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Micro-challenges for all! (Continuation of Newbie Central.)

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Here is my attempt to this challenge :)


This plane is quite unusual as it's made of multiple semi-independent modules (those who followed my threads might know that I can't design anything without docks :D )

Front modules left and right : 2 Goliath with liquid fuel, wings, landing gear and dock

Middle module : 2 cargo bay containing 1 large ore tank, powered by 2 Junos and beautifull StayPutniks

Aft module : Control surfaces and landing legs to level with the engines


Plane + assembly :




Payload :


Plane on the runway :


1st docking :


2nd docking :



Flight :


Top speed is only 155 m/s due to bad harmonics :



The craft barely take-off around 85m/s, the aft landing gear was a bit too far from CoM :


Landing, quite easy with that much lift !



Deployement and return to base:


1st payload is placed near the runway, the other one next to a hangar :



1st payload undocked :


Redocking 2nd engine :


Top speed is a lot better on the return trip :


Ready for next assignement :



This was quite fun to do, can't wait for the next challenge :)


Edited by Kerbolitto
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Well, here's my retry. For some reason my craft keeps exploding when I undock the rear payload... So after about 20 odd attempts I just decided to put up with it and resque the cargo:

return trip was optional, right?

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3 minutes ago, Kerbolitto said:

Yeah, looks like you're colonizing the island anyway :D

That's my final setup for the Duna mission. I've tested it on Duna already and found it can indefinitely support 6 kerbals, which is a good start of my mission!

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Going for the more conventional looking option.  Payload is 30.098 tons, consisting of mostly liquid fuel, some ore, and a very small amount of rocket fuel.  Problems encountered were due to physics glitches when separating the payload from the transporter at the island.  The glitching caused the payload to jump on detaching, which popped all the tyres.  Fortunately Bill was on hand to put his engineering skills to use to repair them, and we were able to successfully offload the cargo.


Starting shot, showing an empty cargo hold and the payload off to the side of the runway.




Payload safely stowed




And we're off




Safe arrival at the island




Payload delivered


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20 minutes ago, Pascovian said:

well, i thought proposal ideas were over but aside that...

i'm actually staying for the kerbin system grand tour

Just to be clear, the idea suggestion phase is never over, you can continue to suggest challenges. It's not we pick one and all the others are discarded thing, nor is it like that every week. All the challenges that are suggested, that we like, will get done at some point. Of course, if one of our team members has an idea that we really like, we'll do that! The suggestions were never going to be used for this challenge anyway, we were hoping to have it up when the thread was posted, but there were some delays. This is just to say that we already knew what the challenge was going to be before people started suggesting ideas. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.

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Suggestion for a challenge.  Put a probe satellite in to a polar orbit around Mun.  The satellite should include a surface scanner, so orbital parameters will depend on scanner chosen to meet the optimal requirements of the scanner.  This could then lead on to another challenge to land a manned mission within 2km of any of the scanned anomalies, or even to build a small base close to one of the anomalies for scientific study.

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1 hour ago, Scarecrow said:

Suggestion for a challenge.  Put a probe satellite in to a polar orbit around Mun.  The satellite should include a surface scanner, so orbital parameters will depend on scanner chosen to meet the optimal requirements of the scanner.  This could then lead on to another challenge to land a manned mission within 2km of any of the scanned anomalies, or even to build a small base close to one of the anomalies for scientific study.


59 minutes ago, The Minmus Derp said:

Good idea!

I agree.


22 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

Actually, this would be a nice challenge:

Rescue a Kerbal, floating in space, with no EVA fuel left^^

Might be interesting.

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Well, I did it a bit the other way around...

First, I didn't really bothered with using an actual proper aircraft


Yup, it's my HRO (Heavy Recovery Orbiter)
Also such shuttle is not that great at taking off just on jets


But we get there


Deploy everything!


And then the drogue chutes


Right, the ship capable of doing this on Duna really doesn't need much landing strip...



Now the payload... it was waiting here.


And it turned out to have trouble getting in there - wheels just kept popping on the ramp, so we had to use some runway for gaining the speed to get in there.


Sorry, somehow missed screenshot with the payload just loaded. Anyway, after a bunch of tries and rather annoyed with repairing wheels Bill, it got in there

But can we get enough speed here for...



That's why we took some rocket fuel! What? I already said it's not a cargo plane, but an interplanetary shuttle.

Oh, and jets do much better job if get to 200 m/s first



Well, this is with proper payload, so let's not do tricks.


Just the normal airliner-style landing


And proceed with deploying the payload


Wheels popping, payload getting stuck, had to raise the nose to get it out. Also turned out brakes were on, even with the indicator off


And the mass is... Wait what? The request was 30 tons? Right, 40 tons was nominal landing payload in the HRO specifications.


HRO delivery services: now with 40% more payload than asked for!


Edited by Alchemist
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