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Sats to everywhere, in one launch, in one ejection burn from LKO !


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This idea came to me while doing a challenge from discord, which was to launch 5 different sattelites to 5 different celestial bodies, where of 2 of them are different planets, in one launch.

So of course, I said to myself, lets launch sats to every single planet and moons, but I taught too : if this was possible in one ejection burn from LKO....,  and it is !!

But it was kinda a headache haha:sticktongue: Because of the sick flybies, and launch windows.

As this is quite a long mission report, I'll split it in multiple posts, to avoid having a 47 km long one, but for those who wants, here is already the complete mission, with minimum set of mandatory pics (was for the challenge submission) :


So here's the rocket, pretty simple:


And the upper/transfer stage, with sats stacked on top of it


The plan is to launch all this stuff to Eve, and  when needed, release some Sats along the way, so they can follow their own path to their respective destination.

the mission uses the following general path:

K - E - K - K - Jool (same as Galileo)

for Eve sats, obviously, only K - Eve.

for Duna sats: K - E - Duna.

for Moho: K - E - E - Moho. (Same as Messenger, but without the multiple Moho flybies, unuseful in my case)

for Dres: K -E - K - Dres

for jools sats K - E - K - K - Jool.

And for Eeloo, K - E - K - K - J - Eeloo (with insertion in Jool orbit to wait for the Jool-Eeloo window)


Next post, I'll cover the mission from launch to Eve arrival

Edited by kurgut
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Part 1 from Launch to Eve things !

Standing by to launch:


Liftoff !


Boosters sep


Upper/transfer stage finishing:


And orbit !


Now let's plot our ejection burn:


Not optimal, 1092 m/s departure, could be done with almost less than 1000 Dv with some multi moon flybies, but heh, good enough! :)

Here the Eve arrival date is critical, otherwize my later flybies to Kerbin would be impossible (eg. flyby under atmosphere, or huuge DSM before getting to Jool)



The resultant trajectory, after the burn, now let's wait to be in Kerbol SOI to make our first payload sep, as our first DSMs (Deep Sapce Maneuver)



First sats released!


Here you can kinda see better:

The four little ones on the left are all the same, and are for Duna and Eve (and their moons), on the right, it's the sat for Moho. (for ease, I named each sats with the planet name it'll orbit + K (Evok, Dunaak, etc), the carrier stage is named Satzall (first name i put in Vab, lazy to change). 

This will be the biggest payload separation of the mission, as they all use the Eve slingshot in a specific way.


Now we can start doing the fine tuning tricky things.

Here we are, about 100 days later, just after the DSM is done for Satzall, we can see the nice Kerbin encounter after the pass. My Pe at Eve will be around 600 km, not bad, means we're more or less in time.



Here (below) Evook, I already plan the minimum insertion burn possible, since I'll have to capture with Gillyyk, about 1 min later.

(also, one more self added rule was to have the sats as much as possible in polar orbits)



Doing same thing for Gillyyk, but I also set the orbit for the Gilly encounter (making Ascending node match with my Pe)



Now for Duna sats: it's really the best flyby I could from it (balance between our relative inclination to Duna after leaving Eve, and the Sun Ap).

But to be able to encounter Duna, I will still need to raise raise my Ap to Duna Orbit, match planes with Duna, and also, raise a bit my Pe to avoid encountering Eve again, that would completly mess my orbit (which happened to me in a past attempt^^) !



Obviously, trying to do the same thing for Ikiik:



For Moho, we need set the flyby so we encounter Eve again later, this allow to slow us down, and almost reach Moho orbital path for free. As you can see,  the resultant orbit after Eve pass looks almost like Messenger one, at the only " little" difference that I'm not at all in a good Eve-Moho launch window, which will dramatically increase the Dv needed for insertion at Moho.

(you can see the upcoming encounter in ~100 days, and the other one in ~360 days)



We're finally done for this part! All maneuvers are done, now just have to let gravity do the work for us!

And 100 days after all those maneuvers (so 200 days after Kerbin departure), Eve encounter!

Aren't those orbital lines beautiful? :)


Next: Eve sats insertion, and continuing the mission further.

Edited by kurgut
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