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kerbal stuck on the ground


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There are two causes I know of. The first is when a Kerbal is sliding along too fast, and the game decides he shouldn't be able to get up. The other case is when a Kerbal's rag-doll animations have left him with limbs colliding with other body parts in such a way that the game can't recognise that the Kerbal has come to a stop.

You can sometimes fix this by switching to another craft and back, but that can also cause the Kerbal to vanish. :(

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Try turning on the RCS pack, though that doesn't always work. Also, you can try having another Kerbal come over and give him a push (run into him).

For some unknown reason this amuses me rather. Just the idea of a Kerbal laying on the ground groaning after a brutal fall and a 'friend' running up and booting him while yelling "Get up!"

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