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Rational Resources 3.0.3 [Feb 02, 2025]


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Release 1.0.2

DOWNLOAD :: GitHub :: SpaceDock

  • Updated SSPXr extras config. Caught redundant/overlapping subtypes.
  • Added WBI logistics module to all stock parts when TankSwitchForSquad patch is active and Rational Resources is in Classic Stock play mode.
  • Tiny adjustments to nuclear engines.


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  • 5 weeks later...

By the way, is there a recommended mod with fuel tanks to use with the dual CO2/Water Nerv? IFS has liquid CO2 tanks available that work, but they switch to "liquid water", which doesn't work with the "water" resource the engine expects. Stockalike Station Parts Redux has cargo containers with water, which works with that engine, but no liquid CO2 setup

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Release 1.0.3

  • Added Restock+ new Ore tanks (KSP 1.8) to Ore tank resource switching.
  • Fixed missing Water in Duna and Laythe polar regions without JNSQ.
  • Fixed specific restrictions at Mun Polar Crater without JNSQ.
  • Fixed missing NEEDS in OPM patch.

Download links in thread OP

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11 hours ago, juanml82 said:

By the way, is there a recommended mod with fuel tanks to use with the dual CO2/Water Nerv? IFS has liquid CO2 tanks available that work, but they switch to "liquid water", which doesn't work with the "water" resource the engine expects. Stockalike Station Parts Redux has cargo containers with water, which works with that engine, but no liquid CO2 setup

In RR's Extras folder is a config that applies RR's fuel options to tanks that have the stock manufacturers. I haven't tested whether it applies to any fuel tanks added by Restock Plus but it should, and nobody has asked to provide this feature for any popular rocket part mod's tanks.

Also in RR's Extras folder is a config that provides the Ore tank options to all of SSPXr's parts, however, I do not provide fuel as SSPXr explicitly is not meant to hold propellants, and LqdCO2 is good for nothing but propellant and fire suppression. I would therefore go after NF Launch Vehicles and CryoTanks.

I remember that a "liquid water" exists in KSPI but I do not know its internal name (likely abbreviated) so you'll have to find that yourself and change it from "LqdWater" if this is incorrect. It occurs 3 times in the example config below.  Save this config anywhere in GameData and it should work for you.


			name = LqdWater
			title = LqdWater
			primaryColor = Ocean
			secondaryColor = Ocean
			descriptionSummary = The engine consumes <color="yellow">Liquid Water</color>.<br>This is the more economical high thrust option, immediately superior in performance to the LV-303 and LV-909 LFO engines. 
			descriptionDetail = <b>Thrust:</b> 30.0 kN ASL / <color="yellow">130 kN</color> Vac.<br><b>Isp:</b> 86 s ASL / <color="yellow">370 s</color> Vac.
			defaultSubtypePriority = 0
					name = ModuleEnginesFX
					engineID = mainEngine
					maxThrust = 130
						name = LqdWater
						ratio = 1
						DrawGauge = True
						resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
						key = 0 370
						key = 1 86
						key = 2 0.001



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22 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

In RR's Extras folder is a config that applies RR's fuel options to tanks that have the stock manufacturers. I haven't tested whether it applies to any fuel tanks added by Restock Plus but it should, and nobody has asked to provide this feature for any popular rocket part mod's tanks.

Also in RR's Extras folder is a config that provides the Ore tank options to all of SSPXr's parts, however, I do not provide fuel as SSPXr explicitly is not meant to hold propellants, and LqdCO2 is good for nothing but propellant and fire suppression. I would therefore go after NF Launch Vehicles and CryoTanks.

I remember that a "liquid water" exists in KSPI but I do not know its internal name (likely abbreviated) so you'll have to find that yourself and change it from "LqdWater" if this is incorrect. It occurs 3 times in the example config below.  Save this config anywhere in GameData and it should work for you.

