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Issues I have with the release date

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  On 10/8/2019 at 3:31 PM, War Eagle 1 said:


So if I get a crap version on console while pc players get a good version that’s fair to u?


Star theory is under no obligation to provide a console port; the PC version is the primary focus of development. So when you buy the console version; you accept that you are buying a version that is not getting the same attention as the PC version.

It's not fairness of elitism or anything else; it's just the reality of development.

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  On 10/8/2019 at 6:43 PM, 5thHorseman said:

What's fair got to do with it? Is it fair we get shoveled at us bad ports of games made for your console first?

If the port sucks take the lesson you learned with KSP and don't buy it.


Oh man I still am angry about that X-Com game "remake" (puke) that was made for console first.
Then there's all the steam versions of Console --> Mobile --> PC ported Final Fantasy games (a 15 years old CRAPPY emulator does a better job).
That's what fueled my hatred of console Ports for years and still do today.

Some coming here to whine about a PC game getting a bad console port will get absolutely NO sympathy for me.
I do however wish them the best they can get from this PC game, on console of their choice.
Hey, at least you're getting one.  I'm not sure I'll get a FF7-remake PC port myself, and ***IF*** said port will be quality, or crappy.

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  On 10/7/2019 at 12:32 AM, War Eagle 1 said:

So something that bugs me. Ksp2 is set to release for pc in spring of 2020 and console “soon after”. 

How much is soon after tho?

When ksp 1 was released on PS4 and Xbox the developers treated us like second class to the point the PS4 version is a year behind in development. That’s what scares me about ksp2 is that we console players will be treated the same way.

It would be better if they pushed the release date back for pc and released all 3 versions at the same time so that when updates come out we are on the same wavelength. 


Edit before anyone says just get it on pc...unless you are willing to purchase a better pc for me because I can’t run it on my laptop and the fact that I have bills to pay don’t make that suggestion 


Yes "soon after" has been very abused by game makers generally.

Oddly I started playing KSP because SimCity for Mac was going to be "soon after" PC release.  For all practical intents and purposes (as defined by Australian consumer law) in never arrived.


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I do most of my gaming on PS4, and am relatively new to KSP. One thing I know for sure, if my computer can handle it, I'm going to be running KSP2 in Linux. It's just not console friendly. I know they're talking about a revamp with that sort of thing in mind; but still...

Edited by stephensmat
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Here are my two cents,


first there seems to be the harsch statement: there doens't need to be a console version in principle, here on the thread. This is not something the OP wants to hear, but we could totally have lived in a world where the console market never had a KSP, or the expectation for one. And that would be, to an extent, completely fine. In fact, even after the KSP1 console versions, KSP2 could have been PC-only. Similar points can be made on similar statements.  "I expect them to meet these expectations but I fear (/am convinced somehow) that they won't meet it"; Response: "well,what says that you can reasonably have those expectations."

KSP is a pc game, not because I think it is for some arbitrary reasons of taste, but in the sense of above. KSP could have had no console version at all, and for a long time it didn't. It built its first playerbase during that time. It was developed during that time, with only PC in mind, adding what would become porting pitfalls to be unfixably discovered at a later date. One aspect I immediately think of is the fact that KSP makes use of many keys, as if your keyboard acts as a spacecraft control panel. That reveals some PC-focussedness, and I imagine this makes KSP difficult to port. (but then again ports exist, and I don't know how (well) they handled all the keys, so this particular example might well be void.) As soon as you can say the focus-platform is PC, that gives you reason to temper your demands of the "least expected quality/status/priority/whatever" when it comes to consoles. I just want to put this out there.


Having said all that harshness, I really don't want to fight about this. Of course I also want a KSP 2 console version just as much as the next guy, that is on par with the PC game, and bug-free, and released at the same time as the PC version. KSP would be able to reach more players if it has a good console version, which in the end all of us want.

But consider this: Star theory announced the KSP 2 console version at the same time when they announced the KSP 2 PC version. Contrast this with KSP 1, where there was no such promise from the beginning. The difference this makes is that star.theory probabily have the console version in mind from the start (while doing a complete rewrite of the game!, mind you). They can know the pitfalls of porting in advance (hopefully freshly learned from KSP 1's ports to console) and that will allow them to avoid these pitfalls. In a sense, that the assurances exist is already a reason to believe that the finished product will be more easily ported, and that the port will have better quality. (even though it ironically allows players to have higher expectations about it).

Is that what is actually happening, is that what star.theory is actually doing? Will the port be better than the ports of KSP 1. Who knows??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Don't ask me.

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  On 10/15/2019 at 6:17 PM, klgraham1013 said:

XCOM Enemy Unknown?  That's actually one of my favorite games of all time.


Then do yourself a favor and play the 1993(?) original if you can find a good, patched version that still works on modern systems.
It's honestly at LEAST 4x the scope and depth of mechanics than the new one.

Granted I didn't gve the remake another chance when they got xpacs out. 
Only 4-6 in a team, and being limited into what we could carry (play the original, you'll see) was an absolute show stopper.
I loved the original's geoscape and base building/location much better as well.

If you like that most recent remake, you'll love the original !

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  On 10/16/2019 at 4:01 AM, Francois424 said:

Then do yourself a favor and play the 1993(?) original if you can find a good, patched version that still works on modern systems.
It's honestly at LEAST 4x the scope and depth of mechanics than the new one.


I have.  They're different games.  Depth, or complexity, does not always equal better.  In this case, The "lack of depth" just makes for a different play experience.  I happen to very much enjoy both games.  

  On 10/16/2019 at 4:01 AM, Francois424 said:

Only 4-6 in a team, and being limited into what we could carry (play the original, you'll see) was an absolute show stopper.


Again, more does not always equal better or worse.

I would suggest actually giving the game a chance, and not immediately dismissing it because it's different.

That's enough off topic from me.  Though, perhaps such sequel discussion is relevant in some way for KSP2.

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