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[1.11.x] Lionhead Aerospace Circular Solar Panels v5.1 (Requires Firespitter Plugin)


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Removed the isBreakable line from all circular panel cfgs and ran two reentry tests because one wound up being during time warp.  In both cases the small panels broke within a few seconds of a stock 3X2 shrouded panel at around 33000m altitude.  On the first test (1 of each (shrouded and unshrouded) small circular panel and 1 3X2) one of the circular panels broke at the same time as the 3X2.  On the second test the 3X2 actually broke first and the two circular panels broke together a second or two later.

I also performed a crash test with a Kerbal on EVA in space.  The circular panels break when a Kerbal hits them at 2.1m/s (measured with the ship as a target) or higher which is fully consistent with the 3X2 panel.

Additional tests show impact tolerance in large and medium panels is consistent with small panels.

A reentry test with 2 medium and 2 large panels nearly saw them survive reentry simply because, deployed, they create enough drag to slow a 1-3 capsule down significantly.  They all broke between 26000 and 22000m during reentry.

The circular panels appear to perform the same as stock solar panels.  I judge it safe to remove isBreakable lines from all panels.

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  On 11/2/2018 at 1:51 AM, COL.R.Neville said:

the is breakable is more for bumping into them in orbit or getting hit by ejection force/exhaust of fairing separation. 

just lower the temps down to 1500-1800 that will make sure they burn up during reentry.


The squad coding for isBreakable is for the breaking of solar panels due to atmospheric forces.  Surface mount panels have the isBreakable = false and they can still be broken by impacts, but they will not break due to aerodynamic forces.

I performed a few folded tests just for funzies.  Large folded/undeployed circular panels do not break unless the impact is above 5m/s.  This is higher than an unshrouded 3X2 which breaks in the low 3m/s (3.2 in my test) range and is consistent with shrouded 3X2 panels which break at 5m/s and above.

KSP crashed on me, so I think I'm done testing for the night.

Edited by overkill13
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I thought %maxQ was for aero forces. 

i was having a problem with these being broken by fairing separations I added in is breakable false and they stopped breaking dont know what to tell you

dont know what explosive force or separation motor exhaust is classed as just telling you why i added it in there very possible i was wrong it aint the first time. 

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Here is something someone should work on, and I never like it from the first time I used the mod years ago. I assume it was colored this way to go with the theme of LH. The blue panels seems to bright and too blue for me. I think something more along the lines of the stock color.



LH panel:


I personally only use black, when I use to use the panels.

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Here is what I meant by aliasing going on, when I converted images to .dds:


I tried many different ways, from DXT1 to DXT5, I also tried DTX_nm for the Normal map. I used Paint.net and then Gimp. I couldn't get the aliasing lines from showing up. The panels looked fine when they were in .png or .tga, but how ever many combinations I did, they never worked. 

I think when I did Paint.net it was set up default compression. 

I have a feeling its he Normal map not working right for me. I think, I even tried the Normal map without any DXT compression and it was the same.

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did you use the files that are in the  drive link i sent you? 

those are already converted to dds using the dds4ksp app. so it does everything it needs for KSP. 

so there are two in there one is PNG for the textures and normals and the other is dds for both. I renamed them so you can tell which is which easier. 

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yeah im not seeing any of that even with aa off.  grab the dds version off that link i sent you crow and try that. 

to add that new shade of blue all you need to do is name the recolored texture file to CircularPanel001 and another copy CircularPanel2001 and add it to each of the corresponding folders. 

then change these lines in the FS module and now you can have all 3 colors. 

textureNames = CircularPanel000;CircularPanel010;CircularPanel001    oh yeah and CircularPanel2000;CircularPanel2010;CircularPanel2001
textureDisplayNames = Black;Blue;Dark Blue

Edited by COL.R.Neville
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  On 11/2/2018 at 4:40 AM, Gordon Dry said:

@therealcrow999 perhaps you disabled mipmaps?

Are the retracted panels without cover supposed to look like that? I'm not sure:


Yeah they look like that. You can see them in image gallery on first post.

No I haven't tried with mipmap. When and why, do I need to add a mipmap?

I didn't do that with skybox conversion, just straight DXT1. I guess those are different.

Edited by therealcrow999
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If someone want to convert the .tga to .dds, they can and upload them here and I can test them out. 

I am not having any luck. I did solve the aliasing issue with mipmap, I had to use supersample. Other issue I had was with the Normal map. Also when I thought I had everything set, I went on launch pad, in the day, and the panels would cast weird shadows on itself and the lighting on them looked dark. 

  On 11/2/2018 at 4:11 AM, Gordon Dry said:

I converted the textures for myself using Paint.NET:


Ok, take them on launch pad and do a test in light. I think they are going to have a dark shadowy too them. You can kind of see it on the Blue ones in this picture. On either ends. Outside they will look weird. This is the issue I had.

You should have a crisp look and be able to see the normal map too. 

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I want to create a TU shader config - but that's not easy for beginners.

Could you provide a list of the mesh names and what they are? Like the structure is metal, could be a metal shader. The panels themselves get a solar panel shader.


