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[1.8.1-1.12.x] Modular Launch Pads v2.8.1: Launch clamps evolved: Real-style launch bases and towers [17 March 2025]


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3 hours ago, Irenicus said:

Please, say me: where I can see what I can build? :) Because now for this I am using your promo video :)

New craft files and subassemblies for the Saturn Mobile Launcher have been put on the Github.

They are generic builds, not fitted to any specific rocket, but are provided as a starting point.  One is the full Saturn V Mobile Launcher, one is the Milkstool version, and the last is the gray square tower, general arms and short rectangular exhaust hole.  These use the newly revised Saturn Launcher Base and Milkstool.

Also uploaded were revised assets and configs for the two lightning masts, fixing some errors and missing bits.

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9 hours ago, Eilander said:

Just installed your mod for KSP 1.6 but I only have the Russian Launch Stand parts. None of the Satun V or Soyuz parts.
Did I do something wrong?

The parts I have work just fine.

Yep, it would seem so. :)  I would need more info to say exactly what.

1.6 though does have a bug with the partdatabase.cfg file, and anytime GameData gets changed it causes weird stuff to happen.  Every time you add or removed a mod ot make any kind of change to a file in GameData, you need to start KSP, get to the opening menu, then quit and restart KSP again.  This will fix the problems, until Squad fixes it in 1.6.1 (hopefully).

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Revised the Atlas V tower slightly, making the outer edge of the inter-section plates the same color as the main sections so they don't look like dark lines:


Those plates were a way to break up the the tower vertically, as well as to hide the UV seams between each section. :D

Also have six height variants made; each of the tower styles in the Multi-Tower will have six height options, varying according to tower style.

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Oh.. I am sorry. It is my mistake.


I have very low FPS with your mod because I am using the mod for KSP 1.6 version, But I have 1.4.2 build (I am using RO/RSS).  After install mod for KSP 1.4.5 version - all is good and good FPS :)


So, now I am using mod version 1.3.6 :) It is the maximum possible  version for my build  of KSP:)

Edited by Irenicus
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6 hours ago, Irenicus said:

Oh.. I am sorry. It is my mistake.


I have very low FPS with your mod because I am using the mod for KSP 1.6 version, But I have 1.4.2 build (I am using RO/RSS).  After install mod for KSP 1.4.5 version - all is good and good FPS :)


So, now I am using mod version 1.3.6 :) It is the maximum possible  version for my build  of KSP:)

Actually, the only things in MLP that are KSP version-specific are the two plugins, B9PartSwitch and Animated Decouplers, and there are only two different KSP types for them:  One for 1.3.1, and another for 1.4.x/1.5.x/1.6.x.  The B9PartSwitch included is still the KSP 1.4.4 one, which works in 1.4.5, 1.5.1 and 1.6, since nothing changed in those later KSP versions to break B9PS. :)  Same story with Animated Decouplers, the last version for KSP 1.4 is woking in 1.5.x and 1.6.x.

So you can use the latest MLP release version, 1.3.8.  The only changes are minor bug fixes, and it would be good to have them. :)



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Ok, I've decided there will be 8 height variants for each tower style, as it allows for a greater range of heights.

The Atlas V-style tower is set, along with the 8 color options; Height 3 is the one that best matches the real one with an Atlas V, while Medium Gray is closest to the actual color.


Edited by AlphaMensae
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Ghidorah 2-step and 1-step craft file are bugged for me, how do I attach the fallback tower to the craft or general launch pad? I tried using gizmos to move it down but it doesn't seem to work. Using 1.5.1

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11 hours ago, suzuki said:

Ghidorah 2-step and 1-step craft file are bugged for me, how do I attach the fallback tower to the craft or general launch pad? I tried using gizmos to move it down but it doesn't seem to work. Using 1.5.1

Be sure to turn on the tower nodes on the general launch pads; all the acccessory nodes are off by default to prevent node spam when attaching the pad to a rocket and vice versa.  Hold-down arms use the smaller nodes around the exhaust hole, while towers (including the fallback tower) attach to the larger nodes.

