the ground as in space MechJeb thinks otherwise in the VAB (I didn't try actually building one.)

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2 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

It already in the game, it's called the super capacitator, it can automatically convert electric charcharge into megajoules and back, it function like an automated battery, you just set the desired power level and it will be maintained. Very useful wen in the shadows

Yeah that was my problem. I had one in my vessel. Somehow it didn't trigger the reactor to keep the power supply. 

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10 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Yes if you are in another vessel and the vessel that was relaying is in line of sight

I added an inline receiver, just in case. Also, I was putting the relays at 700 km, but it looks like Kerbin might block line of sight at that height, so I've raised them to 1,500 km.

The receiver is receiving, but my test ship doesn't get any power, even when pointed directly at the relay. It only works when in line of sight of the generator. Here are some screenshots.

Relay, with the receiver receiving


Test ship, pointing straight at the relay


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6 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Here is a small tutorial on how to launch a rocket withh ablative nozzle:

First create a mobile beam transmitter power rover with a transmitter configured for long infrared.

Drive it near the launch platform and active the transmitter!


Create a rocket with Launch nozle and a solid storage resource tank configured for PVC, and out it in launch clamps and make sure staging is correctly configured


Move to the launch site



Activate launch and wait until the engine is at full strength



After you received maxumum thrust launch strait up



Perform a regular gravity turn. For optimal performance ensure the nozzle is aimed at the transmitter


Enter space


Profit, as it one of the cheapest method of launching small vessels into space

Now add tank tread as gear, so we can drive even 10m diameter lasers :D "p

Or at least Interstellar class heavy duty gear.

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I recreated this with 3.75m D-Li6 orange reactor (this one, that can do both charged and thermal energy conversion to power).

My test rocket engine/wings exploded from overheating.

Also what are good alternatives to imgur? It fails to upload couple pictures every time I create album.
Also it sorts pics completely randomly >.>
Added radiators to upper stage.
I managed to achieve 7 km/s before beam source disappeared behind horizon.
I probably would reach orbit, if I aimed for 500 km one.


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4 hours ago, raxo2222 said:

Now add tank tread as gear, so we can drive even 10m diameter lasers :D "p

Or at least Interstellar class heavy duty gear.


Yes, I have been considering this, as it kind of required if you want to luanch heavy gear. But it would yet be another part, and KSPI-E is already very part heavy ..

Perhaps it would be best just to provide some links to tank tread parts pack. Any suggestions?

2 hours ago, raxo2222 said:

I managed to achieve 7 km/s before beam source disappeared behind horizon.

I probably would reach orbit, if I aimed for 500 km one.

I guess you play with RSS, in that case you either should launch into a higher elyptic orbit or use a relay sat or beam power station located on a sea vessel. (which look realy be cool btw)

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It seems like stock solar panels now output double amount of electricity - my guess is it's probably due to both direct conversion path and a MegaJoul conversion path of the same amount. I was testing this without using any reactors/beam powers, can repro in newest .18 with KSPIE (and its dependencies) only. Is it intentional or it's a bug?

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4 minutes ago, FancyMouse said:

It seems like stock solar panels now output double amount of electricity - my guess is it's probably due to both direct conversion path and a MegaJoul conversion path of the same amount. I was testing this without using any reactors/beam powers, can repro in newest .18 with KSPIE (and its dependencies) only. Is it intentional or it's a bug?


It more like a an unintended boost. Most players will never notice it untill they start to wonder why their solar panel produce so much power.

It must be present in KSPI for a very long time. I think that if I remove it, people will start to complain why their solar panels produce insufient power, lol

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9 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

I think that if I remove it, people will start to complain why their solar panels produce insufient power, lol

That's funny, but we can always argue it's a legit bug - it is never claimed/documented that they output twice power.

And I think the bug appears only since the beamed power revamp? I believe in the old microwave days the problem wasn't there - otherwise I would have discovered it then.

So... if it really turns out by design, is there any config that I can modify locally so that I can revert to the right amount? I tried to remove the solarpanel.cfg but doesn't work. Those modules are still in the save file and I'm quite reluctant to modify save (so many solar panels) until I absolutely have to.

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45 minutes ago, FancyMouse said:

So... if it really turns out by design, is there any config that I can modify locally so that I can revert to the right amount? I tried to remove the solarpanel.cfg but doesn't work. Those modules are still in the save file and I'm quite reluctant to modify save (so many solar panels) until I absolutely have to.


technically you could reduce all solal cells everything by half but hold your horses, I intend to fix it next release, I also want to make it visible in the MJ power overview

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