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[SOLVED] Loading previous modded game post 1.4 update to 1.3

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Hello reader,

Just info:

Ran 1.3.1 game prior to update with 50+ mods through CKAN/self selection, forgot to remove auto update through steam. Game auto updated to 1.4

Opened game, just to play around. Game still ran, but everything broken. Closed game, reverted game data through steam opt-in beta to 1.3.1. Opened game, everything works except old save is corrupted, unable to load because I ran game in 1.4 and persistent save updated to 1.4.

Went into folders and found "persistent.loadmeta" and  "persistent.sfs" files, both dated 3/29/18, day of auto update. Below are "quicksave#1.loadmeta" and  "quicksave.sfs" dated 2/25/18, the last time I played.

I want to load the old game data from 2/25 as the main persistent game.

Do I rename the quicksave#1 files as persistent, or is there another way of doing it that is better/safer? I would save the data in another location, but the potato I work with has very limited space, so entire game backup at this point is impossible, though individual files I have saved on a flash drive. Have not experimented yet, seeking some guidance from community.

Thank you for your imput


Edited by First Victor
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12 minutes ago, First Victor said:

Do I rename the quicksave#1 files as persistent

Yeah, that's what you would do.  Normally I would say back up the current persistent.sfs, as as it's corrupted anyway, it probably wouldn't make much difference.

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