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Radiators bugged?

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I appear to be experiencing a bug with my radiators.  They work fine until I use timewarp, there they seem to lose a bit of heat, but when I drop back to normal (1x timescale) they jump up in heat and continue to climb until their PartTemp hits max and shuts them down, causing the reactor to scram, and meanwhile the WasteHeat sits at near nothing.  I know I have sufficient radiators (10x the minimum requirement based on the thermal calculator), so what is going on?  I unfortunately have literally 50 mods installed so tracking this down could be a real chore...  :(


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On 7/26/2018 at 4:28 PM, Leopardmadcat said:

I appear to be experiencing a bug with my radiators.  They work fine until I use timewarp, there they seem to lose a bit of heat, but when I drop back to normal (1x timescale) they jump up in heat and continue to climb until their PartTemp hits max and shuts them down, causing the reactor to scram, and meanwhile the WasteHeat sits at near nothing.  I know I have sufficient radiators (10x the minimum requirement based on the thermal calculator), so what is going on?  I unfortunately have literally 50 mods installed so tracking this down could be a real chore...  :(


Since you didn't complete the fifteen steps you are expected to do to receive help, it's doubtful you'll get much assistance....

I'll take a stab in the dark from a brief Google search for "Ksp radiators timewarp bug."

Do you have FAR installed...That crazy aerodynamics mod? If so uninstall it....that might fix it....

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On 7/26/2018 at 4:28 PM, Leopardmadcat said:

I appear to be experiencing a bug with my radiators.  They work fine until I use timewarp, there they seem to lose a bit of heat, but when I drop back to normal (1x timescale) they jump up in heat and continue to climb until their PartTemp hits max and shuts them down, causing the reactor to scram, and meanwhile the WasteHeat sits at near nothing.  I know I have sufficient radiators (10x the minimum requirement based on the thermal calculator), so what is going on?  I unfortunately have literally 50 mods installed so tracking this down could be a real chore...  :(


I have encountered similar issues with the Near future pack, using both stock and NF radiators.  I haven't lost any reactors yet, but it's been close enough I've been worried.  My best un-informed guess is that there is a rounding error occuring during timewarp, allowing heat to build up. 

My cheap and dirty fix is to not timewarp on that vessel, using KAC to schedule when I should return to the vessel.  Not always practical, no, but it keeps the reactors from slagging out.  I have also set my shutdown temps to lower than normal, so that if an overheat does occur, they will shut down without damage.  I'm not sure which reactors you are using, so this may not be an option. 

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I found a workaround... sorta.

After timewarping go to the space center and on to the tracking station and move your focus to another vessel, wait a few moments, then again to the space center and to the tracking station and back to your vessel.  This forces the game to flush the vessel and reload it, thereby resetting the radiators so they function normally.  It's important to go to the space center rather than directly to the tracking station otherwise it may not work... why, I don't know, but that extra step appears to be important.


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