(Dumb forum software - swallowed my edit but doubled the first post - have to type everything again)

I refer to this config as a reference - from https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/168795-electrocutors-thread/


	name = Stock_SolarPanels

	model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/1x6SolarPanels/model
	model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/3x2SolarPanels/model
	model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/gigantorXlSolarArray/model
	model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/radialFlatSolarPanel/model
	model = Squad/Parts/Misc/AsteroidDay/LgRadialSolar

	MATERIAL // Metal
		shader = SSTU/PBR/Metallic
		inheritTexture = _MainTex
		inheritTexture = _BumpMap
		inheritTexture = _Emissive

		mesh = base
		mesh = mount
		mesh = panelbase
		mesh = panelcap
		mesh = clamp
		mesh = rotator
		mesh = panel_001
		mesh = panel_002

			name = _Metal
			float = 0.75
			name = _Smoothness
			float = 0.75

	MATERIAL // Panels
		shader = SSTU/PBR/Metallic
		inheritTexture = _MainTex
		inheritTexture = _BumpMap
		inheritTexture = _Emissive

		excludeMesh = mount
		excludeMesh = panelbase
		excludeMesh = panelcap
		excludeMesh = base
		excludeMesh = door
		excludeMesh = clamp
		excludeMesh = rotator
		excludeMesh = panel_001
		excludeMesh = panel_002

			name = _Metal
			float = 0.0
			name = _Smoothness
			float = 1.0

	name = Stock_SolarPanelsShrouded

	model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/1x6ShroudSolarPanels/model
	model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/3x2ShroudSolarPanels/model

	MATERIAL // Metal
		shader = SSTU/PBR/Metallic
		inheritTexture = _MainTex
		inheritTexture = _BumpMap
		inheritTexture = _Emissive

		mesh = mount
		mesh = panelbase
		mesh = panelcap
		mesh = clamp
		mesh = rotator
		mesh = panel_001
		mesh = panel_002

			name = _Metal
			float = 0.75
			name = _Smoothness
			float = 0.75

	MATERIAL // Panels
		shader = SSTU/PBR/Metallic
		inheritTexture = _MainTex
		inheritTexture = _BumpMap
		inheritTexture = _Emissive

		excludeMesh = mount
		excludeMesh = panelbase
		excludeMesh = panelcap
		excludeMesh = base
		excludeMesh = door
		excludeMesh = clamp
		excludeMesh = rotator
		excludeMesh = panel_001
		excludeMesh = panel_002

			name = _Metal
			float = 0.0
			name = _Smoothness
			float = 1.0

and then there are also these ones:

  • SSTU/PBR/Solar - Subsurface-Scattering based back-lit solar panel shader.   Uses a GLOW/thickness map to determine backlight effect, along with several tunable shader parameters.
  • SSTU/SolarShader -- Legacy Diff/Spec solar-panel shader.  Includes a GLOW map for a view-direction dependent back-lit effect.


	name = SSTU/SolarShader
	shader = SSTU/SolarShader
	iconShader = SSTU/MaskedIcon


Edited by Gordon Dry
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Actually I'm fiddling with this:
(example of LH_CircularPanel1)

		name = InterstellarTextureSwitch2
		textureRootFolder = LionHead_Aerospace_Inc/CircularPanel/
		textureNames = CircularPanel000;CircularPanel100
		objectNames = Circle_001;Circle_002;Circle_003;Circle_004;Circle_005;Circle_006;Circle_007;Circle_008;Circle_009;Circle_010;Circle_011;Circle_012;Circle_013;Circle_014;Circle_015;Circle_016;Circle_017;Circle_018;Circle_019;Circle_020
		textureDisplayNames = Black;Blue
		mapNames = CircularPanel001;CircularPanel001
		useFuelSwitchModule = false
		nextButtonText = Next Texture
		prevButtonText = Previous Texture
		statusText = Current texture
		showListButton = false
		switchableInFlight = false
		//debugMode = true
		//showinfo = true
		@name = FStextureSwitch2


Edited by Gordon Dry
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@therealcrow999 When I manage it to get all this working I will send you my folder as .7z as well.

I don't have the dark blue color variants though.

I'm trying to make this work, too:


	name = Lionhead_CircularPanel
	model = Lionhead_Aerospace_Inc/CircularPanel/CircularPanel
	model = Lionhead_Aerospace_Inc/CircularPanel2/CircularPanel2

		shader = SSTU/SolarShader
		float = _Metal, 0.75
		float = _Smoothness, 0.75


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Actually I'm also reorganizing, no need for double textures files.

Also the fact that the blue and the black variant were not properly aligned (so just different color) made me work on it.

Plus: I created an emissive map. Perhaps I need it, because the above TU config was not good enough ...

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@therealcrow999 I spent too much time in trying to optimize the TU shader stuff.

Without some real tutorial - forget it. I don't like this every-single-person-must-learning-by-doing stuff.

This is what I come up with:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/lvpr6un3g18nyed/Lionhead Aerospace Circular Solar Panels (unfinished TU shaders by Gordon Dry).7z?dl=1


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  On 11/3/2018 at 8:41 PM, Gordon Dry said:

@therealcrow999 I spent too much time in trying to optimize the TU shader stuff.

Without some real tutorial - forget it. I don't like this every-single-person-must-learning-by-doing stuff.

This is what I come up with:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/lvpr6un3g18nyed/Lionhead Aerospace Circular Solar Panels (unfinished TU shaders by Gordon Dry).7z?dl=1


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Man you were working on hard on something. I was wondering what you were getting at asking for metal thing. 

"I don't like this every-single-person-must-learning-by-doing stuff," believe me, I have been there before. I try to do something but at same time I am teaching myself how to do it from scratch. IT happens a lot in KSP. I don't do it as much as I did years ago. 

I will mess around with your file later, do I need Firespitter too?

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  On 11/4/2018 at 6:42 AM, Gordon Dry said:

The configs are compatible to Firespitter AND InterstellarFuelSwitch - if IFS and/or Firespitter are installed, IFS is preferred.


I was messing with them last night and couldn't get either one to work. I will have to try again. But I am sure they didn't work.

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