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KSP Original Design Competition

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Contract n°6
gen 4.5

by me

plane: Arrowhead

link: https://kerbalx.com/Coca992/Arrowhead

This plane is a STOL 4.5 gen fighter, equipped with 6 missiles, 2 drop tanks, and even 2 drogue chutes!



Developed at the end of the cold war by 4 countries from Europe, this versatile fighter was meant to be flown in a formation of 5 in a V shape, the goal is to focus the main objectives and destroy them as fast as possible. Sadly, due to the small budget allowed for this aircraft, it doesn't include thrust vectoring at all, relying entirely on its tail fins for its maneuverability. Because of the same reason, it is single-engined. The way the air is collected is completely new: the sidelines are collecting passively the air through really small holes, allowing the craft to be much lighter and a bit more stealthy without those pesky intakes.

This ultra maneuverable delta wing configuration plane uses a single overpowered afterburner turbofan to carry the following weapons:
- 4 HVAR unguided missiles (from HB Stratos)
- 2 Mavericks unguided missiles (from HB Stratos)
It can overpass the speed of sound when you're starting to gain altitude, max speed: 800m/s
     Personal notes
It was pretty fun to build, and ultra fun to fly! If you're afraid of the lag, you can unarm it, dropping to the part count to ~110 parts, making it more maneuverable at the same time!

     Personal notes

AG 1: toggle engine

AG 2: toggle afterburner

AG 10: toggle spoilers



Edited by Coca992
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Contract 8
Generation 6
C7R - prgmTrouble
X-25 Sanctum Silentium

The newest generation of super-stealth aircraft were getting faster and even stealthier, and the budgets were being cut almost as fast. However, a miraculous contract from the government fell into the hands of the CEO, which granted the relatively small aerospace company the unique opportunity to choose an UNLIMITED number of parts from ANY dumpster in the nation! Upon hearing this news, the engineering team was so ecstatic that they demanded to start rummaging through junkyards near the government's top-secret aerospace testing facility. After dragging back some prototype engine blueprints, the project was completed in the space of one week. After government agents inspected the plane, it is rumored that the CEO was not likely to get another contract from the government any time in the near future...



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There's plenty of room for entries so I'll just take a SEAD.

Contract No. 009
4th generation


by EvenFlow
In the 1970s and the 1980s the risk of a mass Soviet naval offensive in the Baltic Sea posed a real threat to the security of the entire Western Bloc. At the frontline of this hypothetical battlefield stood Sweden - the fall of Scandinavia would mean that the Soviets would gain the ability to strike targets on the British Isles and France without overflying West German airspace which was highly defended by modern SAM sites. The Swedes realized that by 1985 their aging Viggen fleet would become obsolete against modern Soviet Navy CIWS and anti-missile defences and thus a contract to develop a modern solution was published by the government.

SAAB has decided to enter the competition in tandem with the german MBB consortium. Their expertise with the canard - delta combination design on their previous joint X-31 project with Rockwell was supposed to enhance the high AoA flight characteristics of the airframe - a very challenging task considering the aircraft was supposed to be based around carrying heavy anti-ship and anti-radiation munitions which required a large, heavy airframe.

The resulting aircraft first flew in the summer of 1987. It retained the Viggens lifting surface configuration, but the fuselage itself was much sleeker, featuring a ventral air intake similar to the one used on the X-31 (and later also the Eurofighter Typhoon). The cockpit section housed a two-man crew with the pilot operating the flight systems and air-to-air munitions, while the RIO housed in the closed off rear compartment operated the Falk's enormous ground search radar and it's many sensors as well as the complex air-to-ground weapon suite. Low mounted, slightly anhedral delta wing boasted high wing area while maintaining a sub-9m wingspan which allowed the aircraft to perform admirably in low-level rolling maneuvers. The enormous vertical stabilizer, serving as somewhat of a third wing in high bank angles helped keep the aircraft as stable as possible in low-level attack runs. Unlike the Viggen, the Falk was highly maneuverable, hampered only by it's extremely heavy payload in ground attack missions. In a clean configuration it could be easily used in air combat with great success proving it's strength in numerous DACT sorties against NATO aircraft of the time, outperforming the F-16 and even standing it's ground against the F-15 Eagles stationed in West Germany.

Falk's reinforced wing pylons can accomodate a large variety of payloads ranging from the Rb-04 anti ship missiles (as modelled on this particular airframe) to AGM-88 HARMs, AIM-120 AMRAAMs and a variety of guided munitions.

The outer wing pylons can house drop tanks or short range standoff munitions such as the AIM-9 heatseeking missile.

