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[KSP 1.12.3] Bon Voyage (1.4.1) - 2022-10-02


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Help please! I wanted to use your latest version on 1.7 but can't make it work. The Control Panel just won't show up when I click on the button. Neither in the Bon Voyage window nor in the right-click-on-part window. Tried reinstalling mod and game, did not help. Any ideas?

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15 hours ago, brokoli said:

Help please! I wanted to use your latest version on 1.7 but can't make it work. The Control Panel just won't show up when I click on the button. Neither in the Bon Voyage window nor in the right-click-on-part window. Tried reinstalling mod and game, did not help. Any ideas?

Logs? More info?

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Thank you for the prompt answer. I'm still fairly new to KSP but I'll try to give you as much information as I can.

Game version: 1.7 64 bit

Mods: BonVoyage 0.14.4, installed with CKAN

So the very first time I loaded KSP with BonVoyage installed (plus some other mods: MechJeb, Kerbal Engineer Redux, KerbalAlarmClock, KIS, Restock/ Restock+) I built a basic rover with wheels, battery pack and solar panels and launched it at KSC. I drove a few meters until mission time started counting, then opened the BonVoyage Control Panel. I was able to open it then, but I think it showed something like unsufficient power production. So I reset to VAB and tried again, now the Control panel would not appear at all.

After that I reinstalled BonVoyage and got the same result: Control Panel would only appear the very first time I launch a test vehicle.

I reinstalled KSP with only BonVoyage installed but now no Control Panel showing up at all, not even on first launch. I also tried recreating the scenario above with a combination of different mods installed but was not able to even get to the point where I at least saw the Control Panel.

For the log below I launched KSP with only BonVoyage installed and started a new Sandbox save to test.

log file: https://1drv.ms/t/s!AvAHOnBOefubjHpkO5zezmZcMTQo

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7 hours ago, brokoli said:

I reinstalled KSP with only BonVoyage installed but now no Control Panel showing up at all, not even on first launch. I also tried recreating the scenario above with a combination of different mods installed but was not able to even get to the point where I at least saw the Control Panel.

I don't see any errors in the log. Try to delete the config file (config.xml) in \GameData\BonVoyage\Plugins\PluginData\BonVoyage

If it doesn't help, send me a save file from the game with only BV installed and BV config file and I look into it. Also, if you can tell me your graphic's settings (resolution and global scaling), it can help with testing.

Edited by maja
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On 5/8/2019 at 12:28 AM, brokoli said:

That helped! Deleted the file, now it all workes just fine. Thank you!

I'm glad it helped. The window coordinates were probably borked by some random fluke.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm stuck on the landing strip. KSP version BV version 0.14.4. I've moved the rover a bit, even tried driving it down to the grass. Everything seems to work fine. Brakes are on. I pick a target on map (I tried far away, now I'm trying like 200m away right next to the space centre). Then when I click GO! it always says "no route to the target".

Edited by rogueqd
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On 5/24/2019 at 4:54 PM, rogueqd said:

I'm stuck on the landing strip. KSP version BV version 0.14.4. I've moved the rover a bit, even tried driving it down to the grass. Everything seems to work fine. Brakes are on. I pick a target on map (I tried far away, now I'm trying like 200m away right next to the space centre). Then when I click GO! it always says "no route to the target".

you need to try a new target

the are rivers that can block the way and are hard to find a way around from a big distance

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Yes, I tried closer and closer targets until I got to targets only a few hundred meters away. Like between the airstrip and the monolith just to the north of the space centre. There are definitely no rivers in the way.

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5 minutes ago, rogueqd said:

Yes, I tried closer and closer targets until I got to targets only a few hundred meters away. Like between the airstrip and the monolith just to the north of the space centre. There are definitely no rivers in the way.

Did you click Set button to start computing the route?

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On 5/24/2019 at 3:54 PM, rogueqd said:

Then when I click GO! it always says "no route to the target".

You probably forgot to actually set the target. After picking a target, bon voyages takes the latitude and longitude and put the values into the textfields. Then, you have to click on "Set" to actually apply these values to bon voyage.

Should work fine then :)

edit: ninja'd :ph34r:

Edited by 4x4cheesecake
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@rogueqd What can I say? From Wiki page and OP: :)

How to:

  1. Add Bon Voyage Controller to your rover (seek it in theControl tab).
  2. If you have MM installed, then Malemute, Karibou, Buffalo, Bison and FUR cabs get BV automatically. 
  3. Launch your rover.
  4. If you're just playing with BV and launch a rover at KSC, then at start your rover state will be "Prelaunch". BV won't work at that state and displays message, that your rover must be landed. Move your rover a little so that MET starts ticking and then BV is ready to be activated.
  5. Right click on BonVoyage icon or module (or rover cab, if you use some) and open BV window.
  6. Unmanned rover must have an active connection to set a target or issue the GO command if you are using the CommNet or RemoteTech.
  7. Click "Pick on map", "Current target" or "Current waypoint" to select target coordinates or enter the coordinates manually.
  8. Click "Set" to start computing a path to the target.
  9. Path finding may take some time, be patient.
  10. If path will not be found in ten seconds, it will stop. Try some closer point.
  11. Click "GO!"
  12. Go to tracking station...or launch a new vessel...or do whatever you want...
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I added the Bon Voyage module to the rovemate and landercan in KSP 1.7 using the following cfg:

        name = BonVoyageModule

After deploying a rovemate-based Rover I get the BV buttons added, but it keeps appearing and disappearing as a valid controller in the BV main screen. I also noticed a flood of the below message in the Output log.


