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  1. This mod adds 100 celestial bodies in a cluster orbiting far from the Sun while preserving the stock system. Designed for modded late game exploration, colonisation and other wackiness. Ever since the Kerbalkind learned how to properly look at the night sky, a bright blue light accompanied by a few flickering spots among the stars had always intrigued them. Throughout history, this realm in the deep sky has been associated with mythologies, the Kraken, the multiverse and snacks. As time passed, they realise that the greatest treasure the universe have to offer is right in their backyard - a neighboring cluster centered around a blue star with multiple yellow and red dwarfs guarding the outer reaches of the system. The more they looked, the more astonishing this system becomes: habitable worlds appeared one by one, documentations of ring systems became more and more detailed, the resolutions of images got higher and higher, and even a brand new protostar had been found. However, questions and mysteries started to pop up among the excitement: an abnormally high amount of friendly worlds near the quaternary red dwarf system, an unyielding planetary nebula around a main sequence star, the capture of some allegedly artificial signals, and an exotic stellar remnant with unknown composition. Nevertheless, this cluster remained silent but inviting, and space programs all over Kerbin began missions toward the stars. After countless missions to Jool, the spirit of the Kerbalkind was ignited once again to venture into The World Beyond, and this system is aptly named The Dawn Cluster. One day, all the boundaries will fall. Star map TWB does not replace the stock system and no changes has been made to it. Star emblems Inner Dawn System Dawn - An A3V class blue star, the center of the cluster that every planet and star orbits. It is quite a lot more massive and a lot brighter than Kerbol. The space near it harbors a large amount of planets. Oblivion System Oblivion - A new protostar orbiting Dawn from a distance with a big accretion disk (which is basically a colossal ring system) and plenty of asteroids. Despite it's unstable system, a few planets have already formed around it. Traverse System Traverse - A M1V orangish red dwarf shrouded by a immense nebula, it orbits roughly in the middle point of Dawn's SOI and holds up a Quadruple system with an very large amount of densely packed habitable worlds. Fragment - A very small M9V red dwarf orbiting Traverse in close binary. Due to it's size it has little effect on the overall structure of the system. Ascension System Ascension - A small M5V red dwarf orbiting Traverse from afar, shining a second dim light onto Traverse’s worlds, and also hosts some planets itself. Eternal - A tiny M8V red dwarf orbiting Ascension in binary Wall System Wall - A dim T4 class brown dwarf with only one companion. Eon System Eon - An outlying G7V yellow dwarf near the edge of the SOI of Dawn Barrier - VERY FAST spinning exotic stellar remnant orbiting Eon, and one of the most mysterious objects within the vicinity of Dawn. THE WORLD BEYOND IS CURRENTLY NOT READY FOR REVIEW AS MANY ASPECTS ARE STILL BEING DEVELOPED/REFINED. PLEASE DO NOT REVIEW THIS MOD UNTIL THIS NOTICE IS REMOVED. CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SUPPORTED MODS The Gold Standard: TWB provides configs for the resources added in TheGoldStandard, so you can mine gold and unobtainium far from home! Community Tech Tree: installing CTT will reposition the antennas on the expanded tech tree. Community Resource Pack: TWB provides configs for ALL the resources added in CRP, so you can harvest them deep in the sky for fun and profit. Sigma LoadingScreens: shows custom loading screen images and loading screen tips if installed. Texture Replacer: you can take off your helmet and breathe in any alien world with a dense oxygen atmosphere. RECOMMENDED MODS Near future technologies: provides a large assortment of parts for your spacecrafts. USI Catalog: Orion drives and warp drives to help you travel between the stars. Poodmund's Milky Way Skybox: extremely nice looking skybox that is used in all the screenshots shown above. Interstellar Extended: for those of you who want to cover interstellar distances in a realistic way. BetterTimeWarp: to make your interstellar journeys feel slightly faster and far more bearable. ESLD Jump Beacons: an alternative method to travel between the stars. COMPATIBILITY TWB is compatible with the following planet packs: Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul (GPO) Outer Planets Mod (OPM) Galileo's Planet Pack (GPP) Grannus Expansion Pack (GEP) Extrasolar* Other_Worlds Reboot (OWR) New Horizons Before Kerbin After Kerbin Whirligig World TWB is NOT meant to played with Principia, but you can install both and see what happens *Extrasolar is known to break the scatterer sunflares in TWB. Check page 9 in this thread for a workaround. KNOWN ISSUES The resource configs in this mod could make the stock KerbNet unusable (crafts that should have KerbNet access don't). This is a