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Why are 1.4.2 save and craft files incompatible with 1.4.1?

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Just reverted from 1.4.2 to 1.4.1 because of one mod that was bugged and noticed my save didn't work and when I loaded an older one, my latest creation refused to load. I looked a bit into it and noticed that only things that changed were IDs and version number. When I changed the version number back to 1.4.1 everything worked flawlessly. Is there any reason for refusal of loading whole save because of one meaningless number?
Don't know if this is the case for all versions while going to previous one but I don't see any sense to this at all.



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I'm guessing it's a better-safe-than sorry thing.

Remember, you know that 1.4.2 isn't all that different from 1.4.1, but 1.4.1 doesn't know that.

They're going to code it in a way that it will refuse to even try something from a version that didn't exist when the version you're using was released.  For all 1.4.1 knows, 1.4.2 is too different that trying to load a save/craft would crash it.


Changing the version number at the beginning of the craft file should be fine in most cases.

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