Input is null for field 'name' in config node ''
   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at ConfigNode.AddValue(System.String name, System.String value)
   at ProtoVessel.Save(.ConfigNode node)
   at BonVoyage.BonVoyage.LoadControllers()
   at BonVoyage.MainWindowModel.ReloadVesselList()
   at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke()
   at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke()
   at UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press()
   at UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick(UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData)
   at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute(IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData)
   at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute(UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor)
   at UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.ProcessMousePress(UnityEngine.EventSystems.MouseButtonEventData data)
   at UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.ProcessMouseEvent(Int32 id)
   at UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.ProcessMouseEvent()
   at UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.Process()
   at UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.Update()

Any idea on how I can fix this?

Output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r61lgadiw8qalzm/output_log.zip?dl=0 (ignore the Precise Maneuver, Mandatory RCS, Basic dV, Strategia, and Waypoint Manager nullrefs, I've already reported those <_<)

With regards to the BV controller window not showing up, I got that too. Seems that every time I press the "Show Controller" button it'll pop up slightly lower and to the right, until it's offscreen.

Edit: Oh, one funny tidbit: I set one of my Kerbin rovers to return to KSC (selected KSC waypoint, then selected current waypoint in BV window). It arrived safely.... below the runway.

Edited by Jognt
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Clean Environment

If the issue stems from one mod, try to replicate it with only that mod and its hard dependencies in a clean KSP install. If the issue stems from the use of several different mods (for instance, Procedural Wings are still producing lift underneath a Procedural Fairing while FAR is installed) then get a clean install of KSP and install only the mods (and their dependencies, if applicable) in question.

This may seem like an extreme measure, but it ensures that only those mods (or the stock game) is to blame. Despite how complicated it may seem, it is actually quite simple to do (even for Steam users), as you can simply copy your install directory elsewhere as needed. It's especially useful since interaction bugs are some of the hardest to nail down; something that appears to be a bug in one mod might actually be caused by something else.


On the other hand, you are trying to add BV to parts not tested with it, so I can realy leave you there on your own. Test it in the clean environment, post logs if it will not be working and I can look into it.

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3 hours ago, maja said:


Clean Environment

If the issue stems from one mod, try to replicate it with only that mod and its hard dependencies in a clean KSP install. If the issue stems from the use of several different mods (for instance, Procedural Wings are still producing lift underneath a Procedural Fairing while FAR is installed) then get a clean install of KSP and install only the mods (and their dependencies, if applicable) in question.

This may seem like an extreme measure, but it ensures that only those mods (or the stock game) is to blame. Despite how complicated it may seem, it is actually quite simple to do (even for Steam users), as you can simply copy your install directory elsewhere as needed. It's especially useful since interaction bugs are some of the hardest to nail down; something that appears to be a bug in one mod might actually be caused by something else.


On the other hand, you are trying to add BV to parts not tested with it, so I can realy leave you there on your own. Test it in the clean environment, post logs if it will not be working and I can look into it.

Re: Clean environment - if it keeps acting up I'll do some checking. There are way too many mods throwing errors for me to do isolated testing on them all. Hence my posting here to see if perhaps there was a "duh, there's your problem" thing I missed.

Re: Adding BV module to other parts and thus expanding on the mods functioning by user tweaking - Sure, I'm on my own on that. Though it's the exact same code that the mod itself uses to add the controller to several mod Rover parts so it's likely to cause problems with those as well. Hence my posting here since I'm not using code that is alien to the mod ;).

Regardless, thanks for the reply.

Edited by Jognt
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8 minutes ago, Jognt said:

Re: Clean environment - if it keeps acting up I'll do some checking. There are way too many mods throwing errors for me to do isolated testing on them all. Hence my posting here to see if perhaps there was a "duh, there's your problem" thing I missed.

Re: Adding BV module to other parts and thus expanding on the mods functioning by user tweaking - Sure, I'm on my own on that. Though it's the exact same code that the mod itself uses to add the controller to several mod Rover parts so it's likely to cause problems with those as well. Hence my posting here since I'm not using code that is alien to the mod ;).

Regardless, thanks for the reply.

Don't get me wrong. I will gladly help you, but I have a lot of other (paid) work, not mentioning the future developement of BV, so I need users to isolate errors on their side and then I can take care of them. In your log are other exceptions, so that isolation is more important.

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I have a little problem, when I use Kerbal Foundries tracks in a rover with Bon Voyage, simply the control panel doesn´t appear, anyone knows why?
I tried to reinstall the mod, also I tried to delete the config.xml file and nothing change
Anyone has an idea?

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44 minutes ago, Darks :v said:

I have a little problem, when I use Kerbal Foundries tracks in a rover with Bon Voyage, simply the control panel doesn´t appear, anyone knows why?
I tried to reinstall the mod, also I tried to delete the config.xml file and nothing change
Anyone has an idea?

Can you bring up the Bon Voyage window from the toolbar? If so, try clicking the "reset controllers" button in the top right and see if it then works properly. (Or switch back to the KSC after launching the rover, then switch back it it)

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