problem with KSP itself, and the best solution is to use the mod SCANSat and Waypoint Manager instead, both of which provides better functionality compared to the KerbNet. PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS HERE WHEN REPORTING PROBLEMS AND BUGS, OR YOU WILL NOT GET SUPPORT Changelog v1.1.1 "Bridging Azure" Patch 1 2018-10-31 ============================================================================================================================================================================ +custom orbit icons for all stars +4 new flags +more loading screen tips +sunflare licenses +made more references *completely remade Barrier's pulsar jets *increased Dawn's orbital period so it's even more static *corrected AVC version checking, removed version file for each system so now the entire TWB folder have only one central version file *adjusted and recolored the orbits of planets of Eon *disabled new shader on Oblivion's rings so it is much more visible *tilted Amaterasu's ring so it looks nicer, and tilted its moons' orbits *further reduction to asteroid spawn rate for all systems *fixed numerous tpyos v1.1 "Bridging Azure" 2018-08-24 ============================================================================================================================================================================ +Dawn is now made "static" using the new period feature +3 new flags +more loading screen tips +more references *moved the Dawn Cluster much closer to the sun (42Tm to the current 12Tm), and compressed the cluster by moving the stars roughly 10 times closer and shrinking their SOI by 10 times *adjusted the orbit of many objects in accordance of the change above *adjusted the antenna stats, reduced the smallest and largest antennas' range, increased all antenna's EC storage and EC usage *renamed Guardian to Sentry due to the name being already taken by AK *corrected the license on KSPI parts *adjusted asteroid spawn rates for all systems *fixed numerous tpyos v1.0 INITIAL RELEASE "Resuming Odyssey" 2018-05-28 ============================================================================================================================================================================ +sunflares for all stars, including the nebula for Traverse and pulsar like emission for Barrier +Custom biome maps for every planet and a generic map for stars and gas giants +bundled 3 very big antennas for interstellar communication +7 flags for missions +a lot more references *updated texture paths to be compatible with CTTP 1.0.3 *fixed some typos on file names *fixed the orbit remover so it uses a more sensible FOR instead of FINAL *fixed some problems that caused extremely high ambient light v0.9 BETA RELEASE 2018-04-07 ============================================================================================================================================================================ +EVE clouds and auroras applied to all atmospheric bodies, along with some glows to rocky bodies +CRP, EL, TheGoldStandard and FarFutureTechnologies compatible resource config for all bodies +Custom Biomes for Tengu, Hyperion, Horu, Summit, Paradise, Hikari, Wyvern, Kaze, Yama and their moons +normalmaps for gas giants +onDemand loading enabled for all bodies +instead of adding mode key to individual stars, a new config is used to hide the orbit of stars, which will work on any star of any mod +more references *remade and adjusted scatterer values for EVE integration *adjusted gravity on many bodies v0.8 2018-03-18 ============================================================================================================================================================================ Reorganized folder structures (again) +scatterer config for all current 62 atmospheric bodies +support for TextureReplacer's oxygen bodies so you can actually take off your helmet +added AVC files for each star systems +CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license +more references *border's SMA reduced to be somewhat more reasonable *slightly adjusted star coronas to be more subtle *fixed PQS offset on Sandalphon that sunk the entire terrain under ocean *adjusted Overture and Amaterasu's rings *all of Sora's moons are now on tilted orbit *fixed ambient colors on some planets, and made Horu, Epik and Seraph's extra bright so they glow in the dark *fixed PQS and scaled fading distance v0.7 2018-02-12 ============================================================================================================================================================================ +finished all gas giant textures +finished all sunspot textures and configurations of all stars (besides sunflares) +rings for 16 bodies, including a debris disc for Oblivion +added custom corona for every star (they are still horrible) +more references -due to Ori's glowing effect messes with atmosphere and ring shaders, the glowing effect is removed and replaced with a highly reflective surface *fixed intensityCurve and IVAItensityCurve for the stock sun for Kopernicus 1.3.1-3 *Barrier now spins even faster v0.6 