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[1.6.1 | 1.5.1 | 1.4.5 | 1.3.1] The World Beyond - 100 new celestial bodies [v1.1.1 - 2018-10-31]

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6 hours ago, Bwendal said:


Loving this amazing mod and can't wait for it to become compatible with KSS! I am having a small issue though, none of the planets in any system other than the Kerbol system is showing any clouds. Today I tried switching from SVE to AVP and while the auroras were working fine the clouds still weren't appearing. I tried to fix it by changing the cloud configs of each system to read @EVE_CLOUDS:AFTER[AstronomersVisualPack] instead of EVE_CLOUDS (as someone suggested elsewhere) but this only gave OWR planets clouds. Switching it back to @EVE_CLOUDS:AFTER[StockVisualEnhancements] gave the clouds back to Kerbol but removed them from OWR. I'm out of ideas with the configs, however given my basic knowledge of coding and modding I believe the cloud configs are the cause and probable solution? From what I've noticed I'm assuming only one system/mod pack can have clouds appear, but surely this isn't true and a work around is possible in the configs!?

To be clear I am running TWB with OPM, Extrasolar and OWR and all of them suffer this issue. If it helps I'm running the latest x64 version on steam with arguably wayy to many mods, I have attached my output_log via dropbox below, apologies for the amount of mods I have, I may need to re think about the mods I have installed.


Any help or advice is appreciated. Huge thanks to anyone who can help!

I wouldn't recommend changing the EVE_CLOUDS, but can you send me a screenshot of your GameData folder and the inside of your TheWorldBeyond folder? That would help me to tell the problem.

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11 hours ago, TheProtagonists said:

I wouldn't recommend changing the EVE_CLOUDS, but can you send me a screenshot of your GameData folder and the inside of your TheWorldBeyond folder? That would help me to tell the problem.

Thanks for the response, I have attached a link to screenshots of my GameData folder and a screenshot of my TheWorldBeyond folder. Thanks for any help


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12 hours ago, Bwendal said:

Thanks for the response, I have attached a link to screenshots of my GameData folder and a screenshot of my TheWorldBeyond folder. Thanks for any help


Hmmm... so it looks like TWB is installed correctly, so no problems there.

However, it is extremely hard to tell what might cause the problem given this huge list of mods, so here's what I would suggest:

1. make sure scatterer and EVE are both up to date for your KSP version

2. create a separate install of the same version of KSP with only kopernicus, the planet mods, EVE and scatterer, and see if the problem still persists

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11 hours ago, TheProtagonists said:

Hmmm... so it looks like TWB is installed correctly, so no problems there.

However, it is extremely hard to tell what might cause the problem given this huge list of mods, so here's what I would suggest:

1. make sure scatterer and EVE are both up to date for your KSP version

2. create a separate install of the same version of KSP with only kopernicus, the planet mods, EVE and scatterer, and see if the problem still persists

Alighty thanks, I'll give your suggestions a go and report back


EDIT: ok so I gave that a go, but weirdly I got black skies and atmospheres on all planets, also I could not see any of the planet mods in the tracking station. Going to try it without the planet mods to see what happens


EDIT 2: hmm, so far I can't seem to get any planet mod to work in the fresh install, and I don't know why because the depedencies are there

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Right so I am doing a complete fresh install with TWB installed among some visual mods as you suggested with AVP and all is working perfect. Going to slowly one by one re download fresh planet and other visual mods I was using and see if one of them prevents clouds appearing anywhere


EDIT: Every planet mod now has clouds working in my main game, huge thanks for the help again! However now the stars aren't showing any kind of flare, only a ball of heat. I'm not sure why, but I tried switching from AVP to SVE which didn't fix it. Is it a possible problem with scatterer or something?

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6 hours ago, Bwendal said:

EDIT: Every planet mod now has clouds working in my main game, huge thanks for the help again! However now the stars aren't showing any kind of flare, only a ball of heat. I'm not sure why, but I tried switching from AVP to SVE which didn't fix it. Is it a possible problem with scatterer or something?

