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A slightly overbuilt Munship.


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Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! Awaiting the release of 0.17 with its new planets, I've been experimenting a little with spaceships that could eventually take me to these new worlds. However, since these worlds aren't available yet, I'll have to settle with the Mun and Minmus. So I've made myself a little spaceship that lets my Kerbals travel to the Mun with style! Though I have yet to figure out how to haul this behemoth into orbit...






Mods used:

Damned Aerospace's crew tank.




KW Rocketry.

Tosh's carts.

Those were all of them, I think. I hope I didn't forget any... If you spot a mod I haven't listed, let me know!

Craft-file here.

Edited by Felsmak
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I wouldn't recommend having your command pod like that, It flips the Nav Ball upside down too so it's hard to fly.

Damn. Ah well, that shouldn't be too hard to correct. Now that I think about it, it would also be slightly more comfortable for the Kerbals as well.

Edited by Felsmak
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You sir have 666 posts be sure to screenshot or not post at all, I will take silence to this comment as acknowledgement.

What are you talking about? There are screenshots here. You're not familiar with spoilers, are you?

You be careful with that lander... I had a similar upside-down design and it flipped over like a throwing dart (following its center or mass/gravity, I suppose) so I burned towards the planet instead of away from it :(

Challenge accepted! Flying to the Mun with style requires sacrifice! Good thing I have Jeb on my side.

I like the design, craft file pleaseee :D

Here you go! I've added it to the original post. Just remember that the staging order is untested. I didn't feel like doing that when actually assembling this thing in orbit will take quite a while.

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I was talking about cardgame's post number, I was simply telling him to take a screenshot of it, I am quite familiar with spoilers.

Oh, I see. I don't usually pay attention to people's post counts, so I assumed you were talking to me since you didn't quote him.

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So, was testing ever successfully carried out? [bump]

You sir have 666 posts be sure to screenshot or not post at all, I will take silence to this comment as acknowledgement.

This is the third time it's occurred on this forum alone. I'm not worried about it :P

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I don't have the slightest clue what this massive thing sitting in my VAB is, but I love it! I might fly it later.

Thanks! Send me a screenshot if you manage to haul it to space. :D

Bajeesus man! Those are extremely large tanks on the side.

Yes! You can never have too much fuel. Never!

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