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Staging Order Question.

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So, out of curiousity- does the order an item is placed in the 'stage' matter? For instance, in one stage I'll have a decoupler, the next stage's engine, and a parachute for the discarded stage.

essentially, is




the same as




or am I misunderstanding things? Again? XD

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Mostly it doesn't matter, but if you mount any stages on the sides (with radial decouplers), things can get really screwy. Everything you add below that tries to skip the side stage and consider itself part of the stage above the side stage. After you place the part on the ship itself, you have to manually move its icon on the staging sequence display on the side of the screen to make sure it's activated when you want it to be. Later if you adjust any of the higher parts, that may cause many of the lower pieces to revert to the wrong stage, and you have to go back and re-fix them all. It's a major pain in the behind.

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