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JS Hangtian Crafts (JS航天)

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My "Test Station", aka Skylab:

<old picture removed>

Not the most creative naming scheme. Then again, "Skylab" and "Space Lab" or even "International Space Station" is plain when compared to Salyut, Almaz, and Mir.... but that still hold nothing to Tiangong (Heavenly palace).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, Quick update to bump it back to first page:

First, I had updated My single-SRB Orion CEV and the "Fully protected Altair" to 1.5.1 about a month ago.

Then within the last two weeks, as a challenge -- and continuation of my Soyuz Clone, I had completed the Kerbal analog to Shenzhou, Long March 2 and 5, Tiangong, and Chinese Modular Station. So in order to have new designs out, Long March -- named as Xinhai (辛亥); and Tiangong 1/2 -- named as HuiMu (會幕), is released first:


As stated in the craft page, the tiangong clone is actually overbuild, but I never feel good to just place a lab module into orbit, even if it has a service/propulsion module.

So what comes next: aside from the Shenzhou clone, is the Chinese Modular Space Station, which unlike the HuiMu, is a no-DLC build.

Once the Chinese builds are done, I will work on releasing another stock station, before turning my direction to make the poster for my workhorse. Because of that, I will unlikely release Orion MPCV (note the versions above are closer to the CEV), due to significant overlapping with my workhorse -- except I consider it a replica of something else. Along with it, I will release my workhorse rocket that I uses for my career.

Edit: regarding what will be stock in the Chinese analogues: The Shenzhou and Tiangong will require DLC, as with the Xinhai YiWCC (LM-2 clone). The Modular Space Station, the LM-5 clone (Xinhai ErCC) and a few others will be attempted to not need DLC.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/27/2018 at 4:46 AM, Raptor9 said:

Having the Chinese text on the graphics certainly adds more immersion to the overall theme of your craft with the parchment-looking background.  Not that I can read it :wink:, but I'm sure it helps the monolingual Chinese players as well. 

I will be honest -- not sure how many Chinese players will be on this forum or KerbalX, seieng there's the steam community...

In any case, I had uploaded the only known RTG powered manned spaceship that gone past paper plans, the Soyuz VI clone "Dongmeng Vincat SaX CR2 Roc + Ladle N". Technically it was a combination of 2 paper/prototype project: The Soyuz VI itself, and the YARD Nuclear Core Stage Soyuz launcher. Also, just like any crazy soviet military plans, it comes with missiles. (original name had an unfortunate meaning -_-)


No, I will not be making a Buran with Nuclear Bomb. Not that I am against putting weapons on it, but it's just useless in stock game. If you manage to stuff any of my proposed Buran Clones  (or Buran derived station) with simulated warhead(s) all the power to you.

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Okay, this time I am lazy -- a Chinese-influenced project without the Chinese description. I present to you by Chang'e 3/4 clone, the Munfeelsor Compact:


As I indicated in the page note, the Poster's description is heavily influenced by a song. Can you guys guess which one it is from? ;-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Quick report on this forum:

  • I had uploaded the QueQiao Lunar relay clone, the "Goodfeelsor"
  • n7pfTifl.png
  • I had also uploaded my Angara Clone, the Ladle YiWCC, as a standalone. This is the workhorse rocket I mentioned. However, I may rework it into a seperate lower end model so it is far closer to the "1/4 of RD-170", which will only allow one Cheetah. Adjustment will thus needed to maintain a good TRW/Delta V balance. You can probably infer to my workhorse capsule from this
  • CLfIpNPl.jpg
  • Then there's the stock version of my Altair clone, the "Herguer ErX-S". As noted, this is based on the horizontal configuration that have no foil protection. The YiX is made to test out how it would look with the foil covered descent stage. Depends on how it goes, I may not power updating YiX -- those foils are heavy, to be honest.
  • ipKLVHLl.png
  • Finally, I have updated the craft and poster for the Orbiter-derived station, and the KL-700 (ie LK700 clone) to 1.6

So where I am going next? Well, the 1.6 DLC rebalance forced me to redesign quite a few craft, as the Cub is no longer viable as a radial mounted thruster. On the other hand, the new parts provided me alternatives at the expense of needing 10 more parts per craft to replace the Cub. So aside from a SpaceX Dragon Clone, many other crafts needed to be retuned.

