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Include part node sizes in the displayed statistics

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...by which I mean in the stat block with mass and stress/temperature tolerances. And I dare say it should be the first entry in the block, the very first line you read. I've been playing for a long time so I'm already familiar with the sizes of tanks (in particular) that have been in the game since forever like the Kerbodyne and FL-T-series tanks, but I only now got into 1.875m parts in my career game...and I'm terribly confused which if any tanks or engines come in that size except the two tanks which I already had when I unlocked the Terrier.

I do know there is that 1m size scale in the pictures, but since it's oriented with the part length, it's actually not that helpful for me and they basically all look the same since the thumbnails are scaled to be the same size on-screen. I also know about the part filters and sorting, plus you can always pull one into the scene and see immediately whether it fits. So I can work around the limitations this causes in the editors. Some of the parts (e.g. decouplers) have names which describe their size, and some have it in the description text, but they're the exception rather than the rule, and most importantly it's not consistent among all parts.

But where the info on node sizes is really needed is in the tech tree screen. You can't filter the parts shown in each node by size, and once you pick a node, you're committed. Whether or not the parts in that node are compatible with the parts you already have in your inventory. It would be enormously helpful to mouse-over the Mk 2 Command Pod in the Advanced Flight Control node and see "Attachment: 0.625, 1.875" or "Attachment: Size 0, Size 1.5" in the part listing.

How did we survive so long without having this data?

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