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Make the KSC a bit less dead.

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I got this idea whilst scattering some Kerbals around the KSC to make my save a bit more lively and thought that we could have a few adjustments to the KSC to make it less dead.

1. Have kerbals scattered around the KSC. Considering we already have kerbals around the VAB editor flailing about with their engineers' reports screaming "This ship will crash and burn!", maybe we could have some doing the same thing bout around the R&D facility?

2. Make those vehicles parked at the R&D facility move. At the moment, they're just static models, and I thought it would be cool to have some vehicles move about like in mods such as KSC++, but not to the same extent. Otherwise, they just feel a bit pointless.

3. Be able to knock on doors. Maybe this could trigger a quip from one of the workers?

These were just some ideas because the KSC atm is a bit boring, especially on my mostly stock save. I feel Squad could easily do this considering there's already mods that do this.

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