The Falk incorporates an advanced electronic warfare suite consisting of RWR pods on the wingtips, radar tracking devices which allow it to conduct Wild Weasel missions, high resolution cameras and a powerful jammer atop it's vertical stabilizer (hence the name - EAJ (Elektronisk Attack-Jakt)).

The aircraft served in both Swedish Air Force and Luftwaffe in substantial numbers, serving as a stepping stone between the Viggen/Tornado force and the more modern multirole platforms such as the Gripen and the Eurofighter Typhoon. EJ-38 Falk is currently being phased out of service with the Luftwaffe due to budget cuts and the Eurofighter Typhoon being capable of fulfilling the Falk's duties at a lower cost, while the Swedish air force plans on extending the plane's lifetime until about 2025 after which it will be replaced with the more modern Gripen-E variants.





Download here:


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@EvenFlow please use the submission template from the first post, will make it easier for me to make the video.



Hey there, thanks to @ScaryTerry we got a new contract! A second generation bomber one! Go check it out!

Edited by HB Stratos
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Yes you heard it right, I´m<participating in my own challenge. Sorry, couldn´t help myself.



A-58 "Stacked Fire" ↑


YF-53 "Bloodhound" ↑


No clue what that is, originally gen 3, but it was rejected. ↑


Bad gen 6 plane, rejected for further developement


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Contract #005

Generation 4

Panzerknoef/Zircon Aerospace

Zircon DFH-17 "Fuego"

A fourth generation, twin engine, twin seater heavy fighter for the navy. The DFH-17 "Fuego" is in fact a very heavily altered DFB-14. Only the cockpit, a small part of the hull and the vertical stabilizer have been left unchanged. Changes include: completely redesigned hull (2 hull pieces were moved away from each other and lengthened), implementation of a central wing area to increase lift, completely reworked wings (gone for a more aerodynamic wing shape to allow higher speed). All these changes make the Fuego into a fully fledged generation 4 aircraft. It can takeoff quickly, has more than adequate maneuverability and it's fast. All these features should allow the aircraft to come out on top in almost every battle with contemporary designs.





Download link: https://kerbalx.com/Panzerknoef/Zircon-DFH-17-Fuego

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I haven't posted anything on KerbalX for like a year (sry) but i thought it's a good idea to enter this challenge. Here's my entry:


Government contract No. 3
generation 3
Watchman F-3A

The  Watchman is a vietnam style fighter/bomber. It is slightly inspired by some US and some USSR aircraft of the time. You might find some references.The Watchman A version (this one) is not designed for a carrier based operations spectrum although with it’s excellent climbing rate and minimum need of runway lenght the carrier based version might actually only lack a hook. It is capable of carrying 4 A-G missiles. Those will be fired in sets of two for maximum impact. All missiles are well balanced and stable in flight. So is the entire plane actually.







Edited by SpaceTrashCan
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VZKNhN8.png   JJI5J5O.png


Contract No.003

Third Generation Aircraft

By Sebastiaz

In the late 1960s, the U.S conceived a plan for a low altitude fighter/bomber for the Vietnam war, to work alongside the F-4 Phantom, prototypes of the Dolph first flew in 1967, and the production variant flying just a year later. It’s main purpose is to multirole between heavy fighter and bomber. It was one of the first aircraft of its time to incorporate thrust vectoring, having a gimbal of 25. The Dolph continued service until the late 1970s, where it was soon replaced by the F-15 Eagle.

The LRF-51 is able to get up to speeds of 260m/s with drop tanks, and 305m/s without drop tanks. Due to it’s low wing loading, it is only able to carry 2 AGM-65s on the wings, though is able to carry 4 more on the large fuselage. Having such power-to-weight ratio means that the Dolph can also get up to high altitudes if necessary, and can hastily get out of danger. On the nose, it carries a 20mm M61 Vulcan if in a dogfight.

Pilots in the Vietnam War noted that the best way to fly this aircraft during dogfights was boom and zoom, target your aircraft, fire the 20mm, and get out of there as soon as possible due to having limited manoeuvrability.



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Contract No. 009
Generation 4

Earmuff 1



Loosely inspired by the U2, the Earmuff 1 is a long range top-of-the-line spy plane, eschewing armaments in favor of sensors and crew survivability. The most notable feature of this oddly-shaped aircraft is its decoupling mechanism; if the crew needs to abort mission, the cabin will detach and parachute gently down.

In terms of maneuverability, the Earmuff 1 is capable of performing loops within a 800m diameter. And, at a cruising altitude of 8000 meters, the Earmuff is also capable of flying slightly more than halfway around the globe.