Is scatterer working on the planets? Sunflares are controlled by scatterer and that could be the cause.

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18 hours ago, TheProtagonists said:

Is scatterer working on the planets? Sunflares are controlled by scatterer and that could be the cause.

Yes it is, I played around with some EVE/scatterer config options via the games interface and seemed to get it to work, only system now to not have the sun flare working is the extrasolar system, so now I'm really confused. Apprecitate the advice though, super helpful

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  • 2 weeks later...
31 minutes ago, FungusForge said:

So I just downloaded this and I gotta ask how you gave the stars their own icons in the tracking station.

The Kopernicus config of any celestial body allows custom icons under the orbit node like this:

			iconTexture =


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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Bonbo said:

Awesome mod but I have an issue. Whenever I use this mod with any other planet packs like after kerbin or extra solar the TWB star sun-flares disappear. The scatterer affect still works on the planets perfectly but the star effects disappear.

Can you try removing DoE? TWB does not have DoE support as of now and AFAIK currently it does not work very well with multiple stars.

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1 hour ago, Bonbo said:

The other stars are working and this issue happens with all planet packs I install

Sorry for the trouble, but I need a bit more information.

Do you mean the flare of every star from planet pack does not work when TWB is installed, and that everything works without TWB?

What happens when TWB is the only planet pack installed?

Can you try removing and re-adding planet packs one by one and see if a certain pack is causing this (as in when you remove a planet pack every flare works and if you add it back in every flare breaks)?


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When TWB is the only planet pack installed the sunflares work normally. When I install Extrasolar, KSS, Before Kerbin, After Kerbin or GPO all the sunflares in TWB break while the sunflares in the other planet packs work normally. All the planet packs cause the sunflares to break.


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15 hours ago, Bonbo said:

When TWB is the only planet pack installed the sunflares work normally. When I install Extrasolar, KSS, Before Kerbin, After Kerbin or GPO all the sunflares in TWB break while the sunflares in the other planet packs work normally. All the planet packs cause the sunflares to break.


I'm currently away from a capable computer so I apologize for asking you to do more.

Firstly, now that KSS is in a deprecated state I can't really help with that, since TWB was never officially compatible with KSS.

However, can you check that with TWB and other non-KSS planets mods, what happens to the flares if you remove Extrasolar?


Thank you for your input, and I will look into it and test myself ASAP.

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1 hour ago, Bonbo said:

When Extrasolar is not installed, all the sunflares in TWB pack work perfectly. However, when Extra solar is installed, the sunflares do not work.



Thank you for replying in advance

Ouch. This looks like Extrasolar's problem with it's config on scatterer sunflares. Unfortunately Extrasolar is also on hiatus, so here's what I would suggest you to do:

Go to Extrasolar_Visuals/EVO_scatterer/config

Delete EVO_planetsList_ak.cfg and EVO_planetsList_sve.cfg

Open EVO_planetsList.cfg,

It's first few lines should look like this:

		Item = Valentine
		Item = Sun

Try changing it to:

		Item = Valentine

See if this works.

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Hello. Today I installed this mod, along with the dawn system. I followed the instructions step-by-step and yet the system does not appear in-game. Can you help me?



(Left: Picture of file. Right: Picture of Tracking Station zoomed all the way out after installation.)

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4 hours ago, SlamduncAZ said:

Hello. Today I installed this mod, along with the dawn system. I followed the instructions step-by-step and yet the system does not appear in-game. Can you help me?



(Left: Picture of file. Right: Picture of Tracking Station zoomed all the way out after installation.)

I don't know if this is the cause of the problem but you have several versions of ModuleManager.dll. Keep the most recent version and delete the others.

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I have multiple versions of module manager because they came with the other mods I have. These other mods work fine. Can you send be a picture of what your World Beyond folder looks like (with the core and dawn system folders open)? Also, I’m on a 64 bit computer on KSP 1.3.1 I think... I’m not sure how to see my version. In the bottom corner on the main menu it says

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