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			name = LqdWater
			title = LqdWater
			primaryColor = Ocean
			secondaryColor = Ocean
			descriptionSummary = The engine consumes <color="yellow">Liquid Water</color>.<br>This is the more economical high thrust option, immediately superior in performance to the LV-303 and LV-909 LFO engines. 
			descriptionDetail = <b>Thrust:</b> 30.0 kN ASL / <color="yellow">130 kN</color> Vac.<br><b>Isp:</b> 86 s ASL / <color="yellow">370 s</color> Vac.
			defaultSubtypePriority = 0
					name = ModuleEnginesFX
					engineID = mainEngine
					maxThrust = 130
						name = LqdWater
						ratio = 1
						DrawGauge = True
						resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
						key = 0 370
						key = 1 86
						key = 2 0.001



Wouldn't this prevent me from refueling the engine from your mod's "water"? IFS internal name is indeed LqdWater

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@juanml82 No it wouldn't. The config I offered you doesn't change a B9 subtype. It creates/adds one. You will have the Water and LqdWater options together.

I'm planning on supporting Alumina and Mopedantte [forum censor] (these are particular to KSPI) and introducing ISRU chains to make them useful.

  • Alumina to produce Oxygen, Metal(s) and SolidFuel. (To be availed in EL recipes.)
  • Mopedantte to produce RareMetals, Oxygen and Phosphorous. Phosphorous is super rare in nature and largely found in living beings so it has a great potential in-game for farming money and fitting into obscure life support related processes.
  • Carbon (not mine-able but received from the prior existing CO2 splitter process) which could go with Water or Hydrolox (IRL it would actually go with Phenols but I don't want to implement those. The end of this process would be Ablator. (Also to be availed in EL recipes.)
  • Given that Ablator and SolidFuel are non-transferrable, I have the idea to introduce an intermediate process that requires a staffed science lab or other appropriate part for industrial processes to produce employ CRP/USI Chemicals which is then consumed by a converter module in the SRB or the heatshield. This idea targets players who develop reentry vehicles from outposts in vacuum or who experiment in reusable SRBs and vacuum-only SRBs. I read something about proposals for cheap lunar-based SSTOs.

Furthermore I've entertained for a long time, the concept(s) of making parts from mods (according to certain themes they follow) have requirements for different combinations of resources and diverge from the one-size-fits-all solution of MaterialKits or RocketParts for everything... Particularly parts that aren't actually rocket parts (see: base parts mods, science experiment packs, glass domes, Of course this means a lot of complexity and it reaches into RealISRU territory and will likely remain a pipe dream/daydream. Since I very rarely casually play, I won't have it in me to enjoy and develop this for myself. I could start these but I'd need to see some sufficient evidence of demand for these things.

  • Base parts like Firma (Screenshot) which are built from the crustal material around them (see: Mars 3D printed habitats) may require mainly Rock or Silicates.
  • Tundra Exploration's Starship would have required mainly Carbon (while SpaceX was focused on using Carbon Fiber).
  • Glass parts (screenshot) would require mostly or only Silicates.
  • WBI Pathfinder does something like this for itself already, requiring lots of its own Equipment or Konkrete resources. Equipment is equivalent to MaterialKits and Konkrete is largely made from Rock, Slag and possibly Water.
Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Hi, that cfg doesn't seem to be working. Nonetheless, the problem is this: the drills extract Rational Resources "water", but since that's a different resource than IFS "Liquid Water", it can't be stored in IFS tanks. Therefore, even if the engine is switched to use IFS Liquid Water instead of RR Water, it can't be refueled in situ


EDIT: Or I can just use SSPR instead of IFS for fuel tanks

Edited by juanml82
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How is the radial intake supposed to work as an atmospheric resource harvester? I have it in a parked rover in Duna and it's absorbing CO2 rather at random and only in small quantities. Is it supposed to be used in flight instead of parked?

