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Game data into external window (same desktop)

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I've been playing around with SerialIO a fair bit, but there was some tasks I didn't want to burden the tiny Ardunio with.
Anyone know what my options are for getting the following data and streaming it to a  window on the same desktop that KSP is running?
CelestialBody List
TargetVessel List
Target Range List
TargetVessel PortName List

My hope is to pass this information to a bit of code that allows me to pick from an available set of targets and I can code the return message to listen for a response that would 'set the target' in game.

I only thought of taking the data from the arduino and passing it back to the PC via a different COM port which an application would be listening to. But that sound rather stupid on my part.
I hoping someone can point me in the direction of some bootstrap idea seeing as I've read unity doesn't allow popup windows outside the game scene.
Is there some reference I can add to my mod to allow me to pass data to a window that I can code to display a custom GUI? Or is the only option to hand the data to a listening program and having that independent program do what it I code it to do?

Edited by wile1411
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Just realised that despite thinking about this for the better part of the afternoon, I hadn't thought enough about it.

I only just now realise that if I do get the data to an external screen, how am I going to control the 'selecting' part? That external data window wouldn't be the active window (KSP will be) so it wont recognise commands from the keyboard. I'd have to pass the input key to the application and action it based on that command. Might work...

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