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Rotors , How do I make them actually rotate

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Rotors can turn in 3 ways:

  1. As free-wheeling bearings due to being acted on by forces applied to parts attached to the rotor.
  2. As electric motors which can be started/stopped, throttled, and reversed manually by the player.
  3. As electric motors running in a pattern as part of an animation sequence set up by the player.

#1 is used for bearings in things like rocker suspensions, or for autogyro rotors.  To make this work, disengage (or eliminate) the rotor's motor in the PAW, then attach the parts that will cause the bearing to rotate.

#2 is used for helicopter rotors, airplane props, etc.  To do this, 1st you need adequate power to run the motor.  Then you need to set up action groups for the various things the rotor can do.  Motor on/off, motor RPM, motor torque, motor direction.  For helicopters, generally RPM is constant and torque is mapped to a control axis so can be set at intermediate values depending on need.  So you'd have a single button for on/off, then a control axis for the torque.

#3 is used for strange contraptions, such as epicyclic amusement park rides :).  Here, you need both power and a KAL1000 animation controller.  To program the animation sequence, you go to the action group menu and put the various rotor control functions on the KAL1000.  Then you open the KAL1000's display and set up the sequence there on the timeline.

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Addition: For #2, you will either need a free rotate bearing so the torque forces does not transfer to the fuselage, or a rotor that spin in the opposite direction.

For first method, you can go end to end; for second method (which generate greater total lift for propellers), you will need a base, with one motor mounted node-node on the base and one radially attached and then offset so it's inline.

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Ok so far now then for use as a electric motor for example how do maps keys to it to go forwards and backwards I understand the requirement for power , but as yet hav'nt figured out what key does the rotation part , that's where I'm currently stuck ?

Edited by Puggonaut 2
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7 hours ago, Jestersage said:

Addition: For #2, you will either need a free rotate bearing so the torque forces does not transfer to the fuselage, or a rotor that spin in the opposite direction.

Unless you want it to :)

But yeah, the rotor parts have an hourglass shape although 1 end is bigger than the other and has radial attachment nodes (the number of which you can change in the PAW).  The intent is that the smaller end will be rigidly attached to the craft and the big end will spin, with the torque going into the craft's body.  This isn't a problem for craft in contact with the ground, with a wide enough footprint not to tip over.  And in fact it's the only way to make custom wheels with the rotors as a hub.

However, if you want to make a prop plane or a helicopter, you have to do something about the torque or you'll roll or spin uncontrollably without such control.  The usual answer to this is 2 rotors going in opposite directions so the torque cancels out.  You can accomplish this in 2 ways.  Method 1 is coaxial rotors.  Here, you radially attach blades pitched in opposite directions to both the upper and lower ends of the powered rotor, and mount the powered rotor on top of another motorless rotor (or servo) that is itself rigidly mounted to the craft's hull.  Thus, the powered rotor is atop a free-spinning bearing.  Both ends of the powered rotor will thus spin at equal speeds in opposite directions.  Method 2 is to have 2 separate but identical powered rotors equally spaced on either side of the CoM and turning in opposite directions (like for a tilt-rotor).  With this method, you can rigidly attach the small ends of the rotors to the craft and only put blades on the big ends, and don't need free-spinning bearings.

1 hour ago, Puggonaut said:

Ok so far now then for use as a electric motor for example how do maps keys to it to go forwards and backwards I understand the requirement for power , but as yet hav'nt figured out what key does the rotation part , that's where I'm currently stuck ?

1.  Open the action group editor.

2.  Click on 1 of the Custom buttons (0-9) to make it what you're defining.  We will assume this is #5.

3.  Click on the rotor.  In the right column, it will show all the various functions of the rotor.  Click on the one that says "Rotor direction".  This maps "Rotor Direction" to Key 5.

4.  Do the same for a different key (assume #1) for "Rotor Motor".

5.  Exit the Action Groups editor and launch the craft.

With the craft on the runway, hit Key 1.  The rotor will begin spinning in its default direction.  Now hit Key 5.  The rotor will switch directions.

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6 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

Unless you want it to :)

But yeah, the rotor parts have an hourglass shape although 1 end is bigger than the other and has radial attachment nodes (the number of which you can change in the PAW).  The intent is that the smaller end will be rigidly attached to the craft and the big end will spin, with the torque going into the craft's body.  This isn't a problem for craft in contact with the ground, with a wide enough footprint not to tip over.  And in fact it's the only way to make custom wheels with the rotors as a hub.

However, if you want to make a prop plane or a helicopter, you have to do something about the torque or you'll roll or spin uncontrollably without such control.  The usual answer to this is 2 rotors going in opposite directions so the torque cancels out.  You can accomplish this in 2 ways.  Method 1 is coaxial rotors.  Here, you radially attach blades pitched in opposite directions to both the upper and lower ends of the powered rotor, and mount the powered rotor on top of another motorless rotor (or servo) that is itself rigidly mounted to the craft's hull.  Thus, the powered rotor is atop a free-spinning bearing.  Both ends of the powered rotor will thus spin at equal speeds in opposite directions.  Method 2 is to have 2 separate but identical powered rotors equally spaced on either side of the CoM and turning in opposite directions (like for a tilt-rotor).  With this method, you can rigidly attach the small ends of the rotors to the craft and only put blades on the big ends, and don't need free-spinning bearings.

1.  Open the action group editor.

2.  Click on 1 of the Custom buttons (0-9) to make it what you're defining.  We will assume this is #5.

3.  Click on the rotor.  In the right column, it will show all the various functions of the rotor.  Click on the one that says "Rotor direction".  This maps "Rotor Direction" to Key 5.

4.  Do the same for a different key (assume #1) for "Rotor Motor".

5.  Exit the Action Groups editor and launch the craft.

With the craft on the runway, hit Key 1.  The rotor will begin spinning in its default direction.  Now hit Key 5.  The rotor will switch directions.

Thanks for taking the time too answer this . much appreciated .

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