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Warning: UK computer lock demanding 100 Euros

The Destroyer

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thats what just hit me. thank god i got to the libary to find that fix.

Im posting this so everyone can be prepared.

Here is fix for Win7 Users: (that already have explorer in the shell if u read the article)

Turn off power to computer. not normally, just turn the power bar off.

when it boots up, hit start in safe mode with command prompt.

Type in msconfig

go to "startup" tab. look for a name that looks suspcious.

NOTE: it will try to desguise itself! mine was somthing like security aim microsoft or somthing (SAM) claiming it was windows.

if you cant seem to find it, hit "disable all" and ur pc will be fixed.

It should not be risky, considering startup programs are like auto updaters and stuff like that.

Hope this helps!

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The same virus is active under several names, always demanding money. Some claiming to be sent by police, some by copyrights organisations and probably some other organisations as well. The above solution does prevent the locking of your PC but worst case scenario offers no real solution (it leaves your PC crippled).

I have had the same virus (different firm, different language etc.). My solution for XP was: start in SAFE mode, delete all temporary and cached files. Then reboot the PC. While starting up a notification of a missing file appeared. That gave the clue to which line i had to disable in the startup.

There are several solutions to this virus circling the internet.

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Do alot of users still keep all there windows, an document files in C.

I know for laptop users its typically the only HDD available, but desktop users?

I exclusively keep windows on C:/ an every year, or critical mistake an just format it.

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i usually partition my HDD`s 1 for windows 1 for other stuff

it makes reinstalltion less of a hassle since you can have versions of drivers already downloaded on the other partition

no anti virus is perfectly safe (i had one bypassing mine to only find out it kept rebooting my laptop once it started scanning)

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You don't want to know how much of these we have in Germany.


Each one works different, there's no way that works for all of these except formatting the hard drive. If you need your data, you depend completely on Google and your knowledge... for example, I couldn't find a tutorial for my version, but I did find it by searching suspicious processes in the task manager from another user while the thing was active. Was just a file in temp and a shortcut in Autostart.

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The same virus is active under several names, always demanding money. Some claiming to be sent by police, some by copyrights organisations and probably some other organisations as well. The above solution does prevent the locking of your PC but worst case scenario offers no real solution (it leaves your PC crippled).

I have had the same virus (different firm, different language etc.). My solution for XP was: start in SAFE mode, delete all temporary and cached files. Then reboot the PC. While starting up a notification of a missing file appeared. That gave the clue to which line i had to disable in the startup.

There are several solutions to this virus circling the internet.

I remember my little brother got something similar a year or two ago... I found a registry edit file somewhere on the net which when I ran seemed to stop the issue for the most part. Then I just had to delete any associated files.

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Looks like extortionware is still alive and well. I remember when I was in college and was a bit...dumber. I was getting hit by them all the time. In time I learned how to protect myself, and even how to remove most of them. I had thought that they had gone extinct...looks like I was wrong.

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This is why I laugh at people who swear they don't need anti-virus because they have common sense. You can't control what a worm will inject into your computer, you can't predict whether some ad on a website is loaded with malware (and some can't be blocked), and such statements also ignore the fact that we humans are fallible and prone to opening word documents or things sent by friends and family, all of which are also potential infection vectors.

I don't care what OS you run, I don't care if you have common sense or not, always install anti-virus and always have a good firewall.

Edited by N3X15
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