2018-01-28 ============================================================================================================================================================================ +finished texturing for all bodies in the Traverse System: texture for all bodies with a surface for the initial release are complete +finished descriptions for every single body added so far +more references *remade Sandalphon, Nyarlathotep, and Zen (again) v0.5 2017-12-14 ============================================================================================================================================================================ Overhaul of the mod strcture: planned for *MODULAR* release +added textures for all bodies in the Eon, Oblivion and Wall System +finished descriptions for all bodies mentioned above +added all bodies in the Traverse and Ascension System +more references *changed ocean color for Heimdallr *remade Zen *changed descriptions for Dawn so it's just an A class main sequence and not a subdwarf v0.4 2017-12-02 ============================================================================================================================================================================ +added and finished textures for the rest of the bodies in Inner Dawn System +finished descriptions for all the stars +added planets in Wall and Eon System -removed all existing LandControl mod, as the vast majority of them are not working or not working as intended, they are now planned to be added in future updates after the initial release *changed some glitchy terrain textures and smoothed some pixelated terrains *stars' orbits are now invisible *overhauled science value v0.3 2017-11-18 ============================================================================================================================================================================ +added textures for Summit, Gersemi and its moons, all of Hikari's moons and the moons' moons, Fantasy, Wyvern and Guardian, and all of Kaze's moons (Ebott and Basin got completely remade during this time) +added ring to Summit +added and positioned Border +added and positioned the rest of the stars: Traverse, Fragment, Ascension, Eternal, Wall, Eon and Barrier (starlight color not changed) +more references -temporarily removed Raem, Tack and Tiamat, which will be added to another system *remade a lot of really ugly color maps (what WAS I thinking when I made those) *fixed some existing terrible PQS configurations v0.2.1 2017-11-05 ============================================================================================================================================================================ +added textures for Horu and Keter +more references *fixed the rim color on Oblivion *tweaked scaled material gradient for existing bodies *renamed some bodies so those names can be used somewhere else v0.2 2017-11-01 ============================================================================================================================================================================ +added the first actual textures for Tengu and Hyperion +finished all current bodies' descriptions +CTTP dependency +more references *concepts and plans to add a lot more stars and planets than originally intended *moved Dawn further away from the stock Sun and increased SOI *now requires more RAM v0.1.1 2017-10-29 ============================================================================================================================================================================ +finalized the worlds around Dawn, added a few moons such as Zhuque and Asgard and changed positions of some others +more descriptions (and adding references to existing ones) *overhauled atmospheres for Sagen, Zen and Basin *increased Dawn's light intensity and gravity *revamped Oblivion system v0.1 2017-10-25 ============================================================================================================================================================================ +added Oblivion and it's planets +descriptions for a few bodies *repositioned all bodies around Dawn *renamed some bodies *background music for trailer chosen v0.0.3 +added and positioned rest of the planets and moons in the Dawn system +added a patch that gives the stock Sun a intensity curve so it doesn't shine on everything *ocean on Horu and Epik are now very red, but can only be seen in closeup v0.0.2 +added and positioned Horu, Summit, Gersemi, Overture and Hikari ("borrowing" existing textures until the actual ones get made) +added all these bodies' moons v0.0.1 2017-10-02 +initial concept +added Dawn, Tengu and Hyperion (using templates) Credits TWB draws inspirations from many existing planet packs: Gamelinx's Planet Overhaul, Before Kerbin After Kerbin by @Gameslinx Galileo's Planet Pack by @Galileo Kerbal Star Systems by @StarCrusher96 Kolyphemus and Krgantua System by @Artyomka15 The Milky Way Skybox used in the screenshots is created by @Poodmund The scatterer sunflares used are from SunflaresOfMaar created by @JadeOfMaar Some EVE textures are from Astronomer's Visual Pack created by @themaster401 The bundled antenna parts are created by @zzz and @Eleusis La Arwall Thread of the month 2018-06 woohoo! The names of celestials and biomes are most certainly not blatant references to TV/cartoon/anime/games/people/other mods and if you think they are, you are just imagining things
