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Rational Resources 3.1.1 [Feb 21, 2025]


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  On 1/1/2024 at 2:17 AM, Shoey said:

Does anyone have any advice for harvesting LqdHe3 with FFT? I tried using the exosphere scoop in orbit of JNSQ Mun with 0.814% LqdHe3 but couldn't get anything.


Rational Resources has no involvement with SpaceDust so there's no room for the use of FFT parts. If you used RR's own 1.25m exoscoop and it failed to produce the resource, I'm not sure what to guess for why it failed.

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Release 2.0: Mature parts pack


Things may malfunction and part balancing is still to-do in some places. Kerbalism support may be short. Do let me know what I missed.

Parts are now standalone on CKAN but will be featureless without Rational Resources itself (excluding Companion).

DOWNLOAD :: GitHub :: SpaceDock

  • Added LqdHe3 to atmo scoops options.
  • Added patch that adds options to the stock drills: Alumina, CarbonDioxide, Hydrates, Mopedantte.
  • Added parts:
    • "MISPLACED" series ram air harvesters for LACE type engines.
    • "Chill-O-Tron" 2.5m freezer which replaces the boxed freezer.
    • "Therm-O-Tron" 1.25m heater which replaces the boxed heater.
    • 5m exosphere scoop with 100m funnel span.
    • "Giga-Tron" 3.75m refinery which produces (only) FusionPellets.
    • Gas Cache tanks (inline, 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m, 5m) for use with harvesters or refinery edge cases.
    • Discount CryoTanks (inline, 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m, 5m) for use with RationalResourcesNuclearFamily and the Giga-Tron.
    • Wrapper tanks, intake and Convert-O-Tron (1.25m ~ 2.5m size).
  • Changed some remaining atmosphere and exosphere resources from gas to liquid form for consistency.
  • Changed harvesters' options to follow suit.
  • Deprecated RR Parts: Hydroscoop beta, Boxed heater, Boxed freezer.
  • Removed integration of Squad radial intake.
  • Reduced atmospheric LqdHe3 presences as most Helium presence is the regular inert kind.
  • Updated parts integration to require WBI Pathfinder, not Classic Stock, for insertion of WBI OmniStorage, OmniConverter or "Omni-" harvester modules into parts. WBI integration on the whole is on the fence for now.
  • Updated Kerbalism integrations:
    • Reduced drills' output and ElectricCharge demand to 1/5 previous values. this should be the proper scaling for them.
    • Do not remove WBI custom harvester module from WBI Pathfinder's Lasso series parts.



Edited by JadeOfMaar
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  On 1/6/2024 at 4:52 PM, Xt007 said:


Loads of B9P partswitch errors after update.



Reinstall B9Part Switch. Re-download it even, if it's not too much trouble.

Otherwise, I'll need to see your GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache and your KSP/Logs/ModuleManager/<files>

I want to think System Heat Harvesters is causing the problem but I know with all certainty that it should not and is not doing so for me.

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I am also getting tons of B9PS errors after updating to RR 2.0, on several different RR parts - the first ones in my KSP.log are for RRConverterCryomatS2, and start at line 79902.

In my case, however, the problem did not go away when I tried reinstalling B9PS through CKAN (along with the 40 or so other mods CKAN insisted on reinstalling at the same time). I tried having CKAN delete the cached download of B9PS prior to reinstall, to force it to redownload it, but that made no difference either.

I've compressed my KSP.log, MMPatch.log, ModuleManager.log, ModuleManager.ConfigCache, and Player.log into a .7z file and uploaded them to OneDrive here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlnEemcsDL9Xlc0ism1_OYqRGepjwQ?e=gTUfSS

Edited by AmanitaVerna
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@Iso-Polaris I'll post a fix very shortly. The errors do affect gameplay. If the part switch isn't working then the part can't change its resource options. And currently, I've chosen not to setup the Kerbalism-based ISRU switching. I'm questioning the Chill-O-Tron's usefulness right now after putting in some effort to ensure that the extra step of using that part can be avoided.

Posted the fix. All should be well now.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
posted the fix
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  On 1/7/2024 at 5:36 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

Posted the fix. All should be well now.


I am unfortunately still getting B9PS errors with RR 2.0.1, but less of them this time. The ones on RRConverterCryomatS2 are only for moduleID=RRGasSwitch1 this time instead of RRGasSwitch1 through RRGasSwitch5. I'm also still getting errors on the atmosphere scoops, with moduleID='RamFilter'. That appears to be all of the B9PS errors in my KSP.log.

Log files, MM cache, etc: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlnEemcsDL9Xlc0jsZ0T9N7uM3a08A?e=ctG64s

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  On 1/7/2024 at 5:36 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@Iso-Polaris I'll post a fix very shortly. The errors do affect gameplay. If the part switch isn't working then the part can't change its resource options. And currently, I've chosen not to setup the Kerbalism-based ISRU switching. I'm questioning the Chill-O-Tron's usefulness right now after putting in some effort to ensure that the extra step of using that part can be avoided.

