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Glumo and Merble


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We found out two new names for a planet and its moon.

Glumo - Ringed Gas Giant

Merble - Glumo's ice moon

Merble is confirmed to have an atmosphere, but we could all see that from the trailer. he says as he didn't notice it until today....

Merble also has its sea around it's equator, meaning that if life support is added, you'll most likely want to land near the equator for water purposes, or bring lots of drilling equipment. 

Glumo appears to be made out of a different gas than Jool as in the trailer Glumo looks a little blue with yellow mixed in, at least from my perspective. Now keep in mind we don't get a good shot of Glumo as we only see the dark side, and tons of things mess with color distortion in video. Compression ratio, lighting, etc.

Glumo might be a gas dwarf, as Merble appears to be close to 1/8th...ish the size of Glumo.

I think Merble's sea should ice up when behind Glumo and on the dark side of Merble (Depending on how fast or slow Merble spins). This would create challenges of making sure you have enough water to last until the sea melts and opens back up. 

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1 hour ago, Nate Simpson said:

Officially Glumo and Merbel. :)

and finally, we have our answers. Thanks! That will be useful in my documentation of KSP 2 planets and moons.

You are da best sometimes  all the time Nate.

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