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stuck on loading screen

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hello reader,

first of all, yes I do have a few mods installed. ksp starts up normally and the first launch also works flawless but when I revert to SPH or VAB or just go to the space center, when I try to launch a new rocket the game loads and after that the loading screen appears to be stuck over top of the game play. if I spam 'esc' and if I get lucky the loading screen dissapears but the camera is stuck at a weird angle and I can't seem to interact with anything. 

what could be the cause and what can I do to resolve this problem?

are there any mods known to cause this?

thanks in advance!

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It would also be helpful to know which mods, and if you can post a log file. Information on obtaining the log can be found here: 

Hopefully this will get moved to the modded help forum, which might get you a quicker answer. :D


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You have a lot of mods that I am not familiar with, but something is definitely breaking your camera, and you're getting null reference errors from things affecting the sky (sky color, sun, sun flare, etc). It's unclear from the log what's causing this. The nearest thing to the big list of errors is Hangar Extender, but that may or may not be the core of the issue.

Right before the issues appear, it seems your ship undergoes an explosion, then you revert to prelaunch, then you go back to the editor. Is that what happened? ... Does this same camera issue come up if your ship does NOT explode? (i.e. can you revert or leave with no issue, assuming nothing catastrophic?)


Unless someone else comes along and knows right off what the issue is, I recommend removing some of your mods (maybe half) and trying the same scenario that causes the problem in order to narrow down the issue.

- If the problem still happens, start removing some mods until it stops.

- If the problem isn't happening, then start adding some mods until it happens.


Once you find the mod, then you can try asking for help in the mod's specific thread.


Hopefully someone can come along and give you a more direct "mod x is incompatible with mod y" answer soon. Good luck!

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4 hours ago, TheDJTeknology said:

I'm having the same issue. Only mods I have installed are [x] Science! Continued, FullAuto Strut, Kerbal Alarm, Kerbal Engineer, Transfer Window Planner.

I only have transfer planner, this could be the cause. I'll try to troubleshoot by removing and adding mods in CKAN

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  • 1 month later...

i  have exactly the same problem.. and i dont have a lot of mods.. 

i have 
Tweak Scale 
kerbal engineer
Fuel Wings
automated science sampler
Manuver node evolved
doking port alignment
Easy Vessel Switch
Kerbal Alarm Clock
Precise Node

so basicly all practical and gameplay mods .. but when i install Transfer Window planner happens this bug.. i try every mod individualy and all of them work.. i only get this bug with this particular mod.. did some one get a solution for this? 

i have KSP 1.7.1

breaking ground and making history dlc.. 

i would like to use this mod its really useful but keep F...king up my game 
zorry for my english 

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