As mentioned previously, I will unlikely to make the MPCV version of Orion unless there's a need -- Because I will be releasing something that is equivalent to Orion:


EDIT: Yes, a lot of edit. Ended up changing the configuration of Ladle YiWCC a lot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After debating between the various design, I decide to release my LyncBon Space capsule, inspired by Russia's Federasiya with lots of liberty taken. I know the standard interpretation will definitely use a straight-1.8m LFO tank, but I decide to make it a bit more powerful, befitting Russia' plan to use it for Lunar operation -- and as usual, overbuilding their stuff a lot:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So a quick update in this page: I had uploaded the ErX version of the LyncBon, and based on the upvotes and reddit comment, the ErX is more favored. Along with it is the appearance of my Workhorse 2.5m Rocket, "Ladle ErCC". Despite being based on Zenit/Soyuz-5/RD-170 rockets, I actually utilize the Mastadon in order to lower the price of the rocket (If I really have to follow through with the power comparison to F-1, it should have been the Mainsail...). In any case, Click on my signature to see it.

Also, when I realize all capsules can have orientation changes, I updated the orientation of the Dongmeng and Dongmeng-G so the Kerbals are not off by 90 degrees from the traveling direction. I also added the radiators to the Dongmeng-G's Orbital module for added thickness.

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Yet another quick update: this time, it's my "balanced" replica of proton.
At the bottom right hand corner of the poster, you will notice my next project, my Almaz-APOS clone. Functionally, it's pretty much finalize, but its looks may or may not be improved.

Why do I call it "balanced"? The problem with many proton clone is the use of Vector. Overkill and too expensive. So prior to 1.6, I was using Skiff... but the rebalance screwed up the TWR. After deciding to forgo the nozzle aesthetic , I decide to just go with Kodiak+Cub.

The other aesthetic concession I made is the use of Bobcat instead of 4x1.25m thrusters (too low TWR) or use 1x Skipper (Aesthetic concession, but is actually better)

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I think most of my followers of this thread would have guess its eventual creation due to my Proton clone -- so here it is: my Almaz clone, the Adamas-LCP2Tr4 APOS, is now up:


I think after this, I will start to work on completing the Lunar Program before moving to Constellation modules. (Yes, they are in work, just not high priority)

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Seeing the Almaz/Saylut clone, some people probably guessed I have a TKS in work. It ended up being a back-and forth endeavour that gone nowhere until the 1.6 Mk2 lander arrived to save the day... anyway, here it is:


While some people may still find it a bit lego-y compared to a few other builds, my focus on part count means something got to give. Yes, I know -- 53 parts in orbit, but it really could have been a lot more ugly, out of scale, and much higher part counts.

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  • 1 month later...

Man, that was a long hiatus. Between work and etc, I didn't have much time to play KSP..

For those that visited my KerbalX page, you can find my newest creation, "YD-M4-02" (As in: Transport, Large, Mach 4, form 2) a craft that I designed specifically for career mode - specifically, deliver a rover in the least amount of time. It is inspired (but nowhere close to) two Russian craft: The TU-160 heavy bomber, and the PAK-VTA proposal. Due to minmaxing, it ended up having a Mk2 Command Pod, which aside from having less drag, also have a happy accident of optimized TWR and Delta-V balance.

I actually did consider going with a flying rover/External rover drop,  but so far it seems to involve excessive drag, heat, and a low speed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So while I have just complete another craft, since 1.7 is literally around the corner, I will wait for it to release, replace it with 1.7 parts, before pushing it out. For now, please enjoy some simple screenshots for my LEM clone (The actual craft will have Saturn V with it, now clocking at 120 parts)

P.S. 1.7 is coming this or next week, right?

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52 minutes ago, Raptor9 said:

Reminds me of a stereo box. :wink:  Interesting way of mounting a rover into the lander side bay though.

Yeah. I actually can even put a cover over, until I read the LRV is exposed to the elements. So I figure since it added 150kg, I removed it.

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So with 1.7 finally settled, I can finally release my Saturn V clone. I was actually debating whether to actually do it, seeing that everyone made one, and I never found a good way to attach a foldable LRV in a satisfying manner. For this, I actually have to thank "schwank" and his J-class LEM (and to a certain extend, OHara's Apollo 15) to show a good breakthrough regarding stowing the LRV in the scent stage instead of having it stick out weirdly:

Check my kerbalX link in signature, as usual.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Quick update:

Thanks to the DLC, I cannot see myself putting up a shuttle I was working on and created the poster for to be put up. So you will have to wait until the DLC come out for that.

