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General browser question I can't find answer for


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This forum is a principle example of a set of pages that I have issues with on all browsers. I think it's generally described as "lazy loading."

Take the SpaceX thread here. There are many images, or embedded tweets that take a while to populate, even with my 40 MB connection.

So you're at the bottom of the page wanting to do a quick reply, but as new images load, it scrolls away from you. In general, I'd like my computer to NEVER take focus from where I have it. No window should even pop up in front of one I'm working on, and in the case of browsing, if I have scrolled myself to the bottom, I want it to populate the page above me, while leaving my focus on the bottom of the page where I have chosen to put it.

Is there a way to force this behavior, or has anyone found a firefox or chrome plugin to do this?

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Way back in the day, the Opera browser was designed for slow connections.  It would load all the text first, including formatting, and then placeholders for the images, so even if the data wasn't there, it would still have loaded the size of the image.  The page was instantly usable and never shifted, depending on your connection, you might have to wait a bit for the images to load.   That was their selling point as being different than netscape and IE.  I would hope to think they still do that, but I haven't played with it in a very long time. 

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