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How do people get space stations in orbit?

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i go up once getting high i turn to a 45 degree angle and thrust full then continue changing my angle till 90 degreese clic ksapce center tracking see my flight path if it needs more power i go add more power and checka gain afte EVERY little movelemt and its easy

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I cheat ...I build my space station small, then put it into orbit ..then I build it huge and put it on the launch pad ..then I go to the tracking station, exit tracking station ...and open the persistence file ...look for the version on the launch pad, copy it's parts section and paste it over the parts section of my orbiting version ..and VOILA!! one humungous station in orbit.

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I made a big space station without any mod, once finished it took me at least one hour to bring it into orbit: I tried every type and quantity of engines and fuel tanks. It takes time, you just have to be patient and try many different ways.

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I cheat ...I build my space station small, then put it into orbit ..then I build it huge and put it on the launch pad ..then I go to the tracking station, exit tracking station ...and open the persistence file ...look for the version on the launch pad, copy it's parts section and paste it over the parts section of my orbiting version ..and VOILA!! one humungous station in orbit.

could you explain this in an easier way to understand for a newb?

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The answer is struts. Hundreds of them, all over your space station and rocket, and more struts connecting the two.


Ive gotten some really big things into orbit, and having it all lashed together seems to do the trick.

You can get a moderately sized base into orbit and beyond with a good two stage rocket with boosters.

To get a larger base up you just need to three or four large multistage rockets.

The problems is anything sufficiently worth sending into orbit will generally reduce you to a slideshow on takeoff, up until about the first stage is done.

Due to awkward weight distribution, sas is generally of no use and you have to fly it manually, which just makes it all the more fun of a challenge, right?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Placed the core block of the station on 100 90* orbit, then (using the warp clamp docking module) I have attached modules together one by one launching it.

I used mechJeb ascensional module to randevous the core block, the ORDA mod to do the approach station clamps.

Without docking mods I guess is impossible without cheating.

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