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Re-entry Heating Model


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What do you mean? If you want to use it now, you can't, it hasn't been released yet.

Also, no progress, really. School has started again, been playing some DayZ (which can be so immersive that you end up playing for hours without even noticing it :P even though my laptop runs it like crap, really need to get my desktop fixed :P).

What time I did spend on it was looking at other mods' sources. Got a three day weekend, so I'm going to spend some more time on this and hope to get something visual working before PakledHostage gets back from vacation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WOW ! This just looks so cool ! But what does the plugin do ATM ? Cn you explode if at a bad angle or if going too fast ? Also, the heatshield "part" should be a PartModule so you can add it directly to the command pod, or to anything else.

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  Emilio said:
WOW! This just looks so cool! But what does the plugin do ATM?

So far it is only a PartModule, although MrPwner has done a lot of work developing the visual re-entry effects. The module currently calculates re-entry heating effects and uses those values to degrade the ablative heatshield's integrity during the re-entry. The spacecraft will be destroyed if the heatshield's integrity drops to zero, or if re-entry g-loading exceeds the top of the scale on the navball.

I've also attempted to account for extended exposure to high re-entry g-loads. I've chosen to treat g-loads in the red arc on the navball as damaging to the spacecraft. Short-term exposure to high g's will degrade the command pod's structural integrity but won't destroy it. Longer term exposure to high g's will destroy the command pod. Higher g's will degrade the structural integrity faster than lower g's.

And as this still is a work in progress, we won't be releasing the PartModule just yet. Below is a screenshot showing the development/debugging version of the PartModule during re-entry. The spacecraft will be destroyed if the "integrity" bar on the right reaches zero.

(With appologies to NovaSilisko for borrowing his idea for the "Integrity" bar... It was too good an idea to pass up!)

Edited by PakledHostage
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Nice work - I'll definitely be grabbing a copy of this once you release it! Does this only effect when the part is active and focused? I don't know a way of having it otherwise, so I'm assuming so... shame; it'd be nice to have jettisoned parts burn up in a realistic fashion. I guess we'll have to wait for Squad to help us out on that one!

Edited by anaximander
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  manuelasa1999 said:
I love your project but i think if you make heat effects tihs will be more realistic.

It isn't done yet. The image above only shows a debugging version of the PartModule installed in an RCS tank. We are still working on the visual heat effects. When they are done, the add-on will be released. It will be a while before that happens though.

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  • 8 months later...

Is there any chance of seeing this plugin revived for 0.20? I have been using deadly reentry and am frankly disappointed with how unrealistic it's model for heating is. Thanks

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