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Boosters not landing even tho they dont get out of the atmosphere

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The parachutes will not activate when you are 2.5km away from the booster (that's when the craft turns from being a physical object to a marker on the map) 

So you put on parachutes, but they didn't activate because you got too far from the object. My suggestion is that when you release the booster, you should switch to it just before releasing, and activate the parachutes. Then switch back to the main craft. That way you can see the parachutes activate, and everything should be fine

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Probe cores and activated parachutes and even Kerbals don't matter.

If your focused craft is outside physics range of anything when that thing goes below 25km altitude on Kerbin, it will be deleted. Physics range in the atmosphere is around 25km.

Additionally, while you are in the atmosphere, you can't change focus.

If you want your spent stages to land -- you have to either use mods, or follow them all the way to the ground.

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So stage recovery is a option.

You also have physics range extender

I have no clue how well it works, haven't tried recovering stuff using it but it assume this is a method to recover your boosters.

Then you have Flight management for reusable stages (FMRS)

This creates a save of both the main rocket and the detached section (booster) so that you can first fly the rocket into space then reload the save state of the detached booster so you can land it.

For your purpose stagerecovery seems better and simpler, I just wanted to expand your horizon with this.

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