Posted the fix. All should be well now.


The heater is obvisouly still useful if I want to bring large quantity of LOX for life support or Fuel cell use

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  On 1/8/2024 at 7:21 AM, Iso-Polaris said:

The heater is obvisouly still useful if I want to bring large quantity of LOX for life support or Fuel cell use


Ohhhh. That's comforting. That means the gas tanks are quite useful too. You can use them to bring or store heaps of H2 and O2 gas in the first place. If they're missing a resource option or their storage density is low, let me know.

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Release 2.0.2

  • Updated RationalResourcesCompanion.
  • Updated RationalResourcesKerbalism:
    • Deleted Squad nuke reliability patch. This should be in the `KerbalismSidePatches` mod.
    • Fixed all B9PS problems. (I hope. :P )
  • Updated RationalResourcesNuclearFamily:
    • Restored fix for B9PS warnings with BDB nuke engines and Skyhawk Science mod.
  • Updated RationalResourcesParts:
    • Updated descriptions and stats (mass, cost, tech node). Thanks in part to @Vaskritaya.
    • Added wrapper intake to opt-in as ocean harvester.
    • Un-deprecated and un-nerfed boxed converters. Made these less heavy too.
Edited by JadeOfMaar
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I just wanted to chime in to say how awesome your new parts look. I always loved your designs and parts (not just yours, of course, there are many other great and skilled modders out there - just saying).

If I look at the new release, it makes me want to install KSP again. :D It's awesome that you still add new and exciting content after all these years. I love those wrapper parts in particular. =)

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Wanted to mention that the tanktype definitions for lh2/hydralox in RationalResources/CRP/zTankTypes.cfg are wildly out of line compared with the cryotanks mod, which makes the two mods stack up pretty questionably. This is especially strange because the ratios for methane and methalox in the same file are the same as cryotanks'. Either way, you can get significantly more lh2 per volume on tanks using the RR subtype instead of the cryotanks subtype. Not sure if this is an oversight or a creative decision, so I decided to bring it up here.

Additionally, much more subjectively: I feel like the new pill tanks might have a bit too much internal volume (and maybe mass?) for their size, but that's just me. The costs are also a bit strange for the new parts but I might submit a PR for that if you don't get around to it first since it's less concrete and easier to eyeball.

As a final note: I have a small hunch RationalResourcesSquad and CryoTanks weren't playing together like they should, but it's very hard to say since I'm using a pretty extensive modlist. CT wasn't applying its patches to stock tanks, despite comments in RRSquad suggesting it should have at some point. Decent odds this isn't a problem with RR specifically, but it's something you could investigate if you're bored one day and have literally nothing else to do.

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Hey @Vaskritaya. The RR LH2 subtypes are an oversight. I believe that at one time it was like that in CryoTanks but it never occurred to me to update and nerf to keep pace. I used a spreadsheet to calculate the cylinder and (hemi)sphere volumes of the pills so that should be accurate. The formula being: Cylinder volume + sphere volume, in cubic meters, x 1000 = amount in liters, then x units per volume for the amount of the resource.

The pill tanks are supposed to be penalized a bit (the extra mass) due to their cages. For their costs, I largely pull numbers out of a dark corner of the VAB lol, and I'm not afraid to let someone know that I'm not too good at balancing parts. Feel free to PR your suggestions on the costs. I'd like to see your numbers.

CryoTanks not doing its own thing ideally shouldn't be a problem of RR, but if it indeed used to and no longer does, then perhaps there's a fork of it going around (it's been adopted) and I'm not aware of it.

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Re CryoTanks patching: Quickly checked using a ckan instance and it seems that its a problem between b9partswitch and cryotanks, RR seems uninvolved. Will look into reporting that somewhere else.

Ignore this, I'm dumb. I think I know what the problem is, I'll get to working out the specifics tomorrow.

Edited by Vaskritaya
was mistaken
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How do I scan for resources from a planet, the planet is properly configurated by RR, but the RR resource scanner (sky) came up with only very few resource like a few percent of xenon and water.

Looking at the config the planet has a default atmo type, which should contains nitrogen and CO2, but the RR resource scanner (sky) says: CarbonDioxide[Atmo]: 0% Nitrogen[Atmo]: 0%. So that scan must be wrong.

I know with KSPI, I can use gas spectrometer to get the atm composition, but how do I properly scan without KSPI

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  On 1/14/2024 at 11:42 PM, Iso-Polaris said:

CarbonDioxide[Atmo]: 0% Nitrogen[Atmo]: 0%. So that scan must be wrong.


I updated the atmo resources to all be liquid type (to skip the step of converting any from gas to liquid after harvesting them) but I had not updated the scanners. I'll post that and other fixes soon-ish.

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