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Mun Landing Final Descent Tutorial

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Because so many posts on the forums were torturing me, I had to make this video to show people the proper way to descend and bring the lander in nice and slow with only vertical velocity so people stop blowing up.
Due to some recording lag, my landing wasn't the smoothest, but the procedure still applies.

*Note my Mission Elapsed Time... lol* Edited by AncientAstronaut
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Thanks for that little vid! After having seen it, I dumped my 2-stage lander concept, and opted for a more slick design: I dumped the RCS propulsion systems, and added a 4th landing leg. And here we go,the Kerbert Einstein mission was the first to successfully land on the Mun!

However, I fear I'm too tight on my remaining ∆v to make the trip back home: used up too much fuel during capture and descent, which leaves me with a mere 856m/s ∆v. Should I go for it? What is the most ∆v-efficient way to come back: direct ascent, or turning around the Mun?

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Take-off in HDG 270, and try to escape Mun SOI at the side OPPOSITE to the direction of where MUN travels, so that You have minimal possible speed relative to Kerbin. Should do nicely. Just don't try fancy stuff once You re-enter Kerbin SOI, like trying to get into stable orbit first or aiming for oceans. Be happy if You manage to enter atmosphere :)

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Thanks for that little vid! After having seen it, I dumped my 2-stage lander concept, and opted for a more slick design: I dumped the RCS propulsion systems, and added a 4th landing leg. And here we go,the Kerbert Einstein mission was the first to successfully land on the Mun!

However, I fear I'm too tight on my remaining ∆v to make the trip back home: used up too much full during capture and descent, which leaves me with a mere 856m/s ∆v. Should I go for it? What is the most ∆v-efficient way to come back: direct ascent, or turning around the Mun?

I like to have about 1km/s of Delta-V remaining to make the trip home. Which reminds me, I need to send that rescue mission.

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