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[Unofficial/Fanmade] .17 Development 3


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This is the third 0.17 discussion thread.

Thread Rules:

1. Talk about 0.17 only!

2. No talking about other updates or stuff that will never be implemented!

3. No arguments!

Keep this thread newbie-friendly, so if we get lots of pages and a newbie comes with a new question, don't shout at them, answer politely.

Last one was getting really big so its time for a new one.

Link to the old post http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/16723-UNOFFICIAL-FANMADE-0-17-Discussion-Thread-2

Edited by FishyFishy13
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But the new forum software can handle threads that big. If it was getting too big, the mods would have closed it.

true, but ill agree, after a certian size alto of information becomes hard to find and things get buried. that said, in this thread the OP should have linked any and all posts of importence, or at the very least copied and credidted, otherwise this thread wont achplish anything.

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