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On 11/26/2019 at 8:30 PM, juanml82 said:

Hi, that cfg doesn't seem to be working. Nonetheless, the problem is this: the drills extract Rational Resources "water", but since that's a different resource than IFS "Liquid Water", it can't be stored in IFS tanks. Therefore, even if the engine is switched to use IFS Liquid Water instead of RR Water, it can't be refueled in situ

I didn't anticipate that you''d go drilling for it, sorry. The problem (highlighted) is that you need to have some amount of available tankage for the resource you're drawing (even just 0.01 units max). Your craft simply cannot hold the resource so it declares itself "full." The ResourceName value needs to change from Water to LqdWater in RationalResourcesParts\CRP\zDrills_Stock.cfg

29 minutes ago, juanml82 said:

How is the radial intake supposed to work as an atmospheric resource harvester? I have it in a parked rover in Duna and it's absorbing CO2 rather at random and only in small quantities. Is it supposed to be used in flight instead of parked?

Unfortunately that's one of a few very major flaws in the stock resource harvesting system. An atmo harvester's harvest rate depends firstly on how fast it's moving. The moments when you do receive something are because you're drifting at how many mm/s because of friction-less ground. Ideally it should work fine when sitting still but at some point it got unfixed and is going to be that way forever, probably.

Edit: You might (also) need an extra ISRU module added somewhere that converts Water to LqdWater. It'll be a pain to change the references to "Water" in everything, especially all the resource placements.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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I don't know either. A quick google search lead me to this https://www.quora.com/How-much-water-is-required-to-produce-1-kg-of-hydrogen which states it's 9kg of water per kg of hydrogen, assuming a perfect conversion. I think electrolysis of water has an effectiveness rate of 70%. So it's about 13 kg of water per kg of hydrogen?

If so, this pair of SSPER containers with 840,000 kg should be, more or less, enough to fill up the spherical LH2 tank, which holds a about 61,000 kg of hydrogen (840,000/13=66,461)


However, all that water only fills up to 133,000 units of LH2, which equal to about 9,400 kg of hydrogen

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  • 1 month later...

An update is finally coming. Highlights:

  • Ore tank options added for Alumina, Carbon, Mopedantte, Phosphorus.
  • Phosphorus is essential to human life but can't do much in-game so it will be good for farming funds. It is not in the CRP so it's defined separately.
  • Splitter converters for Alumina and Mopedantte will produce a small array of other resources.
  • Facility for refilling heatshield ablator in-flight. Will require a science lab staffed with engineers to produce a "work" resource which will be consumed with some Ore, by converters added to heatshields (this latter converter simulates EVA work being used and is needed because Ablator cannot transfer). This is something I've entertained for some time, however, I can't make sense of the idea of refillable SRBs (as far as stock mechanics allow).
  • Kerbalism compatibility for all the added ISRU chains.
  • Fuel input switching on fuel cells.
  • KSPI resources should no longer be getting replaced.
  • Karbonite and Karborundum are bound to be purged as they are abstract handwavium and therefore, not rational resources.

Feedback is open.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Due to the highly disposable nature of solid rockets I always thought it was silly that players wanted a means to recover, recycle and refill them. So I'd like some insight (particularly from a KSPI user) how KSPI makes it worthwhile to do this. I know some of them mine Alumina to make AluminumFuel for SRBs.

At the same time, I find it curious and possibly worthwhile to refill/re-paste heatshields so I created a system for that. The stock science lab is equipped with a converter titled "Blacksmith" with upgrade-able performance powered by B9 Part Switch. It simulates a molten metal forge and a piping system installed in one of the unused decks (the lab has 3 floors and can seat 6 kerbals, but only 1 floor and 2 kerbals are used by Squad). This converter uses Core Heat to spool up but will not overheat like you expect. It also requires an engineer trait (not converter skill) for full throughput.

Since Ablator is not transferable, heatshields that hold it will get a converter that accepts Ore and the new RR Work resource produced by the Blacksmith. This simulates the kerbals going to the shields with hoses and sprays (or other applicable equipment) capable of withstanding the molten material from the furnace.

