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Irritating IVA Bug in Enhanced Edition

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I own KSP Enhanced Edition, so naturally I was psyched when the new update finally came out.

So I built a Mun Rocket with the "Pea" Re-Entry Module. I was excited to try the IVA.

I click the IVA button. First thing I notice is the velocimeter. The meter looked something like this:











Instead of like this:

ORB: 2300 M/S

Basically, the velocimeter reads vertical instead of horizontal like it should. At first I thought it was limited to the "Pea," but it turns out that EVERY SINGLE COMMAND POD has this problem. Does Squad know about this? Will they fix it before too long? Or will we have to wait another year for this agitating bug to be fixed?


EDIT: It was fixed by the patch. Never mind!

Edited by Jebediah Kerman Jr.
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