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Konstruction ports acting wonky

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It  seems  that  no  matter  how  I  go  about  compressing  construction  ports  that  are  attached  to  structural  fuselage  I  get  these  results.

Strangely  it  only  happens  when  I  connect  the  container  to  the  fuselage  though, it  didn't  do  this  with  the  sci  lab  in  the  background, it  also  didn't  do  it  going  fuselage  to  fuselage.

It  also  doesn't  matter  where  the  port  is  on  the  fuselage  either.

Ive  seen  all  sorts  of  outcomes  doing  this, sometimes  everything  explodes, sometimes  poth  ports  remain intact  but  the  one  on  the  fuselage  breaks  off  and  floats  into  space. Other  times  everything  explodes, shoots  apart  at  light  speed, or  looks  like  it  worked  but  the  parts  slowly  drift  apart.


Is  it  something  with  the  fuselage? The  container? The  ports?


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Is anything being clipped into the ships when you weld?  that shouldn't but might cause an issue.

Does the same thing happen in orbit?   I'm wondering if being landed is stressing the joints, and one you weld, the stresses have to be recalculated and wonkiness ensues. 

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