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[1.8.1-1.12.x] Modular Launch Pads v2.7.0: Launch clamps evolved: Real-style launch bases and towers [04 July 2024]


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More progress, the topmost tower section is done. While I was at it, I realized the upper stairs really were on the outside, not inside, and so decided to make them better . Call it Stairs, second draft. They're not perfect, but they'll do for now, it's practice for later. Some of the details will be toggleable, as this tower has appeared in various forms over the years. I'm not going to make every variant, but a few representative ones.



Edited by AlphaMensae
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And now the modeling is done! Last details put in place (including an adjustable side plate for banner decals). Time to put it all into Unity and then into KSP. 

Screenshots from Wings3D show the "everything on" version, and don't have the arm umbilicals, as most got moved into their Unity positions.

890YAB9.png  0j7Qmnu.png

rnu1ypr.png  NZ8iabD.png

6Cy3csm.png  dTseGpD.png

uXFeeEf.png  oZExiQw.png

Edited by AlphaMensae
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