Thanks to the hostility toward DLC, I will start to instead go with the approach of not caring if the parts are vanilla or not, or rather it just need one DLC, seeing people will definitely go vanilla crazy instead. Going forward, I will updates some of the crafts such that the current-vanilla may no longer be one, and will have less duplicates.

Specifically, the plan will be follow:

  • Herguer YiX (Altair vertical cab clone)--> Lockheed Martin 2 stage lander. It's unlikely BG will be needed, but MH requirement will stay
  • Herguer ErX (altair horizontal cab clone) will have ATHELETE system (subject to compactness). If so, BG required.
  • Shengdian (Tiangong 3 core module) will have manipulator arms added, so it will require BG
  • Munfeelsor (Chang'e 4 clone) will attempt to move toward an elevator. If so, BG will be needed

The Orbiter derived station Vanilla edition will stay as is. However, it will not be updated.

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7 hours ago, Jestersage said:

Thanks to the hostility toward DLC, I will start to instead go with the approach of not caring if the parts are vanilla or not, or rather it just need one DLC, seeing people will definitely go vanilla crazy instead. Going forward, I will updates some of the crafts such that the current-vanilla may no longer be one, and will have less duplicates.

Yeah, I don't play KSP or publish craft based on how other people feel about my reasons or design choices.  I don't judge anyone else for deciding differently how they spend their money, but I don't play my copy of KSP based on how other people think I should either.

In the end, I believe you should play KSP in a manner that inspires your curiosity and creativity. :)

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So while we wait for the DLC, I decide to put up one of the few craft that will never have manipulator or robotic legs: My Shu'guang/Gemini clone, the Upriser YiX. 

It's a replica style build, so it only have minimal reaction wheel for basic stability and having a lot of extra part counts to mimic the Gemini's structure.

I do plan on expanding the YiX, and in fact was actually built and updated since MH came out. While there could be a munar version, the next in line would actually be a Big gemini-inspired craft, which hopefully offer a cheaper orbital transport then my current offering.

EDIT: I think at the rate Squad teased the DLC, I will hold off on building anything that may do science..


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  • 4 weeks later...

So after getting some opinion from some people, I decide to just straight depreciate old craft, and update existing craft without an option for the old mechanism.

As of now, both "Munfeelsor" and "Test Station" have the BG-mechanics installed and update pushed. My Saturn-V clone (Ananas + LEM) alreayd have BG modified, just had not updated due to posters.

It is likely my Horizontal-type Altair (Herguer ErX) will be modified to have a true ATHLETE system, or at least enough so it can deploy the wheels. However, it will take a while, so for those that do not want to get Breaking Ground, you may want to download them before I update them.

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Thanks. You and Raptor9's crafts are actually what inspired me.

As noted, I have updated my Saturn-V Clone "Ananas YiX + MEM + Fogin SiCC" into one that use BG. Aside from use of motor to lower the Rover, I also add the BG experiments onto two containers.

Due to the flopiness and instability of the transposition-docking, I also ended up mounting the CSM differently, and have a 5N Reaction wheel for stability. This have a side benefit of allowing the usage of 3rd stage for the impactor experiment. I kept it 5N for release, but if one want to, replace it with more powerful reaction wheels for better control before lithobraking the 3rd stage onto Munar surface.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another quick update to the following craft

In a way, it is in response to a certain God-tier builder, but also due to noticing that look wise, the older version are just too "squat" -- though it ended up as such due to min-maxing for cost and purpose benefit. Thus, that earlier version, then call the "LiX0", will be refurbished as a seperate craft file on its own, and will show up under a different name on KerbalX.

Earlier, I had also updated by Mir Clone "Rangong Outpost". Some of the modules may still see some changes however.

Otherwise, my plan is to keep updating existing craft as needed. The BG DLC truly open a lot of possibility, and now that I am not going to specifically cater to the No-DLC crowd, it gave me a lot more freedom, but from it, a lot more thinking required. I will not go out of the way to make crafts that require DLC, but not going to purposely make crafts that are DLC free.

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You know, with so many good builders and lack of feedback, it is hard to see how to proceed next. Nonetheless, I decide to just update some of the older crafts, which as it turns out is the Tiangong clone. Nothign much really... But what's that thing down there?


Yup, I have updated my TianGong-3 Clone, Shengdian. Unlike in the past where I avoided MH purposely, on parts where I think it improves the look I put MH parts in. HOWEVER, I  kept the BG-based RMS seperate, and will upload it later.

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