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Harmonic Fictional Civilizations


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12 hours ago, DDE said:

It's interesting that almost everyone who goes all in on meritocracy is an authoritarian. That's the opposite of anarchy.


True. According to the lore of what he was referring to though, anarchy occurs when the super AI's go rogue on occasion.

Also, it is my understanding that that in the lore people have much more power to do whatever whenever with whoever. 

Absolute freedom does NOT have to mean controlled anarchy, but that is what it means when humans achieve absolute freedom.

Case in point: A teen plays a video game but it is too hard. So he cheats, and begins stomping all the enemies in the game that had defeated him in the past. This grows tiresome as it is too easy. Thus he either stops playing at all, or begins playing with less or no cheats.

Absolute freedom is only the interlude between dedicated actions.


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Totally automated industry.
Society of unemployed humans, provided with everything fo free, in rational amounts.
Entertainment industry, 2000 TV channels (including 500 interactive ones). Sports, arts, science, talk-shows, soap operas, fanfiction channels. Entertain yourself as you wish, just don't make problems.

A lot of tasty low-sugar, low-fat food made of a standard set of food pastes, colored and aromatised. The pastes are made of GMO algae and cultured meat, so total veganism.
No farms, all productive animals are extinct after giving original cells for the cultured meat. Only wild ones and companion animals. Cats eat cultured meat, horses are companions, too.
So, nobody eats each other (except the wild ones), peace and harmony.

Total virtualization, augmented reality everywhere. Concrete apartments full of touchscreen glass walls and panels, but you can see any interactive paradise on your choice, because every wall, table, floor, and ceiling is a display (see Cloud Atlas for details).
Climate control everywhere.
So, you just don't need a lot of material things. Just food, some light decorative clothes, and some souvenirs. Everything other is either virtual or built-in.

So, your property consists of your biometrics as a universal password, and a bag of souvenirs.
This, in turn, allows to provide you with everything for free. Because the everything is just food (see above), expendable clothes made of cellulose (better replace than wash), and images on display.
Absolutely environment-friendly, btw.

No material property - no economical crimes, no burglary (just nothing to steal).
Hacking also gives nothing because all you can get, you anyway can get for free right now, and there is nothing more except it.

Numerous webcams and mikes in every room, to provide you with the augmented reality, and to record everyone's life in 3d from birth to unbirth.
Everybody is connected to the Health Control Network Once you are in distress, a dispatcher receives an alarm and looks at your place to see what's happening.
If someone assaults you, a Mental Health Emergency Squad next to your place arrives in seconds and follows your offender to provide him with a medical assistance to restore his aggression control (if necessary - in a Mental Health Recreation Center). (You can recognize them by an arm band "MH", after "Mental Health").

So, no police, no jails, no punishment. This is not a sarcasm: they really are taking care about the mental health of everyone, they don't punish.

No courts.
First of all, it's just hard to do some crime when there is nothing to crime. And aggressive people are under control, if necessary - with a tranquilising collar. They are grateful for that.
Lesser misdemeanors are a subject of TV talk show "Furor & Juror". Not 12 jurors, but 12 000. Call us, say "Guilty" if our today guest is guilty or "Innocent" if not. Then say "Moar" if the statisticlly auto-generated penalty should be increased, or "Less" if decreased. Thank you! Come again to us tomorrow!".

Global MMORPGs, virtual fractions, virtual social structures on any choice. Just keep your ship virtual.

Edited by kerbiloid
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