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2nd Generation — Contract 002

valens/ FLOOYD Dynamics F99c "Adynaton"

The "Adynaton" is designed around the Whiplash engine, as befits its role of bomber-hunter fast missile platform. Armed with six missiles and two guns, it can hit multiple targets from high altitude and still have a extensive range. In order to take off in less than ten seconds, it is fitted with two sets of JATO rockets. With a full load, the "Adynaton" reaches 12km altitude under two minutes and 18km under three minutes; the performances dramatically increase though as missiles are launched. Piloting this bird is not for the faint-hearted though, as acceleration and decelaration can be extremely violent, and maneuverability at high altitudes less than optimal.

[Production notes : That one was a beast ! Two designs were competing in my head, and the first one (under Vac-Co's fictional supervision) was really small, but could not carry much in the way of armament, and displayed ridiculously high performances. FLOOYD's features a semi-angled wing in order to have a decent angle of attack, as well as flaps placed outboard of the wing (an afterthought, they were not supposed to be used), and a double delta wing reminiscent of the Saab Drakken. I also tested a Panther-powered version (which I might upload one day) but the performances when loaded were largely inferior to the Whiplash version ; interestingly, the former used a liquid fuel/oxidizer mix for fast take-off, similar to the Mirage III developed in the late 50s.]





On a relevant matter, what do you guys use as stock missiles that do not massively hinder aerodynamics ?



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6 hours ago, valens said:

On a relevant matter, what do you guys use as stock missiles that do not massively hinder aerodynamics ?

I use spin stabilized rockets and make them relastively small and light.
You can contact me via Discord (HB Stratos#0800) if you want the craft files @valens

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Contract #009

Generation 4

Panzerknoef/Zircon Aerospace

Zircon DEF-19 "Redoubt"

Another twinjet, twinseater fourth generation fighter but with a different design emphasis. This aircraft has been designed to carry out a specific set of missions requiring high agility and long range. As a result our engineers have made a fuel efficient and highly maneuverable jet, then they strapped on a whole bunch of extra fuel cans to make sure it can fly even further. The result is the DEF-19 "Redoubt". Obviously the aircraft can have its extra fuel tanks removed and replaced by armament should it be necessary. The price for the high fuel efficiency lies with the speed though. Capable of a top speed of only mach 1.1, the Redoubt won't usually be running away from anyone, but it will always have the edge when it comes down to a simple turnfight. Propulsion of the Redoubt is made up of 2 panther afterburning turbofans, which for the first time, have got the ability to vector their thrust, contributing to the high agility of the aircraft. Stock armament is very limited, being equipped with only 2 missiles and 2 cannons, but as said before, this can be altered. 





Download link: https://kerbalx.com/Panzerknoef/Zircon-DEF-19-Redoubt

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Contract #006

Generation 4.5

Panzerknoef/Zircon Aerospace

Zircon SEF-23 "Tecolote"

A generation 4.5 fighter, this aircraft was in the running with another aircraft to become our prime generation 4.5 offering, and eventually won. The SEF-23 fits all the demands that were made for the generation 4.5 aircraft, single engine, transonic cruise, etc etc. Its the improved transonic cruise which eventually gave this aircraft the edge over the other one. Being capable of cruising (unarmed because of crazy weapon drag) at speeds of about mach 0.8-0.9. When the afterburner is activated, it reaches speeds of over mach 2 at altitude. The engines have 2D thrust vectoring to further enhance the excellent agility of the aircraft. It can carry a whole lot of payload so it shouldn't have any problems fitting all modern weapon systems.





Download link: https://kerbalx.com/Panzerknoef/Zircon-SEF-23-Tecolote



It pretty much looks like Zircon Aerospace is by far the biggest producer of aircraft, and we're not done yet!

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Contract No. 006
Generation 4.5
F-54B Firestrike
Fairly capable multi-role strike fighter, re-designed from a twin engined version (on KerbalX as the F-54 Firestrike). Has extremely high maximum speed (Mach 2.81@1-2km altitude, Mach 2.85@10-11km+ altitude, although the acceleration rate isn't blistering, it's reasonable. Maneuverability, while not outstanding, is pretty good (If for some reason it appears to be lacking check canard and tailplane authority limiters, they both should be at 150). The structural fuselage part forward of the engine has a tendency to heat up, but not close to levels of it failing even at maximum speed.

Action Groups:
AG1: Toggle Engine Mode.
AG2: Toggle Flaps.

KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/Night_Ranger428/F-54B-FirestrikeGZ3PIDY.png


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Contract No. 002
Generation 2
YF-81 Cheetah

A high performance twin engined interceptor, designed to climb fast and destroy bombers. Is capable of in excess of Mach 2.7. Isn’t especially maneuverable, but can turn reasonably well at low level. Has very good acceleration performance, too. Ground handling tends to be a bit hairy, so landing speed needs to go as low as possible (Under 75m/s is recommended).

Action Groups:
AG1: Toggle Engine Mode
AG2: Toggle Flaps




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