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Ive had this idea watching a Minecraft video. The idea is to basically build an Aircraft Carrier, using empty fuselages to float and structaral Wings to make a runway, then let it into the Ocean near KSC, and land a plane ontop of it.


-Landing must use the gear bay

-Mods are allowed

- The Carrier and the Plane must stay intact

I havent been succseful yet, but according to a few tests, the longest possible runway should have just enough space to land on, if you fly near perfectly, and land at less than 40 m/s.

Edited by prince_of_savoy
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Parachutes can stop a plane pretty quick, maybe a carrier style land would be the way to go. Just fly low over the carrier at about 100m/s or so, release the parachute and drop onto the deck. Sounds like a job for MechJeb.

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Interesting challenge because you've got to both optimise the runway and the plane - build a massive runway and your frame rate is likely to be so low you can't land on it.

My first attempt was a runway so big KSP took so long to load it on the runway I had to quit - it's craft file is 380KB.

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