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RCS input control/editing in the VAB


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Hello, I've searched but can't find the information I'm looking for. I play KSP with RSS/RO/RP-0 and am having an issue with a feature I used to have but no longer have.

I used to be able to right-click an RCS thruster and enable or disable what axis/translation it controls. For example, I could disable that RCS thruster for pitch and yaw input and only have it activate during a roll input. Now when I right-click the RCS thruster I don't have those options.

I'm running KSP 1.2.2 and used CKAN to install all of my mods (which CKAN seems to be not working anymore?)

Does anybody know what MOD had this feature? It's annoying when I add RCS thrusters to control pitch but every RCS thruster on the rocker goes wild trying to assist.

I do have the RCS Build Aid MOD installed but it doesn't have the feature I'm looking for.


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Ok, I figured out my problem and wanted to share my fix for others.

The feature to toggle RCS axis was added in KSP 1.1 but when 1.2 was released these options were hidden by default. You have to go to gameplay options and turn on "Advanced Tweakables"

So this isn't a MOD issue so maybe an admin can delete/move this thread.



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