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[1.8.1-1.12.x] Modular Launch Pads v2.7.0: Launch clamps evolved: Real-style launch bases and towers [04 July 2024]


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Ok, I looked at the new BDB Atlas, and made some changes to the MLP Atlas Launch Stand. I separated the pipes into individual objects, and tweaked the mesh of one, as well as the side umbilicals (lowered the topmost part a few cm as it was just a bit too high). Made deploy limit animations in the X, Y and Z axis for both of the pipes so they can be moved to match the new Atlas skirt's connectors while keeping the stand compatible with the old Atlas.

I've also added an additional attach node to the new 3400 Atlas core tank for use with the stand, and adjusted the stand's attach node to put the clamp arms and side umbilicals at the proper location.

The updated stand will be released as v2.7 of MLP sometime soon.

Edited by AlphaMensae
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v2.7.0 is now out on Spacedock and GitHub.


  •     Revised Atlas Launch Stand by tweaking the meshes of the Atlas Pipes and adding deploy limit slider animations to allow the pipes to be used with the new Bluedog Design Bureau Atlas.
  •     Updated BDB Compatibility patch with atatch nodes for the new BDB Atlas 3400 and Atlas V 5300 tanks.
  •     Renamed RO Example craft files to begin with "MLP RO Example".

So if you really have to have the pipes on the Atlas Stand to line up with the new BDB Atlas, there you go :D 

I am working on some stuff that was going to be v2.7, but now will be v2.8. It's mainly a remake of the two General Launch Stands, as I've come to dislike what I did with them. I'm also going to remake the deck of the Shuttle Launch Base and the SRB Hold-Downs to accomoate the various shuttle stack mods out there, including the ORANGES-Photon Corp package. Most likely will be various layout switches, and I think I'll integrate the SRB hold-downs into the launch base itself and have deploy limit slider animations to adjust the position and width.

There may be other things I tweak/update, I'll see how it goes. For instance, I might add optional fixed legs to the current wheeled-only launch bases, and maybe get rid of the clamp legs in others. I used to think I had to use clamp legs (the stretchy kind that's part of the launch clamp module), which limited my design options and forced launch bases to be symmetrical so they'd rotate properly. Now I know I don't need the stretchy legs and can just ignore them, and make fixed legs in any style I want, as well as potentially making non-symmetrical bases, since fixed legs will rotate properly.

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