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Re-scaled Kerbol System suggestion


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As KSP 1.4 released, Realism Overhaul no longer works, as the mod doesn't updated beyond 1.3.1. So, here is my suggestion:

A re-scaled Kerbol System, means, a Kerbol System, with the characteristics of the Solar System (except the visual look). For example:

Kerbol will has as same characteristics as Sun.

Moho will has as same characteristics as Mercury.

Eve will has as same characteristics as Venus.

Gilly will has as same characteristics as Deimos.

Kerbin will has as same characteristics as Earth

Mun will has as same characteristics as Moon.

Minmus will has as same characteristics as Vesta.

Duna will has as same characteristics as Mars.

Ike will has as same characteristics as Phobos.

Dres will has as same characteristics as Ceres.

Jool will has as same characteristics as Jupiter.

Laythe will has as same characteristics as Halley's Comet (not the radius and gravity).

Vall will has as same characteristics as Europa.

Tylo will has as same characteristics as Ganymede.

Bop will has as same characteristics as Callisto.

Pol will has as same characteristics as Io.

It could also change the characteristics of the Outer Planets Mod, if you install that mod.

Hope you like my suggestion, if anyone tried to change the Kerbol System, they will be liked my suggestion a lot.

Thank you in advance, bye!

Edited by soumya-8974
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Sounds like a great project! Here's a tool that you could use:

Here's a mod that does much of what you're looking for. You may be able to use as-is or modify to your liking. It may need a bit of tweaking to work with current Kopernicus and 1.4.x, but it would give you a great head start and lots of examples.


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11 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Aren't Sigma88's mods limited with 1.3.1 as well as RO/RSS ?

SigmaDimensions seems to work just fine in 1.4.5.  

Rescale says it's not compatible, but I'm only referencing that as a source for how to write scaling code and the code all still works.

He's not asking how to use RSS. He's trying to rescale Stock.

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