  2. CHAPTER I: Introduction The kerbals have always dreamed of reaching the stars. Some said it was impossible. We said it was inevitable. Behold the REVELATION, the largest craft ever built by kerbals. Spanning over 400 meters long, weighing over 2000 tons, this behemoth can carry 50 kerbals, enough life support for the several decade long transit, and the supplies to set up a colony. It served one purpose: transporting the kerbals to another star system. It took around 4 years to build including contracts and recruitment. After years of construction, it was ready to set sail. Destination: Q'uq'umatz, in the Ascension system. The REVELATION in LKO CHAPTER II: How it Works What makes the REVELATION so impressive compared to interstellar craft other players have built in KSP, is that this one is plausible in real life. It only uses technology that humans already have or will have in the very near future (5-15 years). It uses an orion drive for propulsion, which could, in real life, reach Proxima Centauri in around 100 years. And, we have the technology for orion drives. The REVELATION runs on a nuclear reactor, uses a closed life-support system (with loss over time), simulates gravity through centrifuge rings, and uses other concepts often seen in interstellar ark proposals. The only technologies really missing are better 3D printing, and radiation protection. Both of which we can expect within the next 2 decades. The REVELATION is a generation ship, meaning that if the transit is long enough, new generations will be born on-board. The lander is one of the ship’s largest components. It is made to land on an exoplanet with up to Kerbin’s atmosphere and gravity. It can harvest resources from the environment, and build entire colonies out of in-situ resources. It can support 50 kerbals for 300 days, enough to set up a basic farm. From there, they continue building a huge colony to support them all. Basically, this is a scaled down version of what a real interstellar ark would be. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding this. CHAPTER III: Construction Ever since I began my space program, my goal has been a plausible interstellar ark. I even wrote an interstellar ark proposal for real life. After my space program’s mission to Jool, and Jeb’s retirement, we decided it was time. The first module to be sent up was the nuclear reactor. We utilized our Mun base for some of the larger modules, such as the greenhouse. We had the crew of our Mun base build the large modules we wanted to send up (the Mun base did have full in-situ construction capabilities). They were then launched from the Mun using nuclear engines (nuclear thermal, not nuclear pulse), and intercepted with the REVELATION in LKO. After the ship was 90% complete, we started sending crew and subcontracting civilians to the REVELATION. Soon, it was complete. The final module to be sent up was the crowning jewel: the orion drive. CHAPTER IV: What is Q’uq’umatz? Q’uq’umatz (I don’t know how to pronounce it either) is a habitable super-kerbin in the Ascension system, a small binary red dwarf system in the Dawn Cluster. Q’uq’umatz has gravity similar to Kerbin’s, and is 900 kilometers in diameter. It’s atmosphere is 4 times as thick as Kerbin’s, but is only 45 kilometers in height. It’s atmosphere does contain oxygen, and is safe to breathe. It is covered in hills and swamp-like land-forms. It has oceans, and has steep coastal cliffs. Upon arrival (which will be covered later in this post), they confirmed the presence of life on the surface, in the form of alien vegetation, much resembling Kerbin’s. They have not yet discovered any forms of mobile or intelligent life. The kerbals are not allowed to expose themselves to any vegetation or the atmosphere, due to risk of alien pathogens. CHAPTER V: Departure from Kerbin Before construction even began, it was decided they would visit Eeloo on the way. This is because it would be a perfect opportunity, and we had not landed there yet. The REVELATION included a second, 3 kerbal, very small lander for this purpose. After all inspections were done, including a test pulse on the orion, they plotted a maneuver that would take them to Eeloo. The transit time to Eeloo was 2 years. They then slowed down into low orbit, and sent the small lander down. The landing was perfect. They spent around 3 hours on the surface, taking pictures and bouncing around. Once done, they ascended back to the REVELATION. The small lander and the 3 kerbals on the surface of Eeloo They then plotted a maneuver that would allow them to do a slingshot maneuver off of Kerbol. They had a Jool flyby as a bonus. They passed very, very close to Kerbol, and accelerated to very high speeds. After a very long burn, (or boom, since it was an orion drive), they were on-course for the Ascension