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Your custom part category


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Have you ever wanted your mod to have its own custom part category?

-Don't want your mod to rely on other mods like Community Category Kit?
-Don't know how to code or codding isn't your thing?

I can make one for you!
All you'll need is:
Two Icons that are both 128x128 (preferably png). One for tabs normal view and the second icon for the tab being selected

(here is an example of what I mean)
[Icon Normal]

[Icon Selected]
Just tell me the name of your parts Manufacturer and the name of your mod and the name of the tab and I'll send you your .dll file

Note: The Icon(png file) Name has to be the same as the tab name and has to stay in the same folder as your .dll
example: if the tab name you're wanting is "Satellite Expansion" the icon(png file) would need to be called
Satellite Expansion_normal.png
Satellite Expansion_selected.png
(I'll provide a folder with the .dll and two example tab icons)


This is something more aimed for modders/part makers such as Airplane Plus, KAS, KIS, NKD, KW, ect..)
I won't/will not take requests do this for mods that aren't your own
(example: if you ask if I can do this for kas/kis/ect and you are not the owner of kis/kas/ect, I will not do it, or at least without the mod owners permission)
Again, I know Community Category Pack does this, but this is for modders that want their tab built into their mod


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As a player I prefer CCK to mods that include their own category. With CCK I can control the part categories for my game. Can't do that when mods install their own categories and I usually don't agree with the modder's choices. When I run across a mod that does this I either uninstall it or recompile the mod locally to remove the feature you're advocating.

Personally I hope to never run across a mod including an unknown custom .dll provided to them with no idea what it contains.

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1 hour ago, Tonka Crash said:

As a player I prefer CCK to mods that include their own category. With CCK I can control the part categories for my game. Can't do that when mods install their own categories and I usually don't agree with the modder's choices. When I run across a mod that does this I either uninstall it or recompile the mod locally to remove the feature you're advocating.

Personally I hope to never run across a mod including an unknown custom .dll provided to them with no idea what it contains.

But this is for modders, not players.
As I said, it's for modders, and I'll be showing the modders exactly what the .dll contains. All I'm doing is helping out other Modders that would want custom category's for their own mod. Also, KSP has its own inbuilt custom category for players anyway, and you can easily add in parts to that category with a click of a button, but in the end, its the modders choice

Edited by SparkyFox
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Hi @SparkyFox,

It's great to see that you're eager to help fellow modders, but please be mindful of the add-on posting rules.  Specifically, nobody's allowed to post or share a mod (including a DLL) unless, among other things, they do the following:

  • Must post a license for the mod
  • Must post the source code for the mod

If you just build a custom DLL and give it to people, that wouldn't work unless you also provide them with the source code, and include a license with it.  Furthermore, they themselves would not be allowed to include the DLL in their mod, unless they provide access to the source code & license.

This doesn't mean you can't do the service-- it sounds like it could be very helpful!  But there are some i's to dot and t's to cross, so please be mindful of that.

Thank you for your understanding.

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On 2/26/2019 at 7:29 PM, SparkyFox said:

But this is for modders, not players.
As I said, it's for modders, and I'll be showing the modders exactly what the .dll contains. All I'm doing is helping out other Modders that would want custom category's for their own mod.

What is your plan for publishing the source code and license for every DLL that you distribute, in order to maintain compliance with the mod posting rules (both for yourself, and for any modder who may want to include your work)?  (And please don't only answer the question here in the thread-- your OP above really needs to make that clear.)

Bear in mind that it very much is for players-- unavoidably-- since they're the ones who would end up running your DLL on their machines.  The people you deal with directly are likely to be modders, but for your solution to be viable, the mod-posting guidelines for licensing and source code need to apply, end-to-end (from you, through the 3rd-party modder, all the way to the player's machine).


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