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[STOCK] Worldship

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The Worldship is a large vessel meant for interplanetary travel. It is designed for participation in joined interplanetary missions and to observe a planet or moon from orbit. The Worldship is quite large but fuel-efficient due to a somewhat unconventional design, and last but not least; it is CPU-friendly ... ! However, this prototype presents a serious problem and I hope you guys can give me some advise ... !


The three large fuel tanks are crucial; they contain 6400 liters of fuel when full and are connected to the engine with fuel lines. In this stage there's no problem.


But when the two smaller fuel tanks are empty and detached, fuel transfer from the largest tank is blocked, despite correct fuel connection to the engine. 3200 liters of fuel is unusable and my ship is now essentially a giant useless firecracker. Has anyone a explanation and/or solution for this problem ... ?

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By default, aren't the radial decouplers already cross-feed capable? If so, I think the issue is that the game has gotten confused about where to actually pump the fuel...does it go (once into the wing) back down and into the tank attached to the engine...or go directly to the engine?

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By default, aren't the radial decouplers already cross-feed capable? If so, I think the issue is that the game has gotten confused about where to actually pump the fuel...does it go (once into the wing) back down and into the tank attached to the engine...or go directly to the engine?

Nope. They're not

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I had to do some slight modifications to the ship, but I managed to solve your issue. See it here. I also changed some of the staging ( just to make it more compact ) and of the fuel lines in the lower stages to increase the efficiency

BTW, and as a opinion, the ship has clearly the dV needed for a trip to Eve or duna ( I tried to burn to the supposed Eve orbit and and it ended with almost a full tank big tank of fuel left ), but I do not understand why you are ejecting the four lateral engines out at that time ... IMHO you should do that after jettisoning the lateral upper tanks ( that would need other fuel line work, though )

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Thanks for you input r-rolo1 ... ! I eject the four lateral engines relative early to reduce mass while navigating (deep) space, the vessel isn't supposed to land on a celestial body. However, I've looked at your redesign and it does makes sense. Trying it now ...

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Why don't you try connecting the outer two tanks to the center tank (which is then connected to the "wing" as it is now), instead of connecting both the outer tanks AND the inner to the "wing"? The fuel flow should be the same, but it should fix the problem

Also, nice creativity

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Well, the solution to this problem was indeed very simple and obvious; I can't believe I overlooked it ... ! After the adjustments, I raised my apoapsis around Kerbol to around 29,5 million km, one orbit around the sun now took 212 days. Kerbin makes one orbit in 106 days, so I succesfully encountered the planet 212 days after leaving Kerbin SOI. After establishing a stable orbit around Kerbin (between 90 - 140 km) around 4100 liters of fuel was left usable. No pics available yet.

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