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In memory of Neil Armstrong

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Here's my seemingly insignificant contribution to the remembrances and tributes to one of the greatest men of the 20th century. In the second picture, Matbald gazes into the great, great distance toward the Kerbalverse's version of the Milky Way, wondering where his greatest passed hero, Neil Armstrong, was. His greatest living hero, Jebediah Kerman, gave the nod for Matbald to make the trip in honor of Armstrong. Jeb wanted to do it, but he wants to share it with his closest buds, Bill and Bob Kerman. And he himself with design that craft. But in the mean time, Jeb and the rest of the KSC staff nod in silent appreciation of their inspiration as Matbald recites the most famous verse in exploration and scientific history: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

And it was then everyone came to the same realization: God needed a pilot, and chose Neil Armstrong. He picked a dang good pilot.

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After my minmus landing I posted earlier, I went ahead and built a ship to recreate the landing at the Apollo XI coords(A more fitting tribute to a hero). Unfortunately I am horrible at landing manually at specific coordinates(I need more practice >.<), so I had to mechjeb the landing.

The ship and Elford and Alwig Kerman standing in as tribute to "Neil and Buzz"




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Built a design based on the Saturn V.




Nice:) I have Saturn V but i designed my spacecraft based on stock parrts, i have Saturn V but i have some difficult to design lander, you lander is cool:-)

it would be nice to have possibility to have enclosed lander, i mean separate lander in rocket casing to dock.

Once again tribute to space hero!

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Thanks! Yeah, I tried designing it with just stock parts at first, but I found it so difficult and my building skills so lacking that I had to turn to a few of my mod parts, hehe. And it took me -FOREVER- to come up with that lander... my first one was little more than a couple of fuel tanks with some landing legs strapped on, hehe..

Nice:) I have Saturn V but i designed my spacecraft based on stock parrts, i have Saturn V but i have some difficult to design lander, you lander is cool:-)

it would be nice to have possibility to have enclosed lander, i mean separate lander in rocket casing to dock.

Once again tribute to space hero!

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I'm a bit late to do it on the day of his death, but here's a moon mission dedicated to him. I used the OrionX1 by deadshot462 (one of my favourite spacecraft now!) and Mechjeb for the prograde and retrograde functions. I've already done a few tributes to him, but here's another. Lots of pics




In orbit and waiting for the munrise


A brave Kerbal takes a quick glance back at Kerbin while coasting to the Mun.


The crew have now entered munar orbit.


During descent, the crew spot the Mun Arch.


And the lander touches down on the surface of the Mun.


A kerbal about to step onto the surface of the Mun.


The crew on the surface.


After their EVAs, the crew clambers back aboard the lander for munar liftoff.


After a successful liftoff, the crew heads back towards Kerbin.


The capsule hurtles through Kerbin's atmosphere at high speeds.


The parachute opens and the capsule safely descends the last 500m


The crew back on the grassy plains of Kerbin.

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Had I been aware of the thread, I'd have posted something sooner. Well, here's one of my landings:

<a href="/image_zoom.php?id=/user_images/9763/1346349363m"><img src="http://images.mocpages.com/user_images/9763/1346349363m_SPLASH.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="281" alt=""></a>

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Oh, to add to my Mun landing, I also managed a first-time Minmus landing, albeit one that took 4 in-game months XD

Anyway, here's the picture of that landing to add to the tributes:

<a href="/image_zoom.php?id=/user_images/9763/1346350502m"><img src="http://images.mocpages.com/user_images/9763/1346350502m_SPLASH.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="281" alt=""></a>

R.I.P. Neil Alden Armstrong. I do hope that your one small step leads to many others.

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Halfred Kerman lands the first semi-permanent habitation module on the Mun.

Part of a three-stage Mun mission, Halfred will remain on the Mun at Alpha Station awaiting Stage Two- a resupply mission from Kerbal. A second Kerbonaut will then take up station on the Mun, awaiting Stage 3- the final retrieval mission. Alpha Station will remain on the Mun to form the base of operations for a long-term mission... although it retains the ability to return to Kerbal with its caretaker in the event of an emergency.



This one's for you Neil- albeit a bit late.

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The memorial that Nova said was going to be at the coordinates of the Apollo 11 landing sight, will that be within 0.17 or pre-0.17?

I'd wager a bet that it will be .17, just because it's an expenditure of dev time that could be better spent pushing .17 out a little quicker and just add it as a feature of the .17 patch, and who knows maybe there will be some spare time to make it a little more extravagant. No disrespect to Neil by far, he was my childhood hero... it's just that business is business, ya know?

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what plugin you use to mod and go to the moon and what you ue the paid version or demo :)

You can google "kerpollo" and you will find a link to kspyards. The rocket there is the one I used in the below mission. Comes with Saturn V, SM, CM, and LM. The parts are weirdly scaled, but it will get to the Mun and land. You'll have to find a separate escape tower, I used NovaPunch's I believe.

Heres my Apollo 11 mission. It is fairly accurate (except the launch angle. That was a herpderp), using information I found at the Kennedy Space Center.

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