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Dishy Courier Crappy Parts Warehouse 1b, AKA, the Spertnik-1 release.


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This is the initial release of the first part of the DCCPW probe pack! This one contains the Spertnik-1 system and a handy hullcam that looks more like a lens than an old pentax (not that there's anything wrong with the old one.)

Spertnik-1 system: Satellite, decoupler, fuel can, engine, 1m shroud adapter, and a rocket designed for the system that will put you about 113km above Kerbin very quickly. The orbital engine should have more than enough thrust and fuel to circularize. I think... It's not quite tested. Textures and skins are still a bit rough. The whole look is more sheet metal than mirror finish AMG6T, but hey. You bought it slightly used, right? Collider on the satellite will allow you to stick crap to it. This is great for the powersat version of the system. Also, it boops when you activate it. Thank me for not looping it...

That reminds me: You'll need powertech and mechjeb.









Spertnik-1 system beta:


Lens Hullcam:



1. It appears the probekit is now open to share (yay!!). Obviously giving credit to Nova, here is an updated version of the Probodobodyne Camera that acts as a hullcam.


2. As well- We already have Nova's dish as a relay, but here's one compatible with the ISA mapper plugin. More of my own dishes are on the way, but this one is already done.


These parts will NOT overwrite the originals.


Use this, have fun. If you reuse a model or retexture something, put them in a new folder so I don't overwrite this stuff when I install your mod. You may redistribute all of these assets as long as you give the original author credit or something. Honestly, these things aren't that great. If you feel you can improve them in any way, you should tell me so the whole pack can be a better mod. As far as parts from the Probodobodyne kit, the originals can be found here and are property of NovaSilisko: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/12237-Silisko-Industries-Addon-Development-Thread-2

As always, feedback would be appreciated. Positive? Negative? Progress in either direction is progress!

#Probe kit, Spertnik, hullcam

Check out the development page regularly for more updates and renders of new stuff!



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Edited by dishycourier
Updated with proper license, I think.
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It looks nice.

Won't be able to test it at the moment since I'm trying to fix my own problems with my parts.

As for textures maybe a bit more variation to make it more interesting. Not saying it's necessary but personally I think it makes it a bit nicer and interesting.

Still great job on the rocket. ;D

My parts load but the nodes don't work :\

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Thanks! Nodes took me the longest to tweak, I think. At first, I'd mentally mark a point in belnder and then start from there. The fuel tank just refused to work with any less than 20 edits. I agree about the textures. Anything after this point will be a bit more unique to its set. Also, I just tested the engine. There's BARELY enough fuel to circularize. Crappy parts indeed.

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  Cepheus said:
Looks excellent. There is, however, one thing in the back of my mind. Do you plan on doing the R-7 sputnik launcher?

Originally, yes. I just didn't have the time this weekend. In the future, I'll put it together. Not quite sure it will be 34m tall. Probably half size. It'd be in quite a few pieces, too. There's a limit on polys.


You might want to take a look at the Soyuz pack if you want to pretend a little until then.


Edited by dishycourier
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wicked cool parts, dishy! Perhaps as an addendum, a more slipstreamed non-flushmount camera nacelle design, kinda like |_\ so it can be pointed in any direction and still look nice. because yes, the pentax is cute and funny and so very kerbal to slap on a rocket but... when you're taking the game more serious, you do want serious parts.

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  Hyratel said:
wicked cool parts, dishy! Perhaps as an addendum, a more slipstreamed non-flushmount camera nacelle design, kinda like |_\ so it can be pointed in any direction and still look nice. because yes, the pentax is cute and funny and so very kerbal to slap on a rocket but... when you're taking the game more serious, you do want serious parts.

I've actually got one on an arm that I'm working on. It's also easier to grab than the lens.

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That was the most interesting launch I have done in my career on KSP.

