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Bug: [1.8/Breaking Grounds] Robot parts and LT-2 landing strut breaks the physics engine


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I am not sure where to post a bug, I have never posted a bug or been on the forums before today, but here seems like the best place. I have encountered a bug with the LT-2 landing strut. When ever I put one on a robot part from breaking ground its feet clip into the ground and make the whole craft wobble. If the strut is under significant weight the whole spacecraft jumps into the air and the landing strut becomes possessed by the kraken. I know this is a 1.8 issue because I had a Mun lander that used LT-2 landing struts on hinges in 1.7.3 and it worked fine. But now after the update everytime I land everything blows up.

Bug Replication:

Step 1: create a craft with some considerable weight

Step 2: place a robot part from breaking grounds dlc on your ship

Step 3: place a LT-2 landing strut such that it comes incontact with the ground on the robot part you placed previously

Step 4: have fun as your ship bounces, wobbles, or slides as if it was in an 80s disco club


unfortunately i couldn't find a way to insert videos into this post so i created a link to a google drive folder with all the videos

Edited by cooligrek
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Well, this is not a fundamental change with 1.8. I had similar behavior already with 1.7.3. Right now I'm too lazy busy to test if to got worse with 1.8.

One thing that you can do - especially if you don't need to move the hinges while you are landed - is to lock the hinges. For this you need to switch on the "Advanced Tweakables" in the settings menu, then you'll have some more options in the PAWs of the hinges. One of them is "Locked" set that to "yes" and the hinge will become a lot more rigid. (And the default autostruts from the landing legs will go to their target.)

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I recommend not to use "toggle lock" on an action group. Setting the lock is notoriously unreliable, quite often when you try to set (or activate or however you want to call it) the lock the part claims that "it is still moving" and the lock is not set. and if you use "toggle" then you have some parts with the lock set and other with the lock not set, etc... I only use "set lock" and "unset lock" on different action groups. Then I can hit the "set lock" button as often as needed until all the lock are set.

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