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I started to play this fantastic game. Now I try some coupling meneauvers in the orbit. 

Since last week i have problems with the RCS control. When I activate RCS  the RCS engines start immediately without any keyboard inputs.

I cannot find the problem....

Can someone give me a hint, what could be? Is this a bug from JebMech, because I installed JebMech at the same time, where the error occured.




Edited by mfgkra
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Welcome to the forum @mfgkra.

The only thing I can think of is if you have set a vector with SAS (prograde, retro, ect) the RCS will assist in that. Try disabling SAS and see if it still happens. If it is still an issue, I would try cutting and pasting mechjeb out of the gamedata folder and see if the problem persists.

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A picture of your ship might help. If the RCS thrusters are not placed so their net thrust is going through the craft's center of mass, the thrusters will be sputtering all over as they try to both move the craft and maintain its attitude. 

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Beware that if you have ships in-flight with mod parts, they will be deleted if you remove the addon and load the save. Definitely follow the recommendation to "make a backup copy" of your saves before you remove the addon.


It could also be something with your setup and MechJeb. As Vanamonde suggested, a picture of your ship in flight might help.

Edited by Claw
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When I hear your problem, 2 things come to mind.
If you've used some trimming (alt + attitude keys), the SAS will act accordingly. You can easily press the alt button accidentally while making maneuvers.
Also, if you have a controller plugged in, a slight miscalibration or "loose sticks" can also cause unexpected thrusting.

Edited by T-Bouw
Told Shift instead of alt. Sorry :(
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