Hold left-shift when using the offset gizmo to get unlimited offset, it's a necessity with these pads.

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Ok, I've revised the fallback tower (my version of the SpaceX LC 39A strongback) to have a switchable upper section, either the normal one for use with a fairing or a stubby "topper" for use with the Crew Dragon (the Rodan pod from Tundra Exploration).  It was brought to my attention (and shown in the recent photos of the DM-1 pod on a Falcon 9) that with the Crew Dragon, the normal-height upper section isn't used, and could interfere with the Rodan's shroud. So now my fallback tower can be adjusted to match the payload.

The revised fallback tower is now on the Github; only the .mu and .cfg were changed.

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Also have finished the new v2 general tower drop umbilical, which has two adjustable length options, 6 color options for the umbilical and the 8 general pad color options for the mount.  Here's a demo of them with the Atlas V variant (height 3, medium gray) of the Multi-Tower on the Small General Pad; the Atlas V is from Bluedog Design Bureau.


Edit:  The general drop umbilical and current WIP version of the multi-tower are also now on the Github, AlphaDev branch, AlphaDev/v2_General_Pads

Only the Atlas V variant is in the tower right now, and only umbilical attach nodes for height 3 of the tower (the one sized for the BDB Atlas V) are included so far; the other variant nodes will follow, as well as the other tower variants...next one is the Delta II-style tower :)

Edit 2:  I also uploaded to the Github a new MM patch file, to add a node to the new BDB Atlas V lower tank for use with the pads.

I'll include it here as well, just copy and paste into a text file, save it as a .cfg somewhere in GameData

    node_stack_bottom02 = 0.0, -7.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 5



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5 hours ago, Nigel Cardozo said:

@AlphaMensae any other cool development news? I am really missing it!!!

I've started work on the next multi-tower variant, the Delta II-style one. Not much to show right now, but it's going to be a square truss tower with wall panels on two sides (and on a third up at the top where the mini-platforms start). It was what I concluded the real one was like after looking at photos for a couple of hours, and in any case makes for an easier build. :)


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9 hours ago, AlphaMensae said:

I've started work on the next multi-tower variant, the Delta II-style one. Not much to show right now, but it's going to be a square truss tower with wall panels on two sides (and on a third up at the top where the mini-platforms start). It was what I concluded the real one was like after looking at photos for a couple of hours, and in any case makes for an easier build. :)


Sounds interesting. Can't wait to see it.

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On 1/13/2019 at 5:56 PM, AlphaMensae said:

Ok, I've revised the fallback tower (my version of the SpaceX LC 39A strongback) to have a switchable upper section, either the normal one for use with a fairing or a stubby "topper" for use with the Crew Dragon (the Rodan pod from Tundra Exploration).  It was brought to my attention (and shown in the recent photos of the DM-1 pod on a Falcon 9) that with the Crew Dragon, the normal-height upper section isn't used, and could interfere with the Rodan's shroud. So now my fallback tower can be adjusted to match the payload.

The revised fallback tower is now on the Github; only the .mu and .cfg were changed.

why is it not working

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Could someone double check the Github repository?  I think the patch file that gives the saturn rockets their bottom nodes is missing.

Correction:  The AlphaDev is missing the Saturn files.

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17 minutes ago, Deltac said:

Could someone double check the Github repository?  I think the patch file that gives the saturn rockets their bottom nodes is missing.

Correction:  The AlphaDev is missing the Saturn files.

That patch file is in the current release of Modular Launch Pads, it's still needed for the patches.  Only new patches will be put on the Github, like for the CA shuttle and the new BDB Atlas V (the lower tank of the first stage has a different name).

16 hours ago, ely8937 said:

why is it not working

How is is not working?

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4 hours ago, AlphaMensae said:

That patch file is in the current release of Modular Launch Pads, it's still needed for the patches.  Only new patches will be put on the Github, like for the CA shuttle and the new BDB Atlas V (the lower tank of the first stage has a different name).

How is is not working?

no choice crew or faring

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