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Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2

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OK guys I do not understand to logic in this. I have a lander that just docked at my space station from a trip up from the Mun. The station has a Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2 and i'm thinking, OK I'm good to go. I send my scientist out on EVA to collect the goo and reset the experiment. I get back inside the lander and find I cant do anything with it. S#%^ now what.

So out go's my guy go's once more and to the MPL. he can't get in, its full. So i transfer one of the Kerbals in side to the lander and in he go's. In side and still can't do anything with the &^*%)&^% goo. I send the scientist from the MPL who is now in my lander out to try it and Nothing.

SO WHAT DO I DO???? Throw it away??? Hand carry the by now stinking goo all the way back to Kerbal??

It should not be this hard

Advice needed please, tuvm.

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It's hard to understand what the problem your having is when you say you can't do anything with the Goo.  What are you attempting to do with it? 

A scientist can Eva and collect the data which I presume you got from the Mun and reset the Goo container.   At this point the Goo Container can be 

used again.   The data from the landing can then be either stored in presumably the command capsule or other container that can hold science data. 

If the data is reviewed it can either be Tossed, Saved, Sent to the Lab for more processing or sent by radio home to Kerbin.     IF this is the first goo 

you collected from that biome on the mun you should be able to process it.  If it not the first goo data then the lab doesn't want it cause it already has it

and if you have have a connection to the Space Center you can radio it home.   Other then that you can take it with you when you go back to Kerbin.   


By the way the two guys in the MPL must be Scientists and you must review the stored data in order to send it to the lab.   Once the Lab has data you 

must click on the lab and tell it to start processing the data it has.   

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When you "review data" on a ship with a lab you should get a 4th option in addition to the normal 3. That 4th option is to process it in the lab.

That's about it, other than making sure there are scientists in the lab and you have tons of time, and you transmit it from time to time.

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