That solid booster is quite intense. I took me less than two minutes to launch and get into orbit, that seems a bit unrealistic to me. Maybe play around with the fuel amount and thrust for a slower burning booster? I'm not 100% familiar with the launch of the Sputnik, but I doubt it took less than two minutes. Haha.

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  kyle.mk.howard said:
That was the most interesting launch I have done in my career on KSP.

That solid booster is quite intense. I took me less than two minutes to launch and get into orbit, that seems a bit unrealistic to me. Maybe play around with the fuel amount and thrust for a slower burning booster? I'm not 100% familiar with the launch of the Sputnik, but I doubt it took less than two minutes. Haha.

The actual launch vehicle for Sputnik was quite a bit larger than the rocket I included with this pack. The R-7 Semyorka was the world's first ICBM launcher and absolutely did take more than two minutes to orbit.


As far as realism with this one-- the rocket was a last minute addition I used for testing and decided to include just for fun. TWR of this system is off all of the realism charts. The good news is that the new rockets, fueltanks, and engines I'm working on are far more realistic. (Pictures in the development thread later today, maybe.)

If you sort of want to pretend a little, the Soyuz pack's main launch vehicle is a better replica of the R-7 than I currently have. Even the detail on the engines is amazing. Of course, Spertnik is not to scale of the original Sputnik, so you might have to get creative with payload fairings.

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  dishycourier said:
The actual launch vehicle for Sputnik was quite a bit larger than the rocket I included with this pack. The R-7 Semyorka was the world's first ICBM launcher and absolutely did take more than two minutes to orbit.


As far as realism with this one-- the rocket was a last minute addition I used for testing and decided to include just for fun. TWR of this system is off all of the realism charts. The good news is that the new rockets, fueltanks, and engines I'm working on are far more realistic. (Pictures in the development thread later today, maybe.)

If you sort of want to pretend a little, the Soyuz pack's main launch vehicle is a better replica of the R-7 than I currently have. Even the detail on the engines is amazing. Of course, Spertnik is not to scale of the original Sputnik, so you might have to get creative with payload fairings.

I can't wait to see more from you, the texture work on these parts are great! Got to love the shiny metal finish. :)

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  kyle.mk.howard said:
I can't wait to see more from you, the texture work on these parts are great! Got to love the shiny metal finish. :)

Thanks. I have a few more that are done with a different, but similar finish. I think I'll just call it the "I hope you like sheet metal" collection. I think the textures in the Spertnik pack are boring and kind of ugly, but it's on purpose. ;) get a good look at the liquid engine nozzle..

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  dishycourier said:

... I think the textures in the Spertnik pack are boring and kind of ugly ...

Your entitled to your opinion but i don't agree with you. The design is nice and the gleaming metal is lovely. Not just because it is rare among the KSP parts but mostly because it represents perfectly how much work is needed to make the (real) rocketparts. I sincerely hope you'll continue to make comparable parts like larger tanks.

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  TheCardinal said:
Your entitled to your opinion but i don't agree with you. The design is nice and the gleaming metal is lovely. Not just because it is rare among the KSP parts but mostly because it represents perfectly how much work is needed to make the (real) rocketparts. I sincerely hope you'll continue to make comparable parts like larger tanks.

The next pack has a '60s feel. I've been retexturing all day. This one looks best.


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  TheCardinal said:
Wow! The looks very intricate. Does the user see the same in KSP? Isn't a lot of the detail lost?

It's actually pretty close. I actually really like this model. It's not historically accurate, but it looks cool. Not a lot of time to work on the rest of the sat-body today, but the color scheme is about the same. The whole thing feels too simple, though. Like It needs more bobs and bits to look realistic. Because, you know, it's not as if spysats just look like giant space-tampons, right?

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  Elven_sword said:
Nice! I'm excited to see what you make, you could be the next Silisko!

Well thank you, but I'm not sure about that. I just had ideas about missing parts that I'd like to see and tried to make them a reality. Most of them are still really unbalanced and completely untextured.

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