This system will be released as an Extra and will not be active by default. Beyond refilling heatshields I imagine this being useful to those who have a working method (including MM patches) for reusing solid rockets or who want to use the lab like this to produce other non-transferable resources...

  • EnrichedUranium for USI reactors, for example.




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3 hours ago, Friznit said:

Since parts are unfueled when built with EL, you can't use standard SRBs. 

Ohhhhh. That's plenty reason for me to provide for that. I'll do so.

I've created documentation for the Blacksmith system on the whole for players to check out at their leisure. At the bottom of the wiki page is the Clients section which lays down a few potential other use cases for this facility.


"Clients" in this context refers to drafted or current use cases for parts that hold non-transferable resources and will benefit from using the RRWork resource, and for parts that can otherwise be used with Blacksmith to add gameplay value:

  • Heatshields: Refilling Ablator. This occurs at a very slow pace.
  • Nuclear reactors: Refilling nuclear fuel and possibly but much less likely, removing nuclear waste. This would happen at a fast pace. Unfortunately this seems like it could get messy very fast without a plugin so it may not happen.
  • Solid rockets: Refilling devices that use SolidFuel. While there are players who manage some form of SRB re-usability program, it is beyond me if and how they can reuse an SRB as an engine when an SRB cannot be shutdown.
  • Thermo-electrics: Expecting that the ThermalPower supply will largely go unused once an operation that needed it is finished, parts may happen that can sip on the remaining power and produce much more total ElectricCharge than was invested to prime the Blacksmith furnace.
  • Untitled: Expecting parts that may consume pseudo or interim "chemicals" produced along with Work.


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Release 1.1.0

DOWNLOAD :: GitHub :: SpaceDock


  • Added input fuel switch to fuel cells. (Not available for Classic Stock due to OmniConverters.)
    • LFO, Hydrolox, Methalox for stock.
    • MonoProp, Ammonia for Restock+ APU.
    • Warning: Tweakscale will not affect their rates.
  • Added Silica surface template.
  • Added splitter (converter) for Alumina and Mopedantte.
  • Added B9 tanks types for Alumina, Carbon, Mopedantte, Phosphorus (visible to Ore tanks).
  • Added CryoTanks detection for fuel cell patch.
  • Added Kerbalism detection (Do not activate patches for drills, converters, fuel cells if Kerbalism is installed). WIP config exists to add ISRU chains to Kerbalism processes. This config is not in the download.
  • Added Phosphorus resource. Phosphorus is a vital element in life as we know it, but is incredibly hard to come by and will be priceless in generation ships. Fairly rewarding to produce for funds.
  • Added resource distributions: Alumina and Mopedantte.
    • Their max abundances are heavily nerfed to fit this mod's pie charts for resource compositions.
    • Their harvesters in the stock drills have been buffed to compensate.
  • Fixed variants in Restocked cloned bread tanks.
  • Removed support for Karbonite and Karborundum as they are handwavium and not rational.
  • Stopped purging KSPI resources. They should coexist now and should appear in SCANsat's resource overlay selection.
  • Updated Extras/ configs:
    • Added "Blacksmith" facility for refilling non-transferable resources. Introduces pseudo EVA work resource. Has upgrades. Converter inputs switchable.
    • RR Blacksmith currently caters to heatshields' Ablator and SRBs for SolidFuel.
    • Disabled LqdHe3 tank type as it upset some players.
  • Updated Ore tank types (certain heavy resources have reduced capacity due to their mass differences being an order of magnitude apart for other resources).
Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Having a problems trying to get my JNSQ install to start and decided to drop this here before going to bed and resume sorting it tomorrow.