system. The transit time would be 27 years, roughly a 4th of what it would be in real life. But, as I said, this is scaled down. The life support could support a 100 year journey if required. They quickly entered the pitch, inky blackness of interstellar space. Never to return to Kerbin. CHAPTER VI: Arrival As they got closer and closer to Ascension, a dim light began to shine on the ship. Soon they could very easily see Ascension, and it’s twin, Eternal, in the sky. Soon, it was blindingly close. They came very, very close to Ascension, using the oberth effect to it’s very extreme to slow down. They were taking on a lot of heat, but they could handle it. After a very long burn, they were in orbit. CHAPTER VII: The End of a Long Journey Kerbol, from where they were at, looked like just another star in the sky. ~150 days after they reached orbit of Ascension, they arrived at Q’uq’umatz. They verified the presence of alien vegetation on the surface (which I already went over). They slowed down into orbit. They did a scan and selected a landing site with all of the resources they needed. They loaded up the main lander. Once the full checklist was complete, the lander separated, leaving the REVELATION, which was now empty and inactive, behind. They hit the upper atmosphere hard. It was a very bumpy ride. They took on a lot of heat from re-entry. The lander used an inflatable heat shield. Once they were travelling under 250 m/s, they ejected the heat shield. They burned retrograde full thrust to propel it away. The landing gear then deployed. They quickly slowed down to landing speeds, and, in a nerve-racking moment, touched down. That moment represented everything kerbals had ever worked for. Tansby Kerman, pilot and elected leader, descended down the ladder, and became the first kerbal to ever walk on an exoplanet. Tansby Kerman standing on Q’uq’umatz. CHAPTER VIII: Making a home It took them 200 days to build the colony. Pany Kerman, chief engineer, felt proud as she finally connected the lander to the finished base, using a utility pipe. It took only a few days to fully move into the colony. They had done their work, and now they could rest. The colony. CHAPTER IX: Closing It was truly sad that Jebediah Kerman, Bob Kerman, and Bill Kerman, or the crew of the Mun Base could not live to see that day. All of them would be over 100 years old. All of them had died of old age. But, that was inevitable. The crew of the REVELATION BASE built a memorial for Jeb, Bill, Bob, and the Mun base crew. As for the REVELATION BASE, they thrived. They quickly grew in population and size. It soon became a city. A city that will hopefully last for billions of years to come, and will be the first step in kerbalkind surviving for trillions. CHAPTER X: Me and KSP As for me, I have, in almost every sense, “completed” Kerbal Space Program. After I finished the colony, I held a closing ceremony, and logged off for the last time. This is the end of my story in KSP, but only the first step of the kerbals’ journey through the universe. I still think Kerbal Space Program is a great game, and I owe it everything. Someday I want to work at SpaceX, and help make this, or at least something like it, a reality. I believe humanity also has a future in the stars. I wish to make that a reality. If I had never played Kerbal Space Program, I may never have become interested in space. Now, I want to dedicate my life to space. Because of that, I owe KSP everything. It has changed my life forever. However, don't worry. I plan on returning to KSP someday. I am just taking a long break from KSP so that when I return I can regain the excitement I had when I played the game for the very first time. Credits I would like to thank the creators of KSP for allowing this journey to be possible. I would like to thank the creator of The World Beyond, the planet pack that adds several star systems and over 100 beautiful celestial bodies. I would like to thank the creator of the Orion mod. I would like to thank the creator of Civilian Population. This would not have been possible without Civilian Population. I would like to thank the creator of TAC Life Support. This would not be possible without KIS or KAS. I would like to thank everyone else who helped make this possible. For now, I am saying goodbye. I hope all of you someday achieve feats as great as mine. Feel free to ask me any questions or give any feedback. -SlamduncAZ
  3. <mod list to be added> KSP Version: 1.3.1 A Twilight Epic Revival, Names, and Ulterior Motives After installing The World Beyond, I decided to make a Space Station around Kerbin to serve as a jumping off point for voyages to Duna. It was also my attempt to get back into KSP after an absence of a few months. Chapters with a # next to the title were originally posts in "What did you do in KSP Today?". Index: Book 1 Book 1 - On Fire and Gateways Part 1: Twilight Power# I don't even know anymore. Twilight Station Assembly I added the backup power module, launched using the Pozhar-1A. I deorbited both upper stages. I encountered a heat bug.
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