B9PartSwitch keeps throwing up this:

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'StationPartsExpansionRedux/Parts/Containers/sspx-cargo-container-25-1/sspx-cargo-container-25-1'
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/SceneManager/SceneManager.cpp Line: 566)

Module ModuleB9PartSwitch threw during OnLoad: System.Exception: Fatal exception while loading fields on module ModuleB9PartSwitch on part  ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field subtypes on type B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading fields on subtype PartSubtype Rock ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field tankType on type B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype ---> System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: No tank type named 'RR_Rock' exists

and this:

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/largeCrewedLab/Large_Crewed_Lab'
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/SceneManager/SceneManager.cpp Line: 566)

Module ModuleB9PartSwitch threw during OnLoad: System.Exception: Fatal exception while loading fields on module ModuleB9PartSwitch on part  ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field subtypes on type B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading fields on subtype PartSubtype Work1 ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field tankType on type B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype ---> System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: No tank type named 'RR_Work' exists

I could resolve the first one with just cutting the whole SSPX from the install, but the second one is giving me a headache and I wouldn't want to commit wild MM stabbery without any idea what  I'm doing.

But now, 

Good night.

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@Lathari For your SSPXr problem I figure that (for whatever reason) you did not install Community Resource Pack which is required by both this mod and SSPXr. The SSPXr patch is perfectly fine.

For your second problem, some of the RR extras configs require RationalResourcesParts, the parts mod portion of this mod, which is not installed. RR Parts contains the tank definition for 'RR_Work'.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Solution to my problem was was very tired brain type. I had a shortcut inside my install folder pointing to the original ksp.exe (for borderless window) and therefore any changes to mods weren't affecting anything...

Shouldn't try to computer when tired, leads to embarrassments.

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Release 1.2.0

DOWNLOAD :: GitHub :: SpaceDock

  • Added missing Water splitter.
  • Added Kerosene (LH2 + Carbon --> LiquidFuel) converter.
  • Fixed missing outputs in Hydrates Splitter.
  • Fixed Alumina and Mopedantte drills consuming 5x ElectricCharge for their 5x efficiency.
  • Made Carbon output available in CO2 splitter.
  • Made BlackSmith patch only activate if RR Parts is installed.
  • Moved Carbon and CarbonDioxide tank types to be immediately beside each other for Ore tanks.
  • Renamed and rearranged some converters.
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Since 1.9.0 I am getting the following error which results in the game not starting. The "RR_MetalOre" is what pointed me to this mod and the game starts without it.

[ModuleManager] Exception while calling B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.ModuleManagerPostLoad(): System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: Fatal exception while loading tank type RR_MetalOre ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field resources on type B9PartSwitch.TankType ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field resourceDefinition on type B9PartSwitch.TankResource ---> B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Parsers.PartResourceDefinitionValueParser+PartResourceNotFoundException: No resource definition named 'MetalOre' could be found
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Parsers.PartResourceDefinitionValueParser.FindResourceDefinition (System.String name) [0x00024] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Parsers.ValueParser`1[T].Parse (System.String value) [0x0000b] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataMappers.ValueScalarMapper.Load (System.Object& fieldValue, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00022] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataField.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00043] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00025] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00058] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataObjectExtensions.LoadFields (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00033] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.TankResource.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00000] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Parsers.NodeObjectWrapperIContextualNode.Load (System.Object& obj, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00038] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataMappers.NodeListMapper.Load (System.Object& fieldValue, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x0009e] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataField.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00043] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00025] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00058] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataObjectExtensions.LoadFields (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00033] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.TankType.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00000] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.ReloadTankDefs () [0x0004c] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.ReloadTankDefs () [0x0007f] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.ModuleManagerPostLoad () [0x00000] in <9d3fe92d8f32452f86b4a1298323bc91>:0 
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.MonoMethod,object,object[],System.Exception&)
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00032] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00048] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 
  at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 
  at ModuleManager.PostPatchLoader+<Run>d__16.MoveNext () [0x0060b] in <6cc6df54448a4c2b97e086234872a67b